Texas blows it again.

texassapper's Avatar
Sapper I’m not going to keep arguing with you. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
And yet...... this post...

You have bad reading comprehension and obviously don’t really understand some of the nuances of what I’m trying to say. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
Don't blame the audience for your lack of coherency.

Like with the John Lennon quote, and when someone says “what is it someone said” it’s to add emphasis to what you’re trying to verbally illustrate. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
Oh you were trying to add clarity? Seems like you just like word salad.

So to avoid us both getting assessed points and maybe a ban I’ll let you stay in your own little myopic world. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
Yes... THAT'S the reason...

And as proof that you don’t really understand things very clearly I wasn’t going to mention it but in you last post you basically told me to go and kill myself which I believe is not only against the rules here it’s also a good indicator of your lack of intelligence. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
Basically? No, I wrote if abortion is your approved solution to population control (A hobgoblin of Liberals), you ought to start with yourself. Typical of liberals, you're fond of spending others money, telling others what they can do, and how they should or shouldn't act. All I'm saying is prove your adherence to your own values.

P.S. I don’t watch CNN or MSNBC or any of the alleged “news” channels. Except the actual news desk of the various channels including FOX. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
Of course you don't ;-)

The shows are all opinion based (which is obviously how you choose to get informed) Originally Posted by Hank3fan
Your evidence for this is what exactly? Because i've expressed my opinions as well? What, pray tell, are you doing then?

They are just pandering to small minded people who want validation for their own beliefs. Someone once told me they shouldn’t even be allowed to be called news channels because they actually disseminate very little real news. They are just trying to generate ratings and money. Which is not the news. Again it’s just pandering. Originally Posted by Hank3fan
Blah blah blah... I'd still like you to explain the coherency of "it's OK as long as you're aren't harming anyone and the fact that abortion does in fact end the life of a child who is contrary to your "thoughts" really here. Seems a little contradictory, no?

I don't expect an answer... you can't explain why you believe as you do... you're just repeating what you've been told to think. You've demonstrated your virtue sufficiently today.
Grace Preston's Avatar
. Someone once told me they shouldn’t even be allowed to be called news channels because they actually disseminate very little real news. They are just trying to generate ratings and money. Which is not the news. Again it’s just pandering. Originally Posted by Hank3fan

Point of order.. while Fox News is called "Fox News"... according to the FCC it is registered as an entertainment network rather than a news network. Why? Because an entertainment network is not required to post retractions.. while a news network is required to do so.

Unbiased news went the way of the dodo when someone decided we needed 24 hour news networks. 24 hours is a lot of time to fill with news.. while still keeping things interesting... finding bias and filler was inevitable.
texassapper's Avatar
Point of order.. while Fox News is called "Fox News"... according to the FCC it is registered as an entertainment network rather than a news network. Why? Because an entertainment network is not required to post retractions.. while a news network is required to do so. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Did CNNBCBSABC post any sort of retraction on that whole Trump Russian Collusion thingy? I must have missed it...
Grace Preston's Avatar
Did CNNBCBSABC post any sort of retraction on that whole Trump Russian Collusion thingy? I must have missed it... Originally Posted by texassapper

I couldn't tell you. I don't watch any of them. However, I do remember in 2017 there was a big kerfluffle over an article that CNN did retract in regards to Russian collusion. I'm sure if you're actually interested rather than merely attempting a debate, that you could look it up.

CNN tends to be the most reliable in regards to actually retracting stories (and they do retract.. frequently) -- but that likely has a lot to do with their registration and the potential for fines if they don't. I'm not sure where the rest of the alphabet soup stands, and frankly I don't care.
Hercules's Avatar
a big kerfluffle Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Gawd I love it when she talks dirty.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Gawd I love it when she talks dirty. Originally Posted by Hercules

Oh yeah? Well there's a lot more shenanigans and monkeyshines where that came from
Point of order.. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Personal Point of Privilege!!!!!!!!!!

Never mind.
Hentai's Avatar
Well, you're all crying about abortion rights, trans rights, gun rights, etc.

But did you know, the media was silent while Greg (Dingus) Abbott decided to push through a law along with his fellow moral police legislature called HB 1540?

So, up until September (if memory serves) it will have been a misdemeanor for someone to get caught paying for sexual services.

It will be a FELONY starting in September.

The news was intentionally silent, had some sex work activists not went nuts on Twitter, having followed this as it went through the courts, I probably wouldn't have seen anything about it.

So just FYI, Texas is now a full blown draconian hell.

Do enjoy it everyone. I've also heard something to the effect of a limit on how many dildos a woman can own.

Anyway, look up Texas HB 1540, you'll love it. Not a single nay from the Texas Legislature.

I mean would someone please just think of the children? Never mind the false statistics they use to inflate their lies to the masses. Alas, billion dollar charity scheme.