Not All There

okiehardun's Avatar
I have met some ladies with diagnosed psych issues, and a few shared other emotional challenges. However, none of these facts impacted having a great time. Is that so wrong? ;-)
Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
Of course they're irrational, they women!

Joking aside, every lady I've seen has been more put together and squared away than tons of women I see out in public. It seems a few could rethink their priorities but they've all been sane and rational. At least they do put up a good act if they aren't.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Just to clear the air on exactly where I stand on this issue, let me say that I respect the ladies for being providers.

It takes a certain amount of courage and talent to be a provider and not know what strange men you will meet on any given night.

. . . The only point I wanted to clear up is if providers might be a bubble off true North. Then I wondered if maybe they think that their customers are the ones that are a little off center by spending their hard earned money on pussy. They may want it, but they would never pay for dick. Would they?

Nice attempt at a save. Gotta love this guy.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, when you know that your heart is clear and only means well for everyone, not just yourself, things eventually work out despite the inevitable slings and arrows of human misunderstanding.

And note that I will gladly take all the love you have sweetheart!

. . . There never seems to be a shortage of animosity around here, but sadly, precious little love resides on this board these days.

Nice attempt at a save. Gotta love this guy. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
Danielle Reid's Avatar
9/10 guys I see are either crazy, annoying, creepy, weird, or all of the above. The other 10% click well with me. I'm sure most of them think I'm crazy because I usually don't talk. I'm just shy and don't have much to say...unless you touch on a topic I like then I won't shut up. It's better if I just stay quiet.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
90% of your clients are either crazy, annoying, creepy, weird or all of the above?

That is a high percentage? How do you cope?

Is that disturbing parameter pretty typical for most providers?

. . . Lastly, by what questionable method are your screening your clients? Are you using chicken wire or the witch doctor?

9/10 guys I see are either crazy, annoying, creepy, weird, or all of the above. The other 10% click well with me. I'm sure most of them think I'm crazy because I usually don't talk. I'm just shy and don't have much to say...unless you touch on a topic I like then I won't shut up. It's better if I just stay quiet. Originally Posted by MaryBeth
Danielle Reid's Avatar
90% of your clients are either crazy, annoying, creepy, weird or all of the above?

That is a high percentage? How do you cope?

Is that disturbing parameter pretty typical for most providers?

. . . Lastly, by what questionable method are your screening your clients? Are you using chicken wire or the witch doctor?

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I don't play with witch craft, but I do own a few knifes and a tomahawk. I prefer the more hands on approach.

Coping isn't an issue, I usually just forget the crazy ones. Just because a guy passes screening doesn't mean he isn't weird. I find you highly weird and annoying, but I'm sure a lot of girls will give you an A+.
MaryBeth....You're a very good judge of character
It's so funny how oblivious we are to our own imperfections. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Unfortunately some of us cant keep from bringing them up...talking about myself of
cinderbella's Avatar
I have a dear friend, he's never laid a hand on me and he isn't sexually active. He is terribly alcoholic but he is also a good neighbor and very mannerly. If you didn't know him very well, you may assume he isn't "all there". When he was a kid, his father shot a bunch of bullets off inside the house where his mother who had remarried was living with all her children. Luckily no one was killed and the new husband managed to shoot back, leaving their shooter abuser father critically wounded. All these years later it still brings my friend to tears.

Think about when you read a story in the news about some kid surviving one of their parents killing the other and then killing themselves. What happens to these kids? They eventually become adults. Think about how many people are in prison and separated from families, think about all the kids who have lost their parents to the wars in the middle east.

What I'm trying to say is that anyone who grows up in an extremely dysfunctional or chaotic environment where they weren't nurtured or protected is never going to be "all there". Yet, as long as the world spins one has to make enough money to survive. If a woman is blessed with the good fortune of having great parental role models, most likely she will be encouraged to graduate from college and marry well. Usually a person who is not "all there" is a broken person, suffering from some sort of post traumatic disorder.

Taking the risks of being a provider is not considered a feminine thing to do. If you are looking to have sexual escapades with a woman free of any kind of neurosis, perhaps you ought to look for a woman who does not hobby. A person cannot give away there most intimate, sacred space to a stranger in exchange for money without any thought or care about the repercussions. Perhaps if you haven't considered the soul behind the face, you
ought to take a look in the mirror and wonder why you are expecting a gfe for a bargain price.
What I'm trying to say is that anyone who grows up in an extremely dysfunctional or chaotic environment where they weren't nurtured or protected is never going to be "all there". Yet, as long as the world spins one has to make enough money to survive.
Taking the risks of being a provider is not considered a feminine thing to do. If you are looking to have sexual escapades with a woman free of any kind of neurosis, perhaps you ought to look for a woman who does not hobby. A person cannot give away there most intimate, sacred space to a stranger in exchange for money without any thought or care about the repercussions. Perhaps if you haven't considered the soul behind the face, you
ought to take a look in the mirror and wonder why you are expecting a gfe for a bargain price. Originally Posted by cinderbella
First, I know several ladies that I believe are providers because they enjoy what they are doing and don't need the money. These ladies are quite selective. The notion that they are not feminine is out of date. In fact, I heard more and more college girls are establishing 'hook-up' relationships. If we decide that women controlling their own sexuality is unfeminine, we are moving a bit backwards. Now the ladies who control their sexuality by not having sex are still out there. Maybe that is why the gents are paying. As far as thinking about the repercussions, food and shelter are higher on the needs scale than sex. I'm sure some of the ladies have thought about the repercussions and decided to eat and have their children eat. I look in the mirror and expect a GFE for a bargain price because I wouldn't have a GFE otherwise. That particular fantasy is part of the trade. Ladies who can't manage to fulfill that fantasy, and their are a number, should be doing something else. Therefore, in a discussion of 'who is all there' the item of 'is there head in to the act' is very relevent. There are some gents just in to the four Fs. I wouldn't consider them all there. I definitely think that ladies looking for an ATM machine regardless of their level of service need to think about it also. Two heads in the game is better than one and absolutely better than one just looking for a good time on a one time basis. In the latter case, there is only the gents little head in the game and it doesn't count!
maybe the calibur of women you seek in this biz is poor...I , along with my provider friends are 100% there w/o bringing any drama.
EmilyEzzell's Avatar
Just to clear the air on exactly where I stand on this issue, let me say that I respect the ladies for being providers.

It takes a certain amount of courage and talent to be a provider and not know what strange men you will meet on any given night.

. . . The only point I wanted to clear up is if providers might be a bubble off true North. Then I wondered if maybe they think that their customers are the ones that are a little off center by spending their hard earned money on pussy. They may want it, but they would never pay for dick. Would they?

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
If we are - it is because we are 'magnetic'