LexusLover's Avatar
This is what Obama said:

“The finding that was made [by the Department of Justice] was that it was not unreasonable to determine that there was not sufficient evidence to charge Officer [Darren] Wilson. That was an objective, thorough, independent federal investigation, Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
That is NOT WHAT THE REPORT SAID .... that is absolute bullshit ... and the outrageous part of it is this "man" who calls himself the President and is touted by his loyal apologist as a brilliant Harvard Graduate and Professor of Constitutional Law actually spews out shit like that ....

there are two quotes below from the conclusion and findings in THE REPORT:
p. 85
"...Wilson’s conduct in shooting Brown as he advanced on Wilson, and until he fell to the ground, was not objectively unreasonable and thus not a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 242.

p. 86:
"Because Wilson did not act with the requisite criminal intent, it cannot be proven beyond reasonable doubt to a jury that he violated 18 U.S.C.§ 242 when he fired his weapon at Brown."
90 percent of documented force used by officers was against blacks. In every canine bite incident they have racial info for, the person bitten was black. They account for 93 percent of arrests, despite comprising only 67 percent of the population. Putting all this and other data together, they concluded that there was "substantial evidence of racial bias among police and court staff in Ferguson."

You still think Michael Brown went down exactly like you think? Without this bias, it could have happened differently. Without a predisposition to seeing blacks as the enemy, it might have turned out differently.

The report also concluded that for years the department has worked to maximize revenue at every level of enforcement. This pressure on officers to hit quotas, in concert with their racial bias, cause blacks to be ticketed disproportionately. In turn, the officers conducted stops that had little to with public safety and even had questionable basis in the law.

This desire to keep revenue up, the report found, has led to numerous violations of the first and fourth amendments. People were stopped without probable cause. the higher ups condoned this behavior and even suggested that if officers couldn't meet their quotas, they were to 'take it to the next level'. They pulled blacks over for tail lights being out that weren't in fact out, etc.

Keeping in line with the desire for more revenue, their MO became to stop people, mostly black, and check for outstanding warrants, without any probable cause. People walking down the street, sitting at a bus stop, etc.

You can bullshit all you want but there was a pattern of extreme racial bias in the Ferguson PD. Go read it. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
But, there is also an extreme pattern of "certain black communities" that have a record of being in one parent households (which is (IMHO) the genesis to crime as these children are looking for that male figure, to help guide them and give them rooting in society), mom living off the dole, can't read and write, doing drugs, uneducated, no respect for authority etc. etc.

Please educate me as to why it is that the educated blacks of our society understand what is wrong within those "certain black communities". People such as Jason L Riley, excellent new book out (that I just listened to in my car on CD) called "Please Stop Helping Us", Thomas Sowell, and of course my favorite Dr Benjamin Carson amongst many other educated blacks who understand full well, that it is Liberals holding them back, by calling them "victims". The "poor me, loser mentality", means, it is the world outside of me that I can't control. As John W. Gardner said “Self-pity is easily the most destructive of the nonpharmaceutical narcotics; it is addictive, gives momentary pleasure and separates the victim from reality.”
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Dont take this the wrong way, but do you see men and women of color professionally, or do you just fuck them in this forum?

How were your children raised? By two parents? Or are they criminals today?

You're pretty fucked up, girl.

Dont take this the wrong way, but do you see men and women of color professionally, or do you just fuck them in this forum?

How were your children raised? By two parents? Or are they criminals today?

You're pretty fucked up, girl. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The comportment of a true misogynist.

If one has nothing of importance to say and cannot debate an issue, one should keep their mouth shut, least they show their true lack of cerebral rational.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's rationALE, you hypocrite.

I asked simple questions. You dodged. If one can't live their convictions, they should at least be able to defend their indictments.

You wax high and mighty in post after post, but when someone challenges your sincerity, that's all you got? Name calling? That's the calling card of a true neocon hypocritical SLUNT. (Thats called irony, Gramma)

Your dodge answers those questions.

I guess you're still pissed about having to pay school taxes for other people's kids now that you're in your golden years.
lustylad's Avatar

Dont take this the wrong way, but do you see men and women of color professionally, or do you just fuck them in this forum?

How were your children raised? By two parents? Or are they criminals today?

You're pretty fucked up, girl. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Dipshit CUNT alert! Dipshit CUNT alert!

Don't take this the wrong way, AssUp, but do you even know who Thomas Sowell and John Gardner and Jason Riley are? Are you familiar with their books, sociological studies and/or prescriptions for black advancement? If not, then you would be advised to STFU because you are obviously unqualified to engage in this conversation and your silly taunts are mere subterfuge for concealing your ignorance.

It's rationALE, you hypocrite.

I asked simple questions. You dodged. If one can't live their convictions, they should at least be able to defend their indictments.

You wax high and mighty in post after post, but when someone challenges your sincerity, that's all you got? Name calling? That's the calling card of a true neocon hypocritical SLUNT. (Thats called irony, Gramma)

Your dodge answers those questions.

I guess you're still pissed about having to pay school taxes for other people's kids now that you're in your golden years. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Rationale?????????? Do you even know the meaning of the word? I think not, as you are a person who has lack of reasoning, logic, thinking or principle, all of which connotes "rationale".

You Sir, are a disgrace to the Democratic, Liberal, Progressive notion of thought. I may not agree with most of it, but I certainly can appreciate a person who can put forth, aka debate (which you cannot do without name calling, even with name calling) their reasoning of why they have the conclusions that they have, without mustering up abusive/insulting language, aka verbal abuse.

So now, as far as I am concerned, Sir, you have slithered back under the rock you came from, and do not deserve acknowledgement for whatever you put forth from here on out, unless you are capable of putting forth your dissension without your nefarious demeanor, which, of course if prior conduct is indicative of future behavior (as most know, it is), we know this will not happen.
lustylad's Avatar
^Hahahaha good one!!!

And since you love faggot jokes so much heres one for you and your faggot friends: Originally Posted by shanm

Actually sham the scam, I only trot out faggot jokes for your enjoyment.

Do you have any more RACIST jokes that play on black stereotypes? You know, like the one you shared with us in post #20? (No, not the ones you stole from the Ferguson PD, but the joke you came up with all by yourself.)
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Rationale?????????? Do you even know the meaning of the word? I think not, as you are a person who has lack of reasoning, logic, thinking or principle, all of which connotes "rationale".

You Sir, are a disgrace to the Democratic, Liberal, Progressive notion of thought. I may not agree with most of it, but I certainly can appreciate a person who can put forth, aka debate (which you cannot do without name calling, even with name calling) their reasoning of why they have the conclusions that they have, without mustering up abusive/insulting language, aka verbal abuse.

So now, as far as I am concerned, Sir, you have slithered back under the rock you came from, and do not deserve acknowledgement for whatever you put forth from here on out, unless you are capable of putting forth your dissension without your nefarious demeanor, which, of course if prior conduct is indicative of future behavior (as most know, it is), we know this will not happen. Originally Posted by Cherie
Nailed it! +1!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Rationale?????????? Do you even know the meaning of the word? I think not, as you are a person who has lack of reasoning, logic, thinking or principle, all of which connotes "rationale".

You Sir, are a disgrace to the Democratic, Liberal, Progressive notion of thought. I may not agree with most of it, but I certainly can appreciate a person who can put forth, aka debate (which you cannot do without name calling, even with name calling) their reasoning of why they have the conclusions that they have, without mustering up abusive/insulting language, aka verbal abuse.

So now, as far as I am concerned, Sir, you have slithered back under the rock you came from, and do not deserve acknowledgement for whatever you put forth from here on out, unless you are capable of putting forth your dissension without your nefarious demeanor, which, of course if prior conduct is indicative of future behavior (as most know, it is), we know this will not happen. Originally Posted by Cherie
Hey Cherie, why the meltdown? Did I find the "do as I say, not as I do" button?

I asked you two simple questions: Do you see men and women of color professionally? Did your children grow up in a two-parent household or are they susceptible to the "genesis of crime," as you so even-handedly pointed out in your original verbal ejaculation.

Now I ask this: Did you mean to write rational or rationale? What's your, ahem, thinking behind that. I'm just trying to discern why you'd get so bent over, er, out of shape, er, pissed off about that after your carefully worded initial incursion into this thread.

I found your self-righteous approach to this thread to be hypocritical and blatantly racist, as I do with many of your posts.

Now you continue the name calling and personal attacks.

I don't give a flying fuck which psychology books you read when you're waiting by the phone at 2am. I do however, find your assholier-than-thou-attitude to be annoying and now, by your own actions, hypocritical.

Shriek like a banshee if that's what makes you feel better. But here, from beneath the rock under which I've just slithered, you're a phony.

As far as Junior's weak attempt to enter this conversation... forget it, boy. You just don't have what it takes to play on this field. Even during Spring Training.
lustylad's Avatar
People were stopped without probable cause.... Keeping in line with the desire for more revenue, their MO became to stop people, mostly black, and check for outstanding warrants, without any probable cause. People walking down the street, sitting at a bus stop, etc. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Ok, I didn't read the DOJ report but could someone please point me to the section where it says in Ferguson they routinely arrested people who were "sitting at a bus stop"?

Also, the definition of jaywalking isn't "walking down the street" - it generally involves walking outside of the pedestrian cross-walks, against traffic signals, etc. But then we shouldn't expect undercunt to know the difference.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
But then we shouldn't expect undercunt to know the difference. Originally Posted by lustylad
Why not?

And who is "we?"

You're a benchwarmer, Junior. You're running out of options. Club will have to release you soon.

  • shanm
  • 03-08-2015, 01:16 PM
Actually sham the scam, I only trot out faggot jokes for your enjoyment.

Do you have any more RACIST jokes that play on black stereotypes? You know, like the one you shared with us in post #20? (No, not the ones you stole from the Ferguson PD, but the joke you came up with all by yourself.) Originally Posted by lustylad
Some one tell Lusty the Inbred Turd the difference between a stereotype and "racism".
  • shanm
  • 03-08-2015, 01:22 PM
Ok, I didn't read the DOJ report but could someone please point me to the section where it says in Ferguson they routinely arrested people who were "sitting at a bus stop"?

Also, the definition of jaywalking isn't "walking down the street" - it generally involves walking outside of the pedestrian cross-walks, against traffic signals, etc. But then we shouldn't expect undercunt to know the difference. Originally Posted by lustylad

Again LustyIdiot tries to nitpick sentences in order to claim some form of victory. Online is the one place that he can "try" to get some win as his whole entire life is a complete utter failure.

Btw, LustyTurd, The report said that 95% of cases, stopped for "Manner of walking in roadway" were black. That's not jaywalking, that's not sitting at the bus stop, thats just the MANNER in which someone WALKS. How about you focus on the issue here instead of nitpicking 5 words to prove a point. Then again, you might actually be a bigger dolt than IB is, so we don't expect much.
  • shanm
  • 03-08-2015, 01:23 PM
You're a benchwarmer, Junior. You're running out of options. Club will have to release you soon.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
He is worse than a benchwarmer. He wouldn't make waterboy on the JV league team