Why is Fetterman Hiding?

bambino's Avatar
Jacuzzme's Avatar
As long as the unions back him, Fetterman doesn't have to do a damn thing. Sad that a lot of members vote for a person because the union told them to. Maybe we need an outsider like Oz who is not a career politician. Originally Posted by Looker151
I’ve got a ton of friends who are union workers for US Steel, they all supported Trump.
bambino's Avatar
I’ve got a ton of friends who are union workers for US Steel, they all supported Trump. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
The sad thing is, Pa hasn’t fixed their election laws. Or should I say, they haven’t gone back to the laws that the state legislature passed. These two shitheads, Shapiro and Fetterman will steal another election. Time to move south.,
"Weasel" Josh Shapiro has kept the "last minute" voting rules
the same - surely knowing that the Democrat-led PA Supreme Court
will side with him. ... "Ballot counting" for a whole week
and absentee ballots for ALL who request them.

... Perfect recipe for rigging the election.
No need for the FBI to lie about the laptop again.

No bleedin' wonder Fetterman is hiding.
He should hide his head in shame...

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Well now the libtards know why Sloth Fetterman has been hiding and refusing to debate. Although they would have known much earlier if they paid attention to this thread.

As I reported earlier - Fetterman has brain damage and can not debate.

If a Senate candidate is physically unable to participate in a debate with his opponent in the final weeks of a campaign, then he certainly is incapable of serving in the Senate the next 6 years.

And it would be reasonable for voters to conclude this knowing the candidate's ill mental health would not allow him to do the job
HDGristle's Avatar
It would also be reasonable for voters to look at how many folks in Congress are brain dead and think that brain damaged is an upgrade
Hey Gristle, I agree with what you are saying, but my opinion of why Oz should get the vote is the best I could come up with. During the primary, I said that he had no business running for an office representing Pa, when he lives in N J. Now we are stuck with him or the guy who belongs on The Adams Family. Btw, your last comment about brain dead in D C is a howl.
bambino's Avatar
It just goes to show you how corrupt our elections are. The Dems can roll out a brain dead zombie and know they will win. If Joey Bribes wasn’t evidence, Fetterman confirms it.
chizzy's Avatar
U pay off the teachers union, u pay off the other unions and then against laws forgive student loan, what do u think will happen.....
berryberry's Avatar
U pay off the teachers union, u pay off the other unions and then against laws forgive student loan, what do u think will happen..... Originally Posted by chizzy
Libtards also rely on a dumb, ill informed voter base (and of course don't forget about their voter fraud)

berryberry's Avatar
Sloth Fetterman - Still hiding

What is he afraid of ???

Well of course he is afraid of letting the voters see how brain damaged he is.

And he is afraid of having to try and defend putting criminals back on the street, hiring murderers to work on his campaign, and all his other radical libtard ideas
HDGristle's Avatar
Call him and ask him. Report back, please.
berryberry's Avatar
Sloth Fetterman is continuing to go with the Senile Biden Basement Strategy — the go-to strategy for mentally impaired candidates. And the corrupt media is going to bend over backwards to cover for him
berryberry's Avatar
Once again, coward Sloth Fetterman refuses to say if he will debate Dr Oz.

Why is he so afraid to debate?


berryberry's Avatar
Sloth Fetterman is still hiding

Dr Oz has already committed to 6 debates in September and October.

Fetterman has committed to 0.

Corrupt Mail In Ballots can go out September 19th.

Sloth Fetterman is trying to run out the clock to hide his brain damage from the PA voters.