Here is a serious question about Obamacare and you

LexusLover's Avatar

I could get behind that Originally Posted by CJ7
And hide, too!
LexusLover's Avatar
My tastes are a bit different.

I'd rather go here:
Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Yes. It's almost (cutting some slack to the ass worshippers) ...a no brainer.

She's even leaving a trail to follow her tail.

If she don't have no Cadillac plan, I'm gonna git her one. Deeduck them premiums.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
To the liberal that one looks like workplace sexual harassment and the other looks like a "starving" recipient of welfare who can't even afford closes.

To the rest of us, those are BOTH hot looking women (though I wish the video would continue for a few more seconds).

More of the obvious, Obamacare doesn't work and they knew it cost more and did less than they said before it "became law". Face the simple truth, Obama and the democrats (not one single GOP vote) lied to the American people and some of you CHOSE to believe rather than look at the evidence all around you. The numbers didn't work, the methods that got it passed were corrupt, but you didn't care. You are so far gone politically you would have voted for a dictator just to get a "win" over whatever enemy you wanted to beat (the Tea Party this time around). You are hyper partisan to the point of being irrational. Notice some of the stories of Obama supporters who didn't think that THEY would have to pay more. The evidence was there. The people who thought that THEIR rates would not go up even when the numbers said otherwise. Even now, when it has become so obvious for some many they would rather call Fox News a liar (though they can't support that with evidence) and hope for a painful demise of the Tea party. Those two entities have been the only ones that were universially right about this law. Talk about cutting off you nose to spite your face. You're using a lawn mower.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Boys, the surprise factor in that disappeared months (I'm being generous) ago.

1. Persons having insurance have ALWAYS picked up some of the slack in covering those without insurance by a) their insurance paying inflated costs of procedures and anything else a hospital bills you for so the providing entity can recover the costs of freebies and/or cut-rates for treating those without the ability to pay; and b) because of this, persons with insurance pay higher premiums to their carriers so those carriers, in turn, can recoup their costs - NEWS FLASH -.-.-.- insurance companies are for profit entities. I outlined in a previous thread my experience at a local church-affiliated major hospital's Emergency Room when I was in a car wreck during the three month period I was without health insurance (the first time that had happened to me in 35 years) where I was given a 50% discount on the bill.

2. Though I don't qualify for ACA assistance from the government, I established an account at to be able to easily take a look at the range of plans available along with their costs (estimated or not - I can't rely on Lexus Blather's info any more than I can Trendaway's reading of polls) as well as to go through the process in order to address through personal experience what (as usual) turned out to be wild, factless boola-sheeta being spread around by the local, gutless, Teawipe Geniuses. ANOTHER NEWS FLASH -.-.-.- it took me 15-20minutes to establish an account at 9pm Friday, October 11, 2013. It was not a lot different than using the Texas Healthcare site for the Texas High Risk Pool coverage I have had for the past year or other electronic or paper forms I had completed in the past few years for other carriers.

The wildly hysterical "Nervous Nellies" are eaten up with the dumbass (who knew?!?) and are just stirring the pot by (again, who knew?!?) complete disregard of truth, justice and The American Way (and, naturally, Da Facts).

Oh yes, I can get a better policy for a modest 15% savings over my current Texas High Risk policy, but who's counting - right?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-13-2013, 06:39 PM

I just figured you got all fucked up because I agree with your initial comment .. then ...

you wrote:

"Why should we listen to anyone bitch about something they haven't signed up for."

Isn't that what you wrote ... hanging participle and all? That's what you wrote!!!!!

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Have you ever heard of a rhetorical question? Kinda like this one?


Any way .. back to the issue .. the ACA will impact everyone in the country.

So everyone in the country ought to be able to comment. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I agree.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-13-2013, 06:43 PM

Like describing ladies who have a similar weight to this one ... a spinner or petite:
Originally Posted by LexusLover
She looks built for comfort... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Damn sure not for speed!

I'm more in line with Captain's taste but I could get behind her too.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-13-2013, 06:48 PM
. You are hyper partisan to the point of being irrational. . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Cost of Obamacare...who knows yet

Cost of hearing JD call anyone hyper partisan...Priceless

Boys, the surprise factor in that disappeared months (I'm being generous) ago.

1. Persons having insurance have ALWAYS picked up some of the slack in covering those without insurance by a) their insurance paying inflated costs of procedures and anything else a hospital bills you for so the providing entity can recover the costs of freebies and/or cut-rates for treating those without the ability to pay; and b) because of this, persons with insurance pay higher premiums to their carriers so those carriers, in turn, can recoup their costs - NEWS FLASH -.-.-.- insurance companies are for profit entities. I outlined in a previous thread my experience at a local church-affiliated major hospital's Emergency Room when I was in a car wreck during the three month period I was without health insurance (the first time that had happened to me in 35 years) where I was given a 50% discount on the bill.

2. Though I don't qualify for ACA assistance from the government, I established an account at to be able to easily take a look at the range of plans available along with their costs (estimated or not - I can't rely on Lexus Blather's info any more than I can Trendaway's reading of polls) as well as to go through the process in order to address through personal experience what (as usual) turned out to be wild, factless boola-sheeta being spread around by the local, gutless, Teawipe Geniuses. ANOTHER NEWS FLASH -.-.-.- it took me 15-20minutes to establish an account at 9pm Friday, October 11, 2013. It was not a lot different than using the Texas Healthcare site for the Texas High Risk Pool coverage I have had for the past year or other electronic or paper forms I had completed in the past few years for other carriers.

The wildly hysterical "Nervous Nellies" are eaten up with the dumbass (who knew?!?) and are just stirring the pot by (again, who knew?!?) complete disregard of truth, justice and The American Way (and, naturally, Da Facts).

Oh yes, I can get a better policy for a modest 15% savings over my current Texas High Risk policy, but who's counting - right? Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Very informative, thanks. A little expansion:
The big elephant in the room that Obamacare failed to address and due to the popularity contest the repubs can't talk about it either, is illegal aliens. A very huge part of your healthcare costs come from ER's and doctors having to "eat the cost" when they come in and subsequently bail on the bill if they are unable to pay. What is it now? 10M, 15M receiving free healthcare now? Yes it is true that insurance companies are for profit entities and you can check the SEC filing for how much profit they make and you can even buy their stock if you think they are making too much money and share the profits with them. It's extremely irritating to hear the administration set a goal of 7 million people they hope to voluntarily or force to buy insurance, yet they ignore and turn a blind eye on 15 million unlawful people they know are going to keep fucking American citizens up the ass.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Don't forget the jobs that are going to be lost by Americans. Illegals won't be covered for five years according to the current plan. So if they become "legal" an employer can get rid of most of his American workers, replace them with former illegal workers and that employer is in the clear for five years.
Don't forget the jobs that are going to be lost by Americans. Illegals won't be covered for five years according to the current plan. So if they become "legal" an employer can get rid of most of his American workers, replace them with former illegal workers and that employer is in the clear for five years. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Yssup Rider's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
.....1. Persons having insurance have ALWAYS picked up some of the slack in covering those without insurance by a) their insurance paying inflated costs of procedures and anything else a hospital bills you for so the providing entity can recover the costs of freebies and/or cut-rates for treating those without the ability to pay; and b) because of this, persons with insurance pay higher premiums to their carriers so those carriers, in turn, can recoup their costs - NEWS FLASH -.-.-.- insurance companies are for profit entities.
Originally Posted by Randy4Candy

You have just described the basis of why current premium quotes are not the "final offer"!

As the "open enrollment" (OE) was intended to accomplish young consumers were expected to enroll and pay the higher premiums to reduce the overall "costs" of the program to the "older" consumers and the government through the PRIVATE CARRIERS ... The PRIVATE CARRIERS had no clue when OE began as to how many consumers would sign up and how many would be "eligible" for what premium and a government subsidy.... and the PRIVATE CARRIERS will not know that number until OE CLOSED in six months.

Who actually believes that "signing up" for ACA is....

........... getting "government insurance" at a set premium?

ANYBODY who has shopped for insurance in the past KNOWS that premiums vary on age, past medical history, smoking, drinking, occupations, gender, current status of insurance coverage, deductibles, provider choices, copays, mental health coverages, and even method of payment. The "devil is in the details of the policy ... which you ain't seen!

For those of you who claim to have "signed up" with ACA .. find the list of providers that you have the option of seeing with the policy you BOUGHT! Print out that list ... then at the end of March 2014 ... Look for it again, print it out, and compare the two lists.

CARRIERS cannot complete underwriting until they know their exposure, which means COSTS vs INCOME (PREMIUMS).

You "pro-ACA" posters forget that this wonderous SOLUTION was conceived and nurtured by folks from CALIFORNIA who have ALWAYS had problems with a COST vs. INCOME reconciliation....and balancing their check books. ACA is no exception.
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm not "signed up" for food stamps ... I want a say in how the program is managed, funded, and monitored .... and when I stand in line at the grocery store with someone with a card or coupon for buying FOOD and I see some of the shit in the basket that is added to the BILL .. BEFORE the card or coupon gets used ... I realize the program is not being ...

...... managed, funded, and monitored ......... appropriately. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Welcome to reality. Who's stealing from the government? Whose business is it?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
According to IBIdiot, you are enrolled in Obamacare.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-14-2013, 01:05 PM

what the hell does taste have to do with pounding portly pussy and bustin a nut ??