New Pfizer Covid Pills

Chung Tran's Avatar
I don't think that 1/3 I referred to believes in long Covid symptoms. They think it is all made up bullshit, designed to keep Pharma paid, and Democrats in power.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
A coworker of mine, in good health in his 30's, was out of work because of COVID earlier this year for about 2 weeks, but he's still suffering from "brain fog" from time to time, as he puts it. Originally Posted by Tiny

I "suffer" from brain fog from time to time. I think I'm going to be suffering tonight after Barley's team dismantles a proud, but decrepit, JV team. In comparison. At least they're not the Texans or Lions.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
What are you blabbering about? I wasn't talking about you. I find it odd that you took my statement to your gut.

I just said the therapies are expensive, in short supply, and must be timed well. That makes them far less reliable than vaccines, which should be emphasized. Nobody is rejecting therapies, we just approved the Pfizer pill. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
And yet you made baseless accusations. Why? Did you think you were clever? I think you got out over your skis. Unless, as it looks, there is someone else on your account. It almost sounds like two different (at the least) people from time to time.

And no one is talking about therapeutic drugs as much as they did about the vaccines. That includes the administration.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar

2 years into this, and 1/3 of the US population refuses to take it seriously. I am out of patience with these Knuckleheads. Go ahead and die, gasping for your final breath. I'll notify Satan that you're on your way.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
We used to say that the "peace sign" was the track of the American chicken. Now we have Tran equating uncertainty of the experimental vaccines with being evil. I hope he takes comfort in that fallacy because that is all he has. Saying otherwise is bearing false witness against his fellow man (or woman) and Tran....for that you can go to hell. Don't blame me, you brought religion into the argument. Maybe the ghost of Covid future will bring you a vision and you can get yourself right. I kind of doubt it though.
bambino's Avatar
Chung Tran's Avatar

And no one is talking about therapeutic drugs as much as they did about the vaccines. That includes the administration. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
No kidding. Because vaccines are easier, cheaper and much more effective. Yet you keep fighting.

We used to say that the "peace sign" was the track of the American chicken. Now we have Tran equating uncertainty of the experimental vaccines with being evil. for that you can go to hell. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I equate nothing, except anti-vaxxers and lunacy Conspiracy theories. I will not attend Hell (the ''H'' is capitalized), but I will take messages that Satan delivers for your edification.
winn dixie's Avatar
folk still be getting sick evens tho they got jabbed.
folk are dying from the jab.
the jabs have not ended the crisis. Its still here!
meanwhile fauxi is gettin rich from HIS biological weapon
Chung Tran's Avatar
folk still be getting sick evens tho they got jabbed.
folk are dying from the jab.
the jabs have not ended the crisis. Its still here!
meanwhile fauxi is gettin rich from HIS biological weapon Originally Posted by winn dixie
Yup, a few are getting sick, even those who are fully vacvinated. Nobody is dying FROM the jab. The crisis is here, because 1/3 of the US does nothing to help contain the spread, and 95% of the dead are unvaxxed.

The Fauci comment is Horseshit.
winn dixie's Avatar
Yup, a few are getting sick, even those who are fully vacvinated. Nobody is dying FROM the jab. The crisis is here, because 1/3 of the US does nothing to help contain the spread, and 95% of the dead are unvaxxed.

The Fauci comment is Horseshit. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
The whole world is in the same position. You do know of ALL the connections and monies funneled from fauxi to the wuhan lab? Right?
Chung Tran's Avatar
The whole world is in the same position. You do know of ALL the connections and monies funneled from fauxi to the wuhan lab? Right? Originally Posted by winn dixie
I do. But I don't share the same absurd hypothesis you adopted.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I do. But I don't share the same absurd hypothesis you adopted. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

so you are sticking with the bat soup theory. okay .....