My fake review needs to be taken down.

I read this and thought, "Out-fucking-standing! One of them actually gets it! Let the city-wide celebrations and ticker tape parades commence! A hooktard has taken the first step to becoming an escort. This is such a rare event it's worthy of celebration.

Then you completely ruined it with:

You are mistaken, people do spend time reading posts and what you say and don't say will affect your business. The effects may be immediate or they may be down the road. You're not at a "point of no return" but with insult you fling, subtle or not, your business will be affected. Better to let the world think you a thing than to open your mouth/type on your keyboard and prove it. To use another trite saying that is none the less applicable, sometimes, "silence is golden". Originally Posted by johnnylongcaulking

If its clientele like you that gets lost then by all means get lost ... Some of you men on here need to get off your high horse, you are basically telling her (HOOKTARD) to stfu and allow you to say what you please and not defend herself. I find it funny sitting back and observing (as opposed to bowing down and participating) that the basic mentality on here is what the men say is always right ( unless you are at a disagreement amongst yourselves) or the women are agreeing or obeying what you say. If we disagree or "step out of line" you rally and start the whole kindergarten " I'm not your friend anymore" tantrums and act like we are supposed to be hurt that you will no longer consider paying us to be around you .... Remember who went to school and got a bad ass job to be able to pay who
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  • BLM69
  • 09-21-2013, 02:14 PM
How funny you are the first to get your panties wet, you are actually one of the ones I'm talking about. Boy Lacking Masculinity ... Stop bullying women online and join a gym then maybe you can regain some of that lost manhood of yours. Originally Posted by Lana_kane
Edit my previous post:

LK is definitely a lost case, she is her worst enemy with every nonsense post thinking she is right with her ghetto mentality.
Edit my previous post:

LK is definitely a lost case, she is her worst enemy with every nonsense post thinking she is right with her ghetto mentality. Originally Posted by biglatinmale
I'm not lost I just refuse to be ordered around by a bunch of rejects who have to pay for the company of a beautiful woman then turn around and belittle them because you could not get free dates or perks and expect us to be quiet.
LK, if you cannot see the marketing sense in my post then you are destined to be at the whim and mercy of the flavor of the month club and the select few long term clients you manage to develop a rapport with. You and some providers like you haven't figured out that first and foremost, this website is about business. Subsequently, when you and others with little foresight like you get your feathers ruffled, you lash out rather than play it cool. This is why business will never be booming for people who respond this way. This is why business will never be consistent from this particular market. It isn't a matter of whether or not you have the right to respond, it's about the wisdom of visceral responses. Stop viewing this site as a site to redress social injustices and use it for the three reasons it serves best:

1. Business
2. Entertainment
3. Light socialization
Also, there are easily 5 times as many fuktards and modtards as there are hooktards on this and any other hooker board so instead of being offended and solidifying your place in the stereotype, put away the keyboard, grab a bong/erection/BOB and get rid of some of that pent-up frustration you have.
KittyLamour's Avatar
I'm with Lana... You go girl.

Attachment 250217
And that "quote" KL is what is known as the logical fallacy of "appeal to authority". It does not apply to all critics, especially those who are criticizing from experience and training. Nonetheless, you like every other person in this world are entitled to torpedo your own best interests.
KittyLamour's Avatar
LK, if you cannot see the marketing sense in my post then you are destined to be at the whim and mercy of the flavor of the month club and the select few long term clients you manage to develop a rapport with. You and some providers like you haven't figured out that first and foremost, this website is about business. Subsequently, when you and others with little foresight like you get your feathers ruffled, you lash out rather than play it cool. This is why business will never be booming for people who respond this way. This is why business will never be consistent from this particular market. It isn't a matter of whether or not you have the right to respond, it's about the wisdom of visceral responses. Stop viewing this site as a site to redress social injustices and use it for the three reasons it serves best:

1. Business
2. Entertainment
3. Light socialization Originally Posted by johnnylongcaulking
Also, there are easily 5 times as many fuktards and modtards as there are hooktards on this and any other hooker board so instead of being offended and solidifying your place in the stereotype, put away the keyboard, grab a bong/erection/BOB and get rid of some of that pent-up frustration you have. Originally Posted by johnnylongcaulking
Don't try to save face you called her a HOOKTARD, so since you talk about business sense please enlighten me as to what course you took in business that would incline you to refer to your potential female associates as HOOKTARDS ? Insults like this are why I refuse to stay quiet. You demand respect and etiquette but yet lack the manhood to show it.
Originally Posted by KittyLamour

Lmfao you found BLM
Don't try to save face you called her a HOOKTARD, so since you talk about business sense please enlighten me as to what course you took in business that would incline you to refer to your potential female associates as HOOKTARDS ? Insults like this are why I refuse to stay quiet. You demand respect and etiquette but yet lack the manhood to show it. Originally Posted by Lana_kane
You missed my message completely if you think I was walking back my description of her as demonstrated by her posts. I stand by my assessment and use of the word "hooktard" in relation to her and your current responses in this thread. If I did P4P, I wouldn't admit it here nor would I see individuals who didn't know how to carry themselves on the board. Discretion is too important to be wasted on those who don't respect the long game. I don't demand respect. I have not asked you or she to respect me or my position. I've argued a point about marketing and demonstrated how you and she have completely thrown yourselves to the wolves. Last post in this thread. I leave you with this piece of advice, see my last summation about this board's best uses.

KL, despite your position, I found that last video to be hilarious, even if it was chosen to be an insult. Hence, the "like".
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KittyLamour's Avatar
It wasn't directed at you specifically Johnny.... Just fucktards in general.
You missed my message completely if you think I was walking back my description of her as demonstrated by her posts. I stand by my assessment and use of the word "hooktard" in relation to her and your current responses in this thread. If I did P4P, I wouldn't admit it here nor would I see individuals who didn't know how to carry themselves on the board. Discretion is too important to be wasted on those who don't respect the long game. I don't demand respect. I have not asked you or she to respect me or my position. I've argued a point about marketing and demonstrated how you and she have completely thrown yourselves to the wolves. Last post in this thread. I leave you with this piece of advice, see my last summation about this board's best uses.

KL, despite your position, I found that last video to be hilarious, even if it was chosen to be an insult. Hence, the "like". Originally Posted by johnnylongcaulking
Well since you are only a valued poster and do not participate in any other activities on this site your advice is unsolicited and is not from personal experience. Btw wolves are revered in some places.
Just a FYI I've been booked since my fake review was posted its definitely not ruining my business, it's making it better! Thank you to all the people who posted on here, whether it was positive/negative or just plain rude & unnecessary it all helped me get more appointments. This should be the end of it.