Biden WantsTo Ban 9mm Handguns

ICU 812's Avatar
President Biden is misinformed. Like many gun control advocates, he is arguing from an emotional platform, not from solid knowledge or logic.

It may be that banning the private ownership of firearms will bring peace to our society, but that is a different discussion.

Any firearm can be lethal. A huge number of gun related deaths come from little .22 caliber pistols. Banning just one cartridge won't do anything to reduce the weekend death rate in Chicago or any other major urban area.

The relative effectiveness or lethality of the various cartridges has been long discussed in law enforcement circles. If you want to know more, just access YouTube.
... Look at Canada - Justin Trudeau.

... No More perchase of handguns in Canada. ...

... There's a trite saying: "Elections have Consequences!" ...

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Stupid decisions have consequences too. Trudeau is in for a very rude awakening.
President Biden is misinformed. . Originally Posted by ICU 812

He’s an old, senile, stupid, corrupt, pathetic piece of shit.

He is entertaining, though, when he does his “I just shit my pants shuffle”.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Stupid decisions have consequences too. Trudeau is in for a very rude awakening. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Canada has no constitutional right of gun ownership. that gives Trudeau a lot of power to act. there are only about 25 million people in Canada, the percent is far lower than the US.

There are about as many guns in the United States as there are people (estimates place the number of guns to be between 270 to 310 million), and the rate of gun ownership is estimated to be 88.8 to 101.05 guns per 100 people. Canadians own 10 million guns, or 23.8 per 100 people.

still that's 10 million guns owned by about 5 million people. i doubt the majority of these people are willing to give up their guns. and if Trudeau tries to force gun confiscation he's going to start a shitstorm and need the canadain army and police en masse to try.

so far all he's done is halt imports, sales and more importantly private sales. maybe his end game is "that's enough guns for Canada". if he goes farther ..
texassapper's Avatar
if Trudeau tries to force gun confiscation he's going to start a shitstorm and need the Canadian army and police en masse to try. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I'm pretty sure you've been keeping up on things and are aware that the Canadian police have no problem acting like storm troopers. That's why the recent scamdemic ought to be informative.
Canada has no constitutional right of gun ownership. that gives Trudeau a lot of power to act. there are only about 25 million people in Canada, the percent is far lower than the US.

There are about as many guns in the United States as there are people (estimates place the number of guns to be between 270 to 310 million), and the rate of gun ownership is estimated to be 88.8 to 101.05 guns per 100 people. Canadians own 10 million guns, or 23.8 per 100 people.

still that's 10 million guns owned by about 5 million people. i doubt the majority of these people are willing to give up their guns. and if Trudeau tries to force gun confiscation he's going to start a shitstorm and need the canadain army and police en masse to try.

so far all he's done is halt imports, sales and more importantly private sales. maybe his end game is "that's enough guns for Canada". if he goes farther .. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I am sure Canadians understand just like American's know what the Government is like with an armed populous. Just imagine what the Government would be like with a disarmed populous.
You don't know what the word fascist means. Look to Biden to see a close approximation. If government can't do it (we have a constitution) then business will do it for them. Remember how the Jews couldn't work for a college, hospital, or bank under the Nazis from the early days. It just got worse after that. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Jesus fucking christ and they actually let you teach. Can't even begin to imagine how many minds you have totally fucked.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I am sure Canadians understand just like American's know what the Government is like with an armed populous. Just imagine what the Government would be like with a disarmed populous. Originally Posted by Levianon17

sounds like a perfect opportunity to see how much spine 5 million canucks have.

and how far Trudeau is willing to go.

this is a power grab by Trudeau as Carlson stated this happened in the US so why is Trudeau using this as some issue for Canada?

because he can.
Here is what he said.

"Later in his remarks, Biden appeared to rule out the possibility of taking major executive action on guns, saying: “I can’t dictate this stuff. I can do the things I’ve done and any executive action I can take, I’ll continue to take. But I can’t outlaw a weapon. I can’t, you know, change the background checks. I can’t do that.”

He clearly said he couldn't do executive orders to make 9mms illegal.
He said he was told by trauma doctors about the severity of the wounds. Those are the things he plainly said. He didn't say anything about a .22 other than a trauma doctor told him a .22 bullet could be removed.
It's tough to have a discussion about something when you non readers post bullshit to began. Regardless of his opinion one way or the other, he clearly stated he couldn't do anything about 9mms and he didn't say .22s were okay.

Looks like you need the cleanup crew. You need to walk back what you said. Stop claiming people say things you want to hear instead of what they actually say.

The White House “clean up on isle 3” crew is scampering to say…..”he didn’t mean what he said”, but the fact is, he plainly stated that anything over a 22 caliber is overkill and should not be owned by civilians.

Biden even gave a detailed forensic explanation ad to why he believes this.

I think an interesting poll would be to survey all shooting using the 9mm specifically and see the demographic of who is using them. Originally Posted by Jackie S
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Here is what he said.

"Later in his remarks, Biden appeared to rule out the possibility of taking major executive action on guns, saying: “I can’t dictate this stuff. I can do the things I’ve done and any executive action I can take, I’ll continue to take. But I can’t outlaw a weapon. I can’t, you know, change the background checks. I can’t do that.”

He clearly said he couldn't do executive orders to make 9mms illegal.
He said he was told by trauma doctors about the severity of the wounds. Those are the things he plainly said. He didn't say anything about a .22 other than a trauma doctor told him a .22 bullet could be removed.
It's tough to have a discussion about something when you non readers post bullshit to began. Regardless of his opinion one way or the other, he clearly stated he couldn't do anything about 9mms and he didn't say .22s were okay.

Looks like you need the cleanup crew. You need to walk back what you said. Stop claiming people say things you want to hear instead of what they actually say.

Originally Posted by VerySkeptical

well consider this munchy, if that old fool didn't constantly make contradictory claims his media shills wouldn't need to clarify what he meant. at least they have job security right??

HedonistForever's Avatar
How many times did Obama say he couldn't change immigration laws and then did?

"Before taking executive action on immigration, President Obama stated 22 times that he does not have the authority to change immigration laws on his own."

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
President Biden is misinformed. Like many gun control advocates, he is arguing from an emotional platform, not from solid knowledge or logic.

It may be that banning the private ownership of firearms will bring peace to our society, but that is a different discussion.

Any firearm can be lethal. A huge number of gun related deaths come from little .22 caliber pistols. Banning just one cartridge won't do anything to reduce the weekend death rate in Chicago or any other major urban area.

The relative effectiveness or lethality of the various cartridges has been long discussed in law enforcement circles. If you want to know more, just access YouTube. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Robert F Kennedy was killed by a very cheaply made .22 pistol.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Here is what he said.

"Later in his remarks, Biden appeared to rule out the possibility of taking major executive action on guns, saying: “I can’t dictate this stuff. I can do the things I’ve done and any executive action I can take, I’ll continue to take. But I can’t outlaw a weapon. I can’t, you know, change the background checks. I can’t do that.”

He clearly said he couldn't do executive orders to make 9mms illegal.
He said he was told by trauma doctors about the severity of the wounds. Those are the things he plainly said. He didn't say anything about a .22 other than a trauma doctor told him a .22 bullet could be removed.
It's tough to have a discussion about something when you non readers post bullshit to began. Regardless of his opinion one way or the other, he clearly stated he couldn't do anything about 9mms and he didn't say .22s were okay.

Looks like you need the cleanup crew. You need to walk back what you said. Stop claiming people say things you want to hear instead of what they actually say.

Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
You are being a fool. Biden set up his challenge; ban the 9 mm cartridge. He did not talk about weapons. So, he can put a high tax on bullets (taxes are the job of the Congress), he can restrict production (any reason will be challenged), he is already launching a PR campaign against a non-offensive bullet but he already has a sizeable crowd that believes his brand of BS. No, I expect he will try to do something against 9 mms knowing their restriction would effect many people including policemen (who would be grandfathered in).

Your comments at the end of your screed show that you are not a serious player in the conversation. You're a drive by shooter of a sorts.