As a matter of fact I even went to go pick her up near the place she works at. And after our session I took her back to where she works at.
Originally Posted by 67
Well if that is the case, it does make you more creditable ... who the hell would accept a ride back with a psycho who had been disrespecting her for the past hour? Hell, she had $300 in her pocket, call a cab.
I tend to believe you 67 ... she didn't care to alert any other providers on this matter until after you posted your "no" review. If she thought you were so fucked up in the head that it required an alert, why do it after the "no" review. I've seen many girls do exactly the same thing that is being done here.
Tip for you ladies: if you see a jackass report him right away, not after he posts a "no" review on you.