The "Sophisticated" Provider...

Shiloh Stevens's Avatar
Like many, I believe 'sophisticated' is a relative term, if you're using it to describe someone's personality or manner. But if I'm honest, when I see the word used in an add, the are a few things that go through my mind -- sometimes, all at once:

1) Ooooooo. I bet she carries herself well; wouldn't look out-of-place in an "upscale" environment; and has a good grasp of the English language. Her in-call is probably in a fancy hotel and she loves wine and listens to smooth jazz... this goes on for a while, but you get the idea.

2) She feels she has earned the right to be considered "upscale", due to her clientele or past reviews. Maybe someone once told her, "You know what... you are one sophisticated lady."

3) She wants to express how she can adapt to any scenario while exuding the perception of a lovely woman, simply enjoying the time spent with gentleman X. Discretion is her middle name and she knows how to play the game, so you can relax and be worry free.

4) I bet she's hoping this will limit the amount of aggressive, unhygienic, bargain shopping men who respond to her adds. Clever, I guess. I wonder if it works.

5) She's so full of herself. I bet it's just an effort to justify the price of her company. I bet you could receive equal, if not better service from any other well-reviewed provider in Austin. Nice try, Ms. Snotty Body. Originally Posted by GRIN OF SIN
Very thought out.
Shiloh Stevens's Avatar
Interesting topic.

I use the word sophisticated in my adds. After reading some of the replies, I think I need to re-evaluate...

It is difficult to describe oneself without sounding conceited, etc... Originally Posted by Ms Francisca
The simple fact that you have read the comments and contemplated the topic shows your level of sophistication. Most likely the word defines you.
I think the use of the word "upscale" in drawing attention to clothing, restaurants. higher end items etc..... is rather "pretentious".....

a quality NOT found in most truly sophisticated people....

I know some very sophisticated people that are incredibly down to earth..... Originally Posted by Whispers
Tell me about it. The most sophisticated, smartest, well-read, well-traveled men I know is a farmer. The one behind him has EVERY last one of a particular band's album covers tattooed all over his body. He makes me sing a song from each album every time I kiss a different one

Never judge a book by it's cover.