beto and vato or is it beta and vata

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
OK - they would prefer we die off then...
Originally Posted by friendly fred
That's akin to saying that all people on the right wish all blacks would die off since 90% + vote Democratic. I may disagree politically with old, white, conservatives but since most of my friends happen to be old, white, conservatives, I hope they live a very long time and I don't let political differences come between us.
That's akin to saying that all people on the right wish all blacks would die off since 90% + vote Democratic. I may disagree politically with old, white, conservatives but since most of my friends happen to be old, white, conservatives, I hope they live a very long time and I don't let political differences come between us. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Ironically, most of my neighbors are liberal whackos who realize their liberal friends in government would do whatever they could to seize any private wealth and put it to government, rather than private use.

They think they are actually insulated from that by virtue of their substantial contributions to those same socialist money grubbers disguised as earth loving progressives.