Can you be a white knight to a provider you have never met?

dearhunter's Avatar
sofia's pussy is pretty hot.
Wayward's Avatar
Dr sofia,

We call you that because you are the smart one, I don't know if your meds just kicked in or I am really trying to talk to another person or just an alter. Would like to think it's a smart woman manning the late shift at the coin-op.

Any SHMB is not about one person's agenda it's a community silly h**k*r! If you come spamming every day with 17 ThreAds there is going to be some push back. Some of us like this board and think the other ladies should be able to get a little threAd on too now and then. The point is to be clever enough to have most of us guessing. We are manly men ruled by our peni ( or is it penises?) we want to suspend disbelief and think you are flirting with us. It is not all about you, all the time, 24/7 and then a little more YOU.

All the sofia's make that suspension of disbelief impossible, when you are smacking us in the face constantly with spamy threAds. I do not like being smacked in the face and often smack back.

Dr sofia scamper over to new P and search my reviews and posts wayward_12 yes there are some negative ones but surprisingly few. They go back to 2000, most here know the handle I posted under for the next 7 or 8 years, same deal. This is a community and you have not been elected Queen. That is something you have to earn.

I can list who some of the super stars over the last decade, if you like and the one thing they shared was a lack of acting like you do. This is another hint.

I do not suffer fools, gladly or at all, so if you want me to be nice to you... stop acting foolish. This thread would be a great place to start. Originally Posted by Wayward

I'M NOT STOPPING ANYONE FROM POSTING ANYTHING. If you call them ThreAds so be it, but guess what....not many people posted much at one time........I hope people post more. This is a great forum and anyone can post. It's not like you see my thread and say "DAMN she posted now I can't post for 3 days......."

If you like me great, if you don't OH WELL. I don't much care. I'm going to post my views and take my stance.....I think......some men are turned on by women who don't give a shit what others think...Who have a mind of their own and don't back down...As a matter of fact I KNOW so.....

There are those who like meek women and more power to them. Different strokes for different folks....The whole line "if you want me to like you".......(severe sarcasm) Yes I stay up at night worried..."Fiddle Dee Dee WW may not like me" many a nights have a wondered how to gain your favor......" I just don't really care. I'm one of those women who you probably will not like because I won't agree with you all the time. I don't agree with anyone all the time....No one does....if you think they do, they lie....

I've always depended upon the kindness of strangers...... Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
Read the upper post, I'm sure you missed it during shift change. Stop spamming please it pisses folks off and is bad for the coin-op, forgot that I have to do this for every shift.

We are going to end up with a lot of stupid rules because you lack manners and common sense, why does P411 hate you again?
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
P411- Because I never advertised on their boards nor posted anything..

If you don't like them don't read that sooo hard..

back to topic...Can someone you don't know be a WK. Let's not hijack her thread....
Diabolo's Avatar

I guess you can be one.

IMHO, it all has to do with the opinion you have of said provider, e.g. I haven't had the pleasure of meeting several of you (providers who have posted on this thread), but since most command a certain respect because of how you behave around here and the reviews you've received, I'd certainly step in and "defend your honor" (lol) if somebody was being an asshole/rude to any of you.

Now, if you've been an annoyance and all that you've done here is bitch/whine/attack/spam, you can bet your ass that I won't even bother... why? because you don't deserve it, plain and simple.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
back to topic...Can someone you don't know be a WK. Let's not hijack her thread.... Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston

That's what this thread was about! I had forgotten which thread I had clicked on ... they all seem to go the same direction now in days
carkido45's Avatar
Sofia has hijack the whole Co-Ed forum.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Hey I'm trying to get back on topic. Don't ruin it Cark
auknowho's Avatar
Bottom line is these boards are here for people to review so you know in advance what you are getting, with this comes the business and the marketing, Bad review means bad marketing, there is a lot of providers here who would not give a better service get bad reviews, either make fuss about it that it was wrong or apologize and promise to improve and than a few good reviews, next thing we know it is back to pavilion with the same service. On the other hand there are some of the best and they deserve to be reviewed and that well too, if somebody try to slander them like the Mr. Long case we had! it is everybody's duty to throw slanders like that off the boards.
It is very important to have honest comments and reviews, it's simple people who can't speak up in public about what is right and PM back door wants something either free or whatever it could be and they are definitely not WK, probably fear that people will make fun of them or so on.
Regarding what Sofia said about write something nice is not a bad idea, but she could suggested in smaller context, c'mon guys this is not Literature class and we don't need essays like RR. Sofia I have no beef with you and as i see you are a fan of Sun Tzu, the first rule of art of war is "The best form of war is to win without a battle." In your case it is all wars and no victory!
I see most people have complains about you spamming all over, some say you don't reply to PM's quickly and list goes on, why don't we open a seperate thread something like "Complains/Suggestions for Sofia with an F" you can go check that everyday and try to make yourself better, just a suggestion no need to get blue water boiling ready for me
boardman's Avatar
PM Me Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
Woo Hoo
Phil A.Cheaux's Avatar
That's what this thread was about! I had forgotten which thread I had clicked on ... they all seem to go the same direction now in days Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
Yes I think they can. There are several ladies that I have contacted behind the scenes to show support for that I have never met because they are not my type. When you are on these boards for a long time and truly understand the hobby you can read between the lines and know who the jerks are both male and female and while not necessarily drawing attention to them in public for bad, you can support the good ones in private when necessary.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Bottom line is these boards are here for people to review so you know in advance what you are getting, with this comes the business and the marketing, Bad review means bad marketing, there is a lot of providers here who would not give a better service get bad reviews, either make fuss about it that it was wrong or apologize and promise to improve and than a few good reviews, next thing we know it is back to pavilion with the same service. On the other hand there are some of the best and they deserve to be reviewed and that well too, if somebody try to slander them like the Mr. Long case we had! it is everybody's duty to throw slanders like that off the boards.
It is very important to have honest comments and reviews, it's simple people who can't speak up in public about what is right and PM back door wants something either free or whatever it could be and they are definitely not WK, probably fear that people will make fun of them or so on.
Regarding what Sofia said about write something nice is not a bad idea, but she could suggested in smaller context, c'mon guys this is not Literature class and we don't need essays like RR. Sofia I have no beef with you and as i see you are a fan of Sun Tzu, the first rule of art of war is "The best form of war is to win without a battle." In your case it is all wars and no victory!
I see most people have complains about you spamming all over, some say you don't reply to PM's quickly and list goes on, why don't we open a seperate thread something like "Complains/Suggestions for Sofia with an F" you can go check that everyday and try to make yourself better, just a suggestion no need to get blue water boiling ready for me Originally Posted by auknowho
Know your war, know your victory is in the bank! Take their minds and their bodies will follow.....
auknowho's Avatar
Know your war, know your victory is in the bank! Take their minds and their bodies will follow..... Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston took you some time to reply to that, looks like somebody is catching up on their reading.

Well their another saying take their hearts and their soul will follow something to think about? you being Queen of Hearts or should I say Queens of Minds now?
dearhunter's Avatar
I vote for Queen of Mimes
Wayward's Avatar
Did Sun Tzu say anything thing about the Blue Waters?


How about the care and feeding of the coin-op? Maybe with this one:

"He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious."

I think that means go answer your PMs and emails.
auknowho's Avatar
Did Sun Tzu say anything thing about the Blue Waters?


How about the care and feeding of the coin-op? Maybe with this one:

"He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious."

I think that means go answer your PMs and emails. Originally Posted by Wayward
I dunno about Sun Tzu but in Sofia Tzu there is something about blue water!

He who will not bring an extra cover will end up like randyrogue, will not get the blue water and end up in some sex addicts asylum.....LMAO