Personal Trainers?

Sounds like a balance of these exercises & a reasonable diet may benefit all of us.
A lot of this information will help, but I also see the deep dives into details that may sidetrack the original request of this topic.

Like SpeedRacer (& some others), it's good to find something you enjoy so you can stick to it. I may do some plyo because I want my lateral movement to be faster in basketball. Or I may go on some 5k or 10k runs to help my stamina in soccer.
Biking is a nice way since the scenary can change and you can ride with others near your pace so it's not as boring. We all have different ways of being motivated, some could be improvements or some can be for health.

I think reducing portions and eating more frequent are nice ways to start since you still get to eat what you want in a sense. Integrating more legumes and fruits also help. Some people are good at adapting to light-switch diets while others are better at progressive diets.

Just my 2 cents from an out-of-shape old guy
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Hi SpeedR;
The person I was looking for a trainer for has decided to go the surgery route. Puerto Rico is nice this time of year and the creds are good ..... Now let's see where the thread goes.. Medical Vacations are a growing business and are even endorsed by a lot of insurance companies. Of course it lowers their cost due to the price of procedures stateside, but the quality of care and the services are up to, and in some cases, exceed US standards.
I've had dental work in Mexico for years and can personally testify to the $ difference and quality of work.
This is just another case of doing the homework...... Originally Posted by nuglet
Funny story. I've been to Costa Rica 3 times for fun and games. Have met several people who go there for dental work. But on my last visit I met a real nice guy who was there for plastic surgery on his face. Saw him before and after. He was so messed up "after" that even the providers ran in the other direction. Of course, this was the day after the surgery. Hopefully he recovered and speaks highly of the procedure.
Mojojo's Avatar
Funny story. I've been to Costa Rica 3 times for fun and games. Have met several people who go there for dental work. But on my last visit I met a real nice guy who was there for plastic surgery on his face. Saw him before and after. He was so messed up "after" that even the providers ran in the other direction. Of course, this was the day after the surgery. Hopefully he recovered and speaks highly of the procedure. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

His last name wouldn't happen to be Limbaugh, first name Rush would it?
da_goo_man's Avatar
I joined an early morning spin class once. The room was dark and small. Half way through I had to cut the cheese.
nuglet's Avatar
Absolutely! Why not have more unnecessary surgery? The surgeons who collect the fees will love you for it, and we can all pay higher insurance premiums.

btw...both my grandfathers died from untreatable hospital-borne infections following minor abdominal procedures [I'm sure they have nothing like that in Puerto Rico though]. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
Thanks Escort guy;
Just what we needed here, there's not nearly enough sarcasm. Too bad about your grandads, and your point?~
I'm a bit curious what credentials you have that allow you to judge whether it's "unnecessary"?
I don't remember being introduced to you at the consultation. Perhaps I just missed you in the corner?
I recommend that anyone check the DR's credentials before hiring him.
HE"S an employee when I hire him, and even the worst guy in med school has a BS piece of paper saying 'DOCTOR"
How exactly would what the person I'm trying to help, effect your insurance premiums? IT would be sooooo funny if you knew what they do for a living. BAMM!!
It's a shame you don't think before before putting your mouth/hands in gear.