Hollywood, the media and public schools pussifying men

Ekim008 is a dick sucking asshole currently going by the name IveBiggen Originally Posted by DSK
This one is easy, one sentence per post.

Not sure about the others
cptjohnstone's Avatar
This one is easy, one sentence per post.

Not sure about the others Originally Posted by nwarounder
he is not capable of more than that
he is not capable of more than that Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
No stones the hillbilly, let's have another of your "forbidden" posts again idiot. Or did you get someone to read the "sticky" to you?
Ekim008 is a dick sucking asshole currently going by the name IveBiggen Originally Posted by DSK
Clever, dick sucking king.....NOT. Jl the pussy.
  • DSK
  • 07-24-2015, 05:35 PM
My advice would be for you to stop incorrectly identifying me by the wrong name, Ekim008.
I happen to know WellEndowed1911's ferocious attorney, and he is going to kick your ass back to that shithole you live in there in Kansas.
I would caution you about sending link's to ekim008"s facebook page. I heard he has retained dull knife as his legal rep, and he can kick your att's ass.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Did you change your handle to protect yourself, JL?

No, you changed it to circumvent a bet you foolhardily accepted and lost, having agreed to the terms in a public forum.

Were you in possession of your faculties at the time, or just blind with rage and spite?

Or might it have been something else. Something darker and forbidden?

Is that what's driving you to violate privacy, jeopardize security and destroy the bond of mutual trust <honor among thieves, so to speak> that all of us observe as an unspoken vow?

Or are you just another fucking narcissistic asshole craving attention?

I think you are a personal security risk. You simply can't be trusted.

Go away, shithook!
southtown4488's Avatar
Give me a break with this bullshit. What the fuck does George W bush have to do with what the OP said in this thread. All the worlds problems are GW's fault. . Originally Posted by dirty dog
the dumb argument is that Hollywood (liberals etc) are pussifying men. . . my argument is that Republicans biggest hero in the past 20 years is a gaping pussy. . . its not that complicated.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Ekim008 is currently going by the name IveBiggen Originally Posted by DSK
Wow, well there is news flash....from 2013. You must be new here?
  • DSK
  • 07-25-2015, 07:09 PM
Wow, well there is news flash....from 2013. You must be new here? Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
A new friend of mine informed me so I could defend myself against Ekim008's vicious attempt to frame me as some loser named JL.
dirty dog's Avatar
the dumb argument is that Hollywood (liberals etc) are pussifying men. . . my argument is that Republicans biggest hero in the past 20 years is a gaping pussy. . . its not that complicated. Originally Posted by southtown4488
I don't get where you believe GW is the rights biggest hero in 20 years but then anything else would not fit your agenda.
A new friend of mine informed me so I could defend myself against Ekim008's vicious attempt to frame me as some loser named JL. Originally Posted by DSK
Your new friend LOL, if you recall dipshit one of your first post's on the board was to attack me. You are a loser JL.
A new friend of mine informed me so I could defend myself against Ekim008's vicious attempt to frame me as some loser named JL. Originally Posted by DSK
Everyone knows you are the Jewish Welsher. Those on the left repeatedly remind you. Those on the right say nothing.

The only thing the left and right posters have in common would be that we all know you posted under the handle of JL prior to losing the "wager."

And you know it too!