We are now in "Bizzarro World".You've gone full racist. You never go full racist.
Street thugs, punks, drug dealers, and thieves are now "revolutionaries"
The Bloods and Crips are now "peace keepers"
Al Sharpton is a "statesman".
A CNN reporter asked some young people what would happen now. They said the community would settle for nothing less than guilty verdicts, or what happenned the first few nights would only be a perquisite to what will happen after.
But this is what is really going to happen. Corporations and businesses will see Baltimore as a worthless cesspool, run by inept polititians who offer nothing but the rhetoric of pander.
Business will dry up, and the already blighted landscape of ghettos will grow. With no tax base, the city will start to run into even more financial trouble. Anybody with any sense will get out.
And then, in a few years, we will be reading about another big city bankruptcy.
You reap what you sow. Baltimore has planted the seed for a whole new crop of thugs, thieves, street bums, drug dealers, and addicts.
But what do you expect when you allow the animals run the zoo.
Your shithole of a city will become an even bigger shithole. Enjoy. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I guess since you can't see your way to a brighter tomorrow, we should just give up.