Kammye, although I generally agree with you-and yes you are in fact beautiful- trolls are, by definition, not beautiful. that's why we call them...wait for it...almost ready...ok without further delay....trolls.

btw, qed is a mic drop for math majors, also known as a bitch slap. yup, i'm a nerd, but at least i'm a fun nerd... Originally Posted by pxmcc
Wait, what? Lol
  • pxmcc
  • 12-14-2017, 01:17 AM
^^R.M. is a troll, so she can't be beautiful, until she stops trolling.
^^R.M. is a troll, so she can't be beautiful, until she stops trolling. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Ohhh, im not in that hun. R.M. has been a gem to me.
DallasRain's Avatar
This "Old" lady does quite well in this biz.... Js
ZedX79's Avatar
ASPD was a piece of shit towards the end. I’m talking about reliability. It was always down.
ASPD was a piece of shit towards the end. I’m talking about reliability. It was always down. Originally Posted by ZedX79
Times 10
Champagne Brown's Avatar
ASPD was a piece of shit towards the end. I’m talking about reliability. It was always down. Originally Posted by ZedX79
Don't forget the family started bitching toward the end. Threatening they were going to shut it down, if we didn't do xyz.. Other then that great site!
I got a lifetime ban the very last day the site was up for saying what I thought. I loved the site but the last year it was up was not so good.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
I got a lifetime ban the very last day the site was up for saying what I thought. I loved the site but the last year it was up was not so good. Originally Posted by tbone2u
I think we "all" got a lifetime ban on the last day, don't feel bad.. They never came back..

That's funny though, on the last day, lol
bluesdj's Avatar
I got a lifetime ban the very last day the site was up for saying what I thought. I loved the site but the last year it was up was not so good. Originally Posted by tbone2u
Funny you should say that, I sent Hambone a PM disagreeing with something he said, got a response from him asking if he could post my PM, had to remind him to read the rules concerning posting PM's in public, and HELL NO he didn't have my permission.

He may be on here under a new handle for all I know, doesn't really matter to me, he'd be nice to you in public forums then backstab you in private, never did like him
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
maybe I'm wired different because 1.) I dont want to participate on a site where no bullshit is allowed and 2.) I dont understand conceptully why people participating in illegal acts want to meet up as part of open group socials. I just dont get it. ASPD shut down for a reason... I would like to think this site is a better version and learned from whatever debacle shut ASPD down Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I can guarantee you that your black racist shit stirring ass would've been perma-banned long ago on ASPD.

Some of you guys who never signed up for ASPD but talking shit about it makes me laugh, as you have zero credibility, yet talk like you're in the 'know'.

ASPD was a great site, however some of you seem to want to define the site with the one bad social that got busted. Yes, that was a bad night, however the site, the owner, and the guys in charge of the social shouldn't be defined by what happened that night.

The one problem with ASPD is that the site and membership got too big. The best socials were just quick get togethers where a handful of providers and guys would meet up somewhere and just talk. I didn't know anything about the ladies and what all they go through doing their job, their fears when meeting an unknown person, etc. It was during this time I learned to respect the ladies, yet learned to disrespect the ladies who didn't deserve respect. And yes, I've called out a 'whore' or two who deserved to be called out.
LexusLover's Avatar
It helped that times were different during those days off the site and on it. There wasn't the degree of hostility and divisiveness in the society as a whole back then.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I can guarantee you that your black racist shit stirring ass would've been perma-banned long ago on ASPD.

Some of you guys who never signed up for ASPD but talking shit about it makes me laugh, as you have zero credibility, yet talk like you're in the 'know'. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
hey sweetie you have anger management issues that need resolution. Why are you thinking about SC on Xmas day? Come on pull it together. In fact since you, GS, and TW cant stop thinking about SC I'm gonna make all 3 of you sing this song...since its clear yall use me as your unofficial therapist. ;-)

KandiiCakesXXX's Avatar
ASPD sounds amazing...my sister was on there so I hear the stories about the commadarie. sighhhhhhhhhhhhh
LexusLover's Avatar
It helped that times were different during those days off the site and on it. There wasn't the degree of hostility and divisiveness in the society as a whole back then. Originally Posted by LexusLover
hey sweetie ..... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Case in point .... !