I can't quit SMOKING!!!! HELP!!

st929's Avatar
  • st929
  • 04-11-2010, 11:30 AM
ok UTR how are you doing today? Haven't seen an update lately. Feed the good wolf.

If orgasms are a trigger for wanting as cigarette, then I am your man. You can enjoy sex without the benefit of reaching orgasm. I can provide many references who have not "gotten theirs" when engaged in sexual congress with me. In other words, I am highly qualified to give you less than satisfying sex. Use me as you will. I do not mind. It is the selfless kind of person I am. Originally Posted by cpi3000

....oh how I have missed you and your posts, dear friend. Just like you to always be thinking of others!! You are a sexual philanthropist!
Since I am doing fine on the smoking, maybe you can help me out with the CPI3000 workout plan?? I still need to lose this last 20 lbs.

So far so good, ya'll! I'm still smoking two cigs a day, but I also have not killed anyone so that is always a plus.
Notice She said "YET" to killing anyone....
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
they now use carpet clue to hold the paper together due to law that came into effect in Jan...it is suppose to make the cigarette less of fire risk........
I personal am not a smoker but a close friend of mine is and has been mentioning an increase in headaches so I looked up allergy to cig smoke and came across this

curiousbill101's Avatar
I used to smoke when I was younger...decided to quit so one weekend so I bought a several packs and smoked one after another--until I got very sick and started to upchuck...and upchuck...and upchuck.

Needless to say, to this day, when I smoke a cigarette--i begin to get nauseous and if not careful, begin to upchuck.

Not saying this is the best way to quit, but it worked for me...Bad news is I started to drink and eat more--and gained a few Lbs.

  • T-Can
  • 04-11-2010, 10:11 PM
I used to smoke when I was younger...decided to quit so one weekend so I bought a several packs and smoked one after another--until I got very sick and started to upchuck...and upchuck...and upchuck.

Needless to say, to this day, when I smoke a cigarette--i begin to get nauseous and if not careful, begin to upchuck.

Not saying this is the best way to quit, but it worked for me...Bad news is I started to drink and eat more--and gained a few Lbs.

Peace! Originally Posted by curiousbill101
WTF! CB, that's what parents do to their kids - not for you to do to yourself!
But I guess if it works..........

two answers for you

the first, as everyone knows they have come out with so much different stuff that everyone forgets about the first thing that i can remember was the patches. well the problem was everyone was using them wrong, the patches were not supposed to be attached to your arm but rather you were supposed to use two patches one for each eye, put them over your eyes and you cant see your cigs and you quit smoking.


and this is coming from someone with experience in addictive lifestyle. my poison was booze. i have not had a drink in over 17 yrs so i think i can speak to the matter of trying to quit something.

first you must be really ready to quit. sounds like you are your reaching out here putting it out there for all to see. tells me your ready

second if you are ready you must be willing to do whatever it takes to quit. NO EXCUSES. i used to go to AA meetings, not for the AA meeting so much but because it was a place i could hang out until after midnight during the week. so when i left there i could not go buy beer. WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO DO.

third. keep trying stuff what works for one doesnt always work for another, in the end you may end up finding someone who went thru what you went too to quit.

here is what did it for me. sounds like your close to where i was.
i can remember on those really bad hangover days, just laying in the bed and i can remember saying dear lord if you let me stop i will not do it again. that went on for about a year. about a year after that (which was about 13 yrs of heavy drinking) i had to make a decision, it was time for real to stop, while on probation i was sent to an alcohol class and was required to do one of hour of accupuncture four nights a week.
now accupuncture at the time was new in texas and being introduced here by a lady from the ny area. if i remember correctly. anyway for me, it worked. i know others in the class that did it but they just went back to drinking. i can remember a limo driver in the class he was back drinking soon after.

anyway after the class i was good for about 30 days, i was teasing myself because i was drinking non-alcoholic beer. WRONG ANSWER.
anyway one sunday i said the hell with that and went and got a six pack of budweiser tall boys, and it was on. that was the last day i drank alcohol. needless to tell you the next monday was another hangover from hell. what happened to me that morning was just my experience. while i was kneeling and talking to the porcelain gods, (dry heaves) and it is weird to explain. but to me it was like i felt something coming thru the back of my neck and just pulled it all out.

thats my story hope in some way it helps with the cigs.
if you ever feel like talking about it you can talk to me, or i suggest talk to someone else who has quit cigs.

peace out
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar


Finally, I hit upon the perfect way to quit! Gradual Reduction.

Try my method. It's a sure-fire way to rid yourself of just about any addiction!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn

It doesn't work with sex. Wives have been unsuccessfully trying to make that method work with their husbands forever.
