How many of you ladies have

Naomi4u's Avatar
Tattoo and pierced free.

Having said that, would be nice to see the provider verses her tattoos. If she gave an A plus services, friendly and sweet. Would people not see her because of acouple of tats. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
I have 4 tats myself, they are not placed on distracting areas or offensive; I'm open about them and assume anyone that contacts me is fine with it as well.

I personally thoroughly appreciate art. Although, as weird as it is, I prefer my women not to have tats on breast, but, or lower back (as I love Venus dimples, those little impressions on her lower back, a sexy back is a total turn on) .. Picky I know, but we all have our things don't we?
People all the time send me texts like "nothing sexy about the disgusting ink" and so on. My reply is always the same. If you don't like tattoos that's fine, no one is forcing anyone to see me or even look at my pictures. I usually get a response like "sorry I was mean, you seem really nice." My tattoos haven't changed my personality but needless to say my personality isn't the first quality noticed in this business.
Your Ebony Dream's Avatar
Me I Have One Small One && Was Thinking About Another???
My tattoos haven't changed my personality but needless to say my personality isn't the first quality noticed in this business. Originally Posted by TabooTanner
Interesting statement. Personally, I like women with and w/o tats. I tend to go with the personality of the lady.

Unfortunately, most ladies do not post enough to make their personalities clear. And it is nearly impossible to determine a lady's personality from the short bio she writes about herself on P411, ECCIE Showcase, or in ads. They all seem to say the same thing: "I'm a fun-loving gal who loves what she does and it's all about you."

Only with a presence on the boards can I know a little bit of what you are like.
for tattoos - less is more.
  • Paven
  • 10-30-2011, 11:39 PM
Ink girl here, I have been fortunate to have had wonderful artists tattoo me. Nothing tacky or tasteless. I have half sleeves that start up on my shoulders and go to my elbows. I am constantly being stopped by young and old alike because they are so beautiful and unique looking. It's funny how many suit and tie button down guys have seen me and said they never liked tattoos but they didn't mind them on me. Like Lisa said excellent service, personality amongst other things are enough to keep them coming back. So no my tattoos don't dissuade men from seeing me, a lot of them search out females with custom art, not flash like aforementioned.

Although I am not Maori I am French Polynesian and have lived in the Pacific so that's my rite of passage.

It has nothing to do with hating ones body or being a follower, I've always lived outside of the box. I follow no one and beat to my own drum.
Well as I have said in the past its not so much the look but the personality that sells the way you think of someone.
some tattoos are sexy and some make a statement and if done with taste and class are appealing but im not a fan of them across the face, neck or so many that they cover a persons body ..then the only statement that makes is WTF were you thnking ?
I personally like tattoos and think most are interesting and most have a story to go along with them.
I love getting it, love touching it (when it gets bumpy sometimes), and I love looking at it.

My first one was done more than 10 years ago. I've gotten a total of three so far. I don't see it as some deeply meaningful ritual though, to me it's just aesthetically pleasing. Kind of like scars. I like scars.

Fortunately tattoos are a lot more common now and are no longer reserved for sailors and prisoners. A lot of my friends that are the same age as me who work in the corporate world have tattoos.

It's a changing world lovelies!
haha love the "map" :-))
which brings me to the next topic: does anyone have the same experience i do? when i have an orgasm my tattoo gets bumpy ;-)....?
which brings me to the next topic: does anyone have the same experience i do? when i have an orgasm my tattoo gets bumpy ;-)....? Originally Posted by ninasastri

No, but if you're ever in Chapel Hill, email me.
O_O Providers live in NC besides me?!!? Oh my!! Emma I would love to meet you sometime. I like about an hour from you.

My sleeve gets bumpy but not the others. I always just figured it's because how new it is.
Adrielle's Avatar
For me it depends a lot on the tattoo itself, the location, and the lady (or gentleman) bearing it. I really dislike trendy tattoos, or anything trite/overdone; a tattoo should be as unique and meaningful as the individual it's on. I've seen some that are amazing, and some that make me cringe.

I've never been able to think of a tattoo I'd want on my skin forever, so I have none. Besides, I have tons of freckles already, which are like nature's tattoos. Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
I completely agree with Carrie. I don't have any because I'm not able to commit to the idea of having something on my body forever. I've seen some absolutely beautiful tattoos, and I've seen some that looked like they were applied during a drunken spring break trip. If it's meaningful and done by a good artist, I think they can be spectacular. But unfortunately, until they can invent tattoos that last for a few weeks at a time or something and I can get one on a whim with no commitment much like I get a manicure, I will be tattoo free.
RegularFemale205's Avatar
I love tats and plan on getting a lot more. I have 0 to worry about at work because my labcoat fully covers me. People automatically think I'm a geek and are shocked to see that I have tats. I know it is a turn off for some men but there are those who don't mind them. Am curious to see what kind of looks I will get when I show up to the VIP section of a golf tournement...