Texas Primary Vote

chefnerd's Avatar
CRT is nonsense. so you voted for nonsense by voting against "nonsense" brilliant!

''sanctity of life" is ridiculous. fetal heartbeat? bullshit. doesn't allow for any factors like risk to the mother's life, later findings of deformity to the child. 2 trimesters is the "standard" that's what it should be. agree with your against vote here.

. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Well DAMN, Whackjob, you almost sound like a liberal on the heartbeat thing. Oh and what is it that you don't understand about CRT? No, I did not vote in the primary because in my podunk area it would not make any difference.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
A special prosecutor has found wide-spread voter fraud in Wisconsin nursing homes. Seems like nursing homes in five counties had 100% voter turnout including many voters who had been judged to be incompetent and others were comatose.


This is called elder abuse and it is a crime. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

I found out from mom that they were doing the same thing in one of the louisiana nursing home where my late grandmother was staying. apparently they were ballot harvesting. they should not be doing that.
LexusLover's Avatar
No, I did not vote in the primary because in my podunk area it would not make any difference. Originally Posted by chefnerd
Perhaps you should move and raise the standards. "the hills"?

As of 10AM on Wednesday, March 2nd, the vote count in Houston's Harris County (entirely controlled by Democrats) has still not come to a conclusion. They still can't figure out how to get the count right.

There was the same problem here back in November with the same people in charge. Eight months to November now. Will they get it worked out by then? Originally Posted by ICU 812
... Hmmmm... Lookie there - over 10,000 ballots
were never counted, but tabulated... OR never tabulated
but counted... They're unsure which.
Resignations coming!

... "EXTRA" ballots - but NO voter fraud.

Surely gettin' to be a sad EPPIDEMMIC in places where
Democrats control the ball... Just had the issue
over New York-way...

#### Salty