Any Pureblood Providers Left Out There? If Not, I'm Done With This So Called Hobby.

You all know how to create a great thread. We got pure blood women, mutated DNA, Black Lives Matter, Nazis, Commies, Socialists, Christians and Jews. I'm just waiting for someone to mention Vietnam, the Spanish Inquisition, and Space Aliens. Hold on while I get the Jiffy Pop.

Remember, don't argue with an idiot, they will only drag you down to their level and beat you up with experience.

OP is alarmingly void of accurate information. His mind is already made up, no sense in confusing him with the facts.
Nazi stood for nationalist socialist. It’s in the name. Fascism grew out of socialism. Socialist, fascist, book burner, religion hater, gun confiscator, all leftist values today. The far Left owns Hitler. The far Right owns the Amish. The Amish are strange, but peaceful if left alone. Those who can’t debate call me names, wish me death, and expose who they really are. That’s a victory for me. Have a great day.
Grace Preston's Avatar
People who are calling you names such as ignorant and foolish are doing so for something even more simple than shots vs. no shots.

You have no real way of knowing what a persons vaccination status is unless they tell you. And even if they tell you, you're assuming they're telling you the truth. I could tell you that I haven't had any of the shots and then I could tell another person that I'm fully vaccinated and boostered. Either statement could be true, or neither could be true-- and you honestly have no way of knowing.
TinMan's Avatar
Actually, Charlie, several of us have tried to educate you regarding the difference between fascism and socialism, but it’s obvious you’ve not read enough history to know the difference.

You seem to be reading from the far right talking points that the Nazis had to be socialists because they had it in their name. I could call myself Brad Pitt and it wouldn’t change the fact that I’m not him. Fascism was a far right nationalistic construct, and had very little in common with the communist regimes outside of their totalitarian nature. They were both evil, one from the far left the other from the far right.

Also, I don’t wish you death, and in fact agree with you, or come close to agreeing with you, on several fronts: the government shouldn’t mandate vaccines. The time for masks passed once vaccines were available to everyone, and natural immunity from catching milder strains of the virus should allow most of us to forego future inoculations unless a new deadly Covid variant makes an appearance. I have no present plans to get a 4th shot.

I still wish you would have answered my questions from earlier, but you’ve decided to leave the debating field instead. Not a very convincing victory, to be honest.
ManSlut's Avatar
Dear Cheap Charlie,

I am sorry I hurt your feelings.

When are starting your retirement?

P.S. It’s “cooties” not “cuties”...I am not surprised that you would be worried, or concerned, about imaginary germs (please research the definition of ‘cootie’ along with the historical fact Nazi Germany, not pre-Nazi Germany, was 94% Christian thru WWII)...Enjoy retirement....Buh bye
Socialism is left of free market capitalism, communism is left of socialism, communism and fascism always go together. Both requires the other. Kim Jong Un is the far left not the far right. Actually, the left controls the entire world right now, except for Poland, Hungary, and the red states. Look what just happened to Australia and Canada, total hard left takeover. Not free countries anymore. Only thing protecting us is our second amendment. If not for 2nd amendment, we’d be Australia right now. You best wake up before you’re next.
The shots will never stop until we say no. I do advocate for this, I admit it. What do the vaccinated and unvaccinated have in common? They’re never fully vaccinated.
TinMan's Avatar
Communism in theory was an economic model where the workers were supposed to control the means of production. Fascism is centered on nationalism, which is associated with the far right. You don’t have to be a fascist to be a nationalist, but you’re in the same spectrum. Same goes for socialism and communism. They are related but not the same.

Today’s ultra-nationalists don’t want to be tainted by Hitler, so they try to paint him as being closer to a communist than to their own beliefs, claiming that the word “socialist” in the name is proof. They forget that the first word in that name is “national”, which was really the point.
ManSlut's Avatar
Charlie, you probably think I am vaccinated, I am not...I knew I was taking a gamble, but I never do anything ‘right away’ when it’s new...I don’t buy the newest gadget, or the newest model of car, etc., until I see it has a positive history of - 1) Being worth it and it’s entry level price has dropped 2) It has proven reliable

I have never had a Flu Shot in my life and I have gotten the Flu numerous times, but I mainly based my decision to not get the shot on 3 things- 1) They couldn’t tell me how long the vaccine would be effective. They still can’t, but it’s not very long, as evident by in less than 1.5 years after the rollout they want some people to get a 4th “jab”. No thank you... 2) I knew I could limit myself from the #1 reasons for transmission, being in large groups or small confined public areas....3) My parents are no longer alive. If they were I would have been the first in line after the rollout. The saddest thing about the pandemic, for me, was seeing the elderly dying at alarming rates, especially in nursing homes, and their loved ones not even being able to be there by their side when they were dying...Fyi, I still wear a mask in public and the last 2 years have been a couple of the healthiest of my life. My thoughts why, the mask and my avoiding the high risks of crowds and more confined areas.

Come on man, you’re bitching and crying about things affecting your ability to be unfaithful to your “pureblood wife”...To me you should take a long, hard look in the mirror and re-examine your morals and values, not whether you have nanobots, mutated DNA, spike proteins or generic cooties.

And if you can’t handle people, insulting, poking fun at you, debating you, trying to educate you, then don’t post shit on the Internet.
I applaud your decision to not take the clot shot. Best decision you ever made in your life. I'm glad I finally have the motivation to be faithful. Not wanting to stick your dick in contaminated pussy is a powerful motivator. I'm fine with my new lifestyle. I'm getting too old to fool around anyway. I have a lot more money. I'm happy. Those nursing home patients were murdered by Andrew Cuomo and other woketard governors. They purposely sent COVID patients into nursing homes for treatment. It only happened in Blue States. Didn't CNN tell you that? You come on the hooker board, mingle with hookers, and brag about wearing a mask? Good grief. You're a beta male. Alpha males don't wear masks. Man up and take off your mask. You'll love it. That which doth not kill you maketh you stronger.
Bbbj and raw fs are clean. Mask and vaccines are dirty.. Got it
TinMan's Avatar
Bbbj and raw fs are clean. Mask and vaccines are dirty.. Got it Originally Posted by Anthonylewis50
I don’t think he ever said if he participates in any bare activities, which is why I asked how he thought he would get contaminated. Saliva? Skin contact? That can happen with casual contact, so surely he’s not concerned about that.

A rubber ought to be sufficient to protect him in more intimate situations. If he’s not interested in that level of protection, either, than he definitely has more to worry about. Aren’t most antibiotics manufactured in China and sold by Big Pharma?
Wiesbadenwillie's Avatar
Pure bloods as opposed to...?

I also choose to not get the shot but im not gonna judge people based off that choice. Originally Posted by LadyAnastasia
I am getting more and more attracted to you with each post you make.

I may have to reach out soon....really soon.
Wiesbadenwillie's Avatar
Most of you have no clue about the industry that you are speaking, even less about the politics and historical fiction you spew.

I suggest that all of us go back to the simple art of acquiring hootch & Scootch.

FYI, more than 20 yrs with the primary Pharma company involved + another 15plus in leadership with the federal government. I know what I know.

Now try some of my favorites.
Lay off the Qanon, bud.
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar

Alex Jones had it right from day one, and that's why he got canceled.