The religious far right taking away rights

  • Tiny
  • 03-18-2024, 12:44 PM
They got their holy grail in reversing roe v wade. Blocking access to morning after pills and access to contraceptives. Banning books and taking away porn. Endless stings on sex workers and tricks. Going after gays and gender confused folks.
These religious radicals have just begun. Guess who they overwhelmingly support- trumpf
Coupled with all the nationalist anti gov agenda from the magas....
History is repeating itself
Don't believe me?

Mein kampf

Preferred reading of magaism Originally Posted by winn dixie
I agree with you 100% on social policies Winn Dixie, and wish the Republican Party were more accepting of LGBT's, pro-choice women, sex workers and the like. The GOP needs to be a big tent party to win, especially as more and more of today's younger Americans go to the voting booths.

I'm not sure that Trump's the problem, except that, like many politicians, he puts power over principles. He used to say he was strongly pro-choice. He's criticized DeSantis' 6 week ban, and some of the crazier pro-life positions. And his administration took pro-LGBT positions, like ending criminalization of homosexuality, distributing drugs for HIV free-of-cost, and appointing a gay cabinet member and gay judges. Despite his rhetoric, I don't think he gives a shit what bathroom people use. And as to legal sex work, remember the Access Hollywood tape. He likes to buy furniture for women in exchange for sex. And he's paid hundreds of thousands for sex with a porn star and Playboy Playmate, although admittedly that was partly after the fact. But any wise monger waits until afterwards to pay when he can, right?
winn dixie's Avatar
Voice of reason as always
The religious fundraisers have trumpfs ear though
  • Tiny
  • 03-18-2024, 01:45 PM
Voice of reason as always
The religious fundraisers have trumpfs ear though Originally Posted by winn dixie
Fair enough. A good illustration is Trump's support of pro-life candidates for the Supreme Court. Now we may agree with others here that there's a strong Constitutional argument that abortion laws should be left up to the states. But the fact is that overturning Roe vs. Wade is costing Republicans lots of votes

Two Republican friends, both small-time donors to GOP candidates, knew I was critical of Trump. Several years ago, they told me something like, "Yeah, he may be a divisive asshole and liar, but he'll stack the Supreme Court in our favor." Well, look where that got the GOP.

One of the two won't be voting for Trump this time around. January 6 was too much for him. I'm not sure about the other, who's as anti-abortion as anyone I know.
Precious_b's Avatar
Fair enough. A good illustration is Trump's support of pro-life candidates for the Supreme Court. Now we may agree with others here that there's a strong Constitutional argument that abortion laws should be left up to the states. But the fact is that overturning Roe vs. Wade is costing Republicans lots of votes

Two Republican friends, both small-time donors to GOP candidates, knew I was critical of Trump. Several years ago, they told me something like, "Yeah, he may be a divisive asshole and liar, but he'll stack the Supreme Court in our favor." Well, look where that got the GOP.

One of the two won't be voting for Trump this time around. January 6 was too much for him. I'm not sure about the other, who's as anti-abortion as anyone I know. Originally Posted by Tiny
You can thank mitch for that. The damage he has done will be with us for a long time.

Thank God he is leaving the Hill.
ICU 812's Avatar
Fear monger much?

Rage whine much?

Check the facts, ever? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
So refute something.