I will be leaving......

Jasinda's Avatar
Hope the crisis is over soon and ends happily.

Call me if you need anything or wanna get out for some stress relief.

LazurusLong's Avatar

Never met you but sounds like you will need at the very least, some well meaning thoughts as you take time to help family.

Hopefully everything works out for the best.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 05-25-2010, 05:17 AM
THANK YOU, To Everyone For Caring......

I just want to say thank you for the out pour of pm's and emails..
Is shows me I have made some wonderful friends here rather I
have met you or not...The help you all have offered me is over
whelming..but it is not necessary....THANK YOU though!!!!!!
I am still here for you ladies if you need a reference...or if you
just need to talk.. that won't ever change....And I am still here
as a Moderator.....I just won't be providing........
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Let us know when you come back. That way, we'll know your crisis is over. In the meantime, we wish you only the very best. BTW, you get all this devotion and caring because you earned it from good friends.
Guest100610-2's Avatar
Good Luck!!! Your in my prayers!!
motocrossman39's Avatar
I hope all goes well Fawn-
hopes and payers...

Kelly TNT's Avatar
Yes, I am here to help her......and you...me..All of us!

You my dear....take care of the fam. We will be here waiting for ya!

If anyone needs/wants/must have me....call Fawn. Er...Me. On Fawn's phone. Or mine.

Oooof...damn, just send me an email.


~Kelly TNT
Papacorn's Avatar
Fawn - I was just thinking about you today, and signed on to find your note.
I hope that your family is okay, and know that you are strong enough to carry them through anything.

Anything, anytime, just ask. Good luck,
JRush's Avatar
  • JRush
  • 05-27-2010, 08:12 PM
Be strong, my friend. Laugh when you want to laugh and cry when you want to cry. I wish you all the best.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Deer One, first you had some personal health issues and now, this other thing comes along. Don't give up the ship, try to stay clear headed and in control. Good luck and remember that there are a lot of people wishing you the very best.