The Democrat's Worst Nightmare

No, but I do think they the messicans are raping 80% of the illegal central americans passing through there, you miserable faggot. Originally Posted by DSK
That is an ESTIMATE by ONE organization. There's no way to know the real number and the fact that you think you do is fucking laughable.
First of all I am not a Republican. I don't really take Trump serious, but every now and then he makes a valid point. Our Immigration system isn't worth shit. All Trump is really saying is we should take better measures at securing our borders and not allow immigrants with a criminal history to pass through the immigration process. It appears he's right. A women was just killed by an undocumented immigrant in San Francisco. This sort of thing has happened in the past and will happen again if we don't make some definite changes. Now maybe nobody likes what Trump said or how he said it, but the flaws in our immigration system need to be reckoned with. I don't have a problem with Mexicans, but I have a big problem with criminals no matter where they are from. Because I've been a victim of a crime a very violent crime where I needed to resort to deadly force. So I know.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Nobody wants criminals coming in, but short of building a fucking wall, what do you propose we do? You want to live in a huge country? The price is miles and miles of unprotected border. You want to live in a free country? We don't put a wall around it. The flaws are not necessarily in our immigration system, although it definitely needs work. Criminals aren't crossing legally.
Nobody wants criminals coming in, but short of building a fucking wall, what do you propose we do? You want to live in a huge country? The price is miles and miles of unprotected border. You want to live in a free country? We don't put a wall around it. The flaws are not necessarily in our immigration system, although it definitely needs work. Criminals aren't crossing legally. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Our immigration system is so overwhelmed now that it has become dysfunctional. Although the majority of immigrants come here with good intentions of making a better life for themselves and adhere to the legal processes of immigration. We still have a large number that don't adhere to the legal process. They have criminal backgrounds in their native country and they stay on the same path once they are here, and that number seems to be growing. I am not saying we need to build a wall but we need a far more stringent system than we have now.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I thought they were all crooked. So you're now supporting the very plutocrats you claim to despise. Interesting. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Exactly which plutocrat did I support in my statement? You are so stupid. You're embarrassing yourself.
  • DSK
  • 07-13-2015, 05:30 AM
That is an ESTIMATE by ONE organization. There's no way to know the real number and the fact that you think you do is fucking laughable. Originally Posted by WombRaider
It is an estimate by a credible liberal organization wishing to point out the misogynistic nature of the average messican who comes into contact with the poor women of central america who are only trying to come to usa and make better life doing job you are too fucking lazy to do.....dicksucker.
  • DSK
  • 07-13-2015, 05:32 AM
Our immigration system is so overwhelmed now that it has become dysfunctional. Although the majority of immigrants come here with good intentions of making a better life for themselves and adhere to the legal processes of immigration. We still have a large number that don't adhere to the legal process. They have criminal backgrounds in their native country and they stay on the same path once they are here, and that number seems to be growing. I am not saying we need to build a wall but we need a far more stringent system than we have now.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Excellent post which also had the collateral effect of bitch slapping WormRaider.
Excellent post which also had the collateral effect of bitch slapping WormRaider. Originally Posted by DSK
Jewish Lawyer also used to brag about "bitch slapping" other posters.

Fact Jack!
Exactly which plutocrat did I support in my statement? You are so stupid. You're embarrassing yourself. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COG, woomby has NO shame, so it doesn't bother him when he does something that normal people would be embarrassed to be seen doing. He's quite proud of taking all of those loads down at the Talleywacker's 'hole out by the dumpsters and then going home to his basement room at his Momma / sister's house with those loads all over his body. Crusty loads all over his shovel-smashed face and in his unkempt hair ! And he has NO problem wearing the same overflowing Depends ALL day and waiting to get home for dear old Momma / sister to change it for him !
Really? It surpises me that someone whose posts I generally agree with would take the position that an idiot like Trump is a straight shooter. Seriously? Originally Posted by timpage
The key words are "seems like".

Trump is as much of a Demagogue to the far right as President Obama is to the left. He is telling his supporters what they want to hear, with little regard that one day he might actually have to produce some type of tangible results.

But I stand by what I said. If the only two choices were Trump and Hillary, he gets my vote as the far lesser of the two evils.
Rey lingo. If you see a guy teetering down the street, face that looks like it was lit on fire and somebody tried to put it out with forks, that's him.
Exactly which plutocrat did I support in my statement? You are so stupid. You're embarrassing yourself. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You support the entire bankrupt system.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You support the entire bankrupt system. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You said I supported a plutocrat. Which one? And then, please illustrate how I support the system. This is your chance to shine, Wormy! Don't screw it up by showing, once again, how stupid you are.
Not sure it would rise to "worst nightmare" status, but a few of the smarter Democrats I know seem to think a Hildabeast ascendancy to the White House would be a scary enough dream.

The baggage has been piling high for years, and continuing looks at her record of corruption and incompetence are like the gift that keeps on giving for Republicans.

If elected, she won't be able to force congress to do a damned thing legislatively, so she'll resort to talking a lot, giving executive orders, and gumming up the works of industries she doesn't like by siccing the regulatory agencies on them. In other words, sequels to the bad movie we've been watching for the last few years. She won't properly fix or reform a fucking thing.

She can't possibly match Obama's almost incredible record of flushing about 76 Democratic House seats and 14 Senate seats down the toilet, since all the easy fruit has already been picked. Republicans can never win the seats held by people like Sheila Jackson Lee. But the Hildabeast can do damage aplenty, and will probably give a number of Republican candidates new careers in the 2018 midterms. If the economy decides to choose late 2017 or early 2018 to start its next big plunge, the debacle could be especially painful for the Hildabeast.

Then, if Republicans win the 2020 presidential election, and also have congressional majorities approximating those enjoyed by Democrats in 2009, many Democratic voters will rue the day they got excited about supporting these incompetent fools.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Wormy, which plutocrat?