My latest discovery...

Mr. Rogers's Avatar
You gotta hand it to him….no matter how many handles he goes through we always know who he is. WEC is the king of consistency. Consistently evolving his story to fit his paranoid fueled narrative. The funny thing is that occasionally he will make some good points but then he goes right back to spewing his “dick clique” venom.
mtabsw's Avatar
PSA - please stop quoting asshats - it fools me into reading the spew of the people I've blocked.
Shep3.0's Avatar
LOL-- if you lived where I live-- you'd understand why that's not an honor!!

(Google Gold Star and Cincinnati-- ew) Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Chili place? Lol

BTW You are owning the Dallas resident low end ymmv guy. 1-0 Grace.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Yes, most of posts that you had over there was trolling me. Even when I posted in another city, there you were right underneath my post spewing bullshit about me, and you even laughingly admitted it. So do not come on here and apologize for anything as you are just like the others. Being two faced is worse than being just a troll.

So after making this thread totally about me because I posted on it, as soon as the rocks are lifted, I am sure that other troll fans of mine will soon pop up. Thanks Grace. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote

Fascinating-- because I'm looking at my posting history over there right now... I have a total of 20 posts on that board, ever. I made ONE post in regards to you-- when you got your WEC handle banned. Beyond that, I never so much as responded to you in any way, shape or form.

The offending post? The post that has WEC so convinced that I am the most monstrous troll that ever trolled?

And I quote "And now we await the new handle..... "

This is how you defend yourself, WEC. With evidence and receipts. Try it sometime. The remaining posts of mine on that board were not about you, nor even in response to you. So-- your claims are false- and maybe you should get down off that cross-- there's a lumber shortage.

"Most of your posts over there were trolling me". Simmer down Sparky-- nobody is buying it.

My post history on OH2-- in its entirety... can be found here:
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Fascinating-- because I'm looking at my posting history over there right now... I have a total of 20 posts on that board, ever. I made ONE post in regards to you-- when you got your WEC handle banned. Beyond that, I never so much as responded to you in any way, shape or form.

The offending post? The post that has WEC so convinced that I am the most monstrous troll that ever trolled?

And I quote "And now we await the new handle..... "

This is how you defend yourself, WEC. With evidence and receipts. Try it sometime. The remaining posts of mine on that board were not about you, nor even in response to you. So-- your claims are false- and maybe you should get down off that cross-- there's a lumber shortage.

"Most of your posts over there were trolling me". Simmer down Sparky-- nobody is buying it.

My post history on OH2-- in its entirety... can be found here: Originally Posted by Grace Preston
So are you denying you follow my posts? I do not need linked proof that you do because not only am I in your head but the evidence is just about every time I make a post, you comment below, even as you pointed out in the post above, you did so on a thread in another city I posted in just to troll me and you even admitted it later. And since you are a troll, you are very dedicated to your craft. On the occasions when you do not comment under a post I made, then the topic probably did not interest you enough to do so, but I can pretty much guarantee you read EVERYTHING I post just to see if you can somehow twist it up to troll me.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Dude.. you really and truly are not that fascinating to me nor anyone else. Just a quick perusal of your posts shows your level of obsession with several members of this board. I just posted all the proof that you flat out lied about my level of interaction with you on OH2-- one post does not make a stalker.. but you talk about all of your supposed trolls and stalkers before they ever enter a thread... if you'd like, I can take the time to post up several examples of this.

Why were you banned? It states it on every example of your name on that board "Multiple Handles-- Stalker". Seems like you are deflecting your actions onto others.

Once again-- get down off the cross, there is a lumber shortage.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I do not have the time to post the links of every time you have mentioned me or trolled me after I made a post on a thread, as that might take me all night.

If I am not that interesting to you, I would hate to be the person you are interested in following around online.
Shep3.0's Avatar
I do not have the time to post the links of every time you have mentioned me or trolled me after I made a post on a thread, as that might take me all night.

If I am not that interesting to you, I would hate to be the person you are interested in following around online. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote

If anyone wants to see true stalking , obsessive behavior. Search Shep or shep3.0 on ourhome2. Look who keeps bringing me up.
Mr. Rogers's Avatar
WEC, please see what Grace did to Suiram. You are fighting way above your mental weight class. She calmly tore apart your tired conspiracy theory in a couple of paragraphs and your response was “I don’t need to post proof”?
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
How do you post proof that another member is following your posts? Yes, one post out of 20 total posts on one site does not make a cyberstalker, but the fact that it is a post in another city that she does not peruse or ever post in, but out of nowhere, she is posting below me and talking about me just to troll me should count for more than just a simple post.

The constant cyberstalking and trolling of me she does is on this site. Some proof of that is in this thread starting around post #27, but the bulk of it is in her post history in other threads where while not mentioning her name, she has to thrown in her jabs at me just for posting in a thread. While she says I am not that fascinating enough for her to post about or stalk, the proof is in the pudding.

Speaking of which, without mentioning names or I will get accused of stalking, there are a couple of others on this thread who seem to also stalk my posts and just about anything said about me, usually throwing in their two cents to talk about me when they were not even mentioned, yet there they are.

While I am flattered that you are hung up on me and I am in your head, I do not roll that way. You want proof they follow my posts? No mention of their name by me yet they have something to say about me. See the above comments for immediate proof, but for the harder evidence, check their post history and my comments, if any, before or after they talk their shit about me out of nowhere. So who is stalking who?
winn dixie's Avatar
What is that term phrase?

Perpetual victim hood.

Thats it.

Area 51 Stonehenge stuff
Grace Preston's Avatar
If you'll notice-- my "jabs" at you on this site.. are always after you post one of your "pity poor me" missives that you continually post on this site.

Even me posting on that thread on OH2 was in response to one of your accusations on this site (yeah, I looked it up.. because I wasn't sure what had led me to that particular thread on OH2-- it was another discussion with you on this forum.

The thing is-- I've attempted to be nice to you.. but you're still hanging on to old grudges from old personas-- so fuck it. When you continually behave in the same manner-- you're going to continually get the same responses.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
That thread you linked is exactly what I am talking about, I do not mention you, yet in your infinite wisdom of taking jabs, you just have to do so. That is called an agenda of obsession and cyberstalking. What is worse, you admit it even after saying you are not a stalker. As I have stated, the times you do not mention me under a post I made is because the topic of the thread is probably not of interest to you, but you do not how to twist it to make it about me when your interest is peaked.

You want to be nice to me? It is not by apologizing for anything. Obviously, you as a mostly inactive provider, but still has a fixation to remain active poster on a SHMB, are not going to be going away. So simply, how about just quit following me around on the boards, mentioning me or take your jabs at me for your amusement or obsession or both. It may be hard and the temptation will be there since I am not going to stop posting, but that is how you can be nice to me is by leaving me alone.
Grace Preston's Avatar
See-- here's the thing... I've tried that approach. But if I so much as post on a thread that you're on-- you start in with your "agenda this, troll that, stalker this" garbage. I'm not going to avoid you-- so why don't you just do what you claim you do to all trolls and "put me on ignore" since you're so incredibly pressed by my presence on this board.

Or-- you could also try not incessantly whining... that would also work. But I doubt you're capable. You prefer to seek pity.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Sure, you may have tried it, but the troll in you cannot stay wrapped up for long so that is probably false (just like you say you are not a stalker of posts which you definitely are). Even if it true to some extent, you are unable to do so for long. So I may have the obsession of whining as you say (giving negative intel that is just due to first hand experience with some providers and complaining about getting my posts stalked by trolls is whining so be it), but you are the definitely the one with the obsession of my posts.

I will gladly put you on ignore and will not comment about you ever again, but that is not going to stop you from commenting about me, because you are obsessed. Of course, when I say trolls and stalkers in a comment, I will not be mentioning your name and quite frankly do not have to, but your radar is going to perk up because that is what you are and you will comment ASAP because you cannot help yourself. I could swear there is a GL violation for that and trying to save face, which is why you will not admit it, but since you have been doing it for years and due to the fact it is me and my posts that are getting infringed upon, you do and will continually get a free pass as it auto accepted by the staff, so just admit it.

Good bye Grace!