Michelle Bachman not to run for Reelection

Uncle Han's Avatar
Your so special, your the one fucking Chinaman in the whole world who is not the least bit racist.


The implication is clear. We may all be racist and sexist and ageist at heart, but this is not our doing—we have merely internalized what we have been hearing and reading and seeing our whole life, that is, we are thirsty sponges, and we pick up the patterns that culture happily spoonfeeds us, and we haplessly store it all in our thirsty memory banks, gladly retrieving the connection and filling in the blanks.
One conclusion from this study is clear. For most of us, the racist/sexist/ageist inside us may not be a monster of our own making; s/he is not a reflection of who we are, but a reflection of where we've been. Being faster to associate ‘black' with ‘violence' doesn't imply that you are a hardcore racist, it sadly just means you're American.
This conclusion is both reassuring and sad.
Reassuring, because now we can understand why we are all a little bit racist (and sexist, and ageist). And understanding is half the battle against it.

Stain patterns would be your asian homoerotic guess. Originally Posted by WTF
Some Chinese say that the explanation for why there are so many Asians in the world compared to caucasians is the greater prevalence of homosexuality within the white population. I use to dismiss this argument, until I started reading your posts.
Give it up WTF; Uncle Han is no match for you.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-30-2013, 09:01 AM
Some Chinese say that the explanation for why there are so many Asians in the world compared to caucasians is the greater prevalence of homosexuality within the white population. I use to dismiss this argument, until I started reading your posts. Originally Posted by Uncle Han
Good , sounds like JewishLawyer might have found a place to move to. No Homo's in China. You hear that JewishLawyer? You'll no longer have to fuck undocumented asians in this country on the cheap!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Big Louise is not entirely truthful. The rules of pensions that were drawn up before Bachman ever got into office have four different possibilities for an elected representative. Bachman qualifies for the least of them and not until she is 62 about five years from now. She could get a better deal (if that is why she is there) if she hung around those five years in office. If you have a problem with the pension plan young lady then take it up with the democrats who ran the Congress in 1984 or join the Tea party.
True. You can even win a presidential election. Originally Posted by Uncle Han

Uncle Ham are you referring to anyone in particular or is that just a blanket statement?
BigLouie's Avatar
All kidding aside she left because her act was not playing any more with the Republicsn party. They are starting to realize they need more people like Rubio and less people like her if they want to win elections.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-30-2013, 11:51 AM
yeah, Rube-io is the quintessential republitard ... he called for the resignation of the IRS director who was no longer in office
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The plagiarist weights in. And once again he pretends his opinion is fact. Notice how he hides behind a fake name to keep from being sued for libel (or plagiarism). Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
I'm outraged by that! Imagine the audacity of using a fake name on the internet, on a SHMB!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Some Chinese say that the explanation for why there are so many Asians in the world compared to caucasians is the greater prevalence of homosexuality within the white population. I use to dismiss this argument, until I started reading your posts. Originally Posted by Uncle Han
That and all our feminazi's who are more interested in having a meaningless career instead of raising a family!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-30-2013, 01:28 PM
poor Uncle Hannity
Give it up WTF; Uncle Han is no match for you. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

So true WTF has kicked Ham's ass a lot.
Need I remind you that the Sheila's lines were drawn by a Republican majority? Originally Posted by bigtex
No. Shelia's lines were re-drawn by a committee that included Republicans and Democrats and a judge. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Sheila's lines were drawn and eventually approved by a strong Republican majority (99-51 in the Texas House and 19-12 in the Senate.) The redistricting committees in both houses also reflected a Republican majority, up to and including the powerful committee chair(s). The lines approved by both houses were later signed into law by a Republican Governor.

I would not be going out on a limb to say the above represents a "Republican majority," as I previously stated.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
WTF is WhirlyJack talking about?

He do know how it be, don't be?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That and all our feminazi's who are more interested in having a meaningless career instead of raising a family! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Good thing you only go for girls who can't understand the horrible shit that spews from your mouth, Tevye!

When are we getting the pleasure of your absense again?
Sheila's lines were drawn and eventually approved by a strong Republican majority (99-51 in the Texas House and 19-12 in the Senate.) The redistricting committees in both houses also reflected a Republican majority, up to and including the powerful committee chair(s). The lines approved by both houses were later signed into law by a Republican Governor.

I would not be going out on a limb to say the above represents a "Republican majority," as I previously stated.

FACT JACKASS! Originally Posted by bigtex
You should be Proud. She represents you well...fucker