Obama says that he is coming for your guns...

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You have been posting that lie since 2011, and I even challenged you to provide the link and you can't so fuck you ,and your monkey mother.

wrong on both counts. i've posted the links several times. it's you that refuse to acknowledge it.

Part two -- Yes any mentally deficient or domestic abuser can buy a hand gun at a gun show or through a individual and carry it concealed since July this year. If you don't want it concealed you can open carry. No background check Want to make any more stupid posts whackoff?
Originally Posted by i'va biggen
as usual you are wrong. again. this new law you speak of .. this one .. does NOT say anything about allowing people who are felons and thus have already lost their right to own guns to open carry.


so are you worried that criminal gangs are now going to prance around with guns due to this new law? well .. HELLO RETARD .. they already do .. of course they conceal them because guess what? they are criminals and even the stupidest criminal is unlikely to telegraph his intent.

this law applies to Kansas citizens who have the right to own a gun. not felons. and for those felons who already conceal carry .. illegally .. now's there's more backup for Law enforcement. i call that a win-win.

as usual you are wrong. again. this new law you speak of .. this one .. does NOT say anything about allowing people who are felons and thus have already lost their right to own guns to open carry.


so are you worried that criminal gangs are now going to prance around with guns due to this new law? well .. HELLO RETARD .. they already do .. of course they conceal them because guess what? they are criminals and even the stupidest criminal is unlikely to telegraph his intent.

this law applies to Kansas citizens who have the right to own a gun. not felons. and for those felons who already conceal carry .. illegally .. now's there's more backup for Law enforcement. i call that a win-win.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Keep floundering whackoff, Did I mention felons? NO Did I mention criminals? NO Did I mention gangs? NO Did you understand anything I posted? NO Have you found the link yet ? NO Only link you post is where I say " Knew you couldn't get it right" You are dumb as a stump.
and Obama sent death panels with Obama care. . . were all dead, we just don't know it. hahaha, paranoid jackass Originally Posted by southtown4488
Hola Mari ! Mari Cone ! We hadn't seen YOUR lyin liberal ass around AND WE WERE GREATFULL NOT TO ! So did YOU vote for YOUR boy for DOTY 2016 ? It's ok to say now, the voting is over ! And he'll expect YOUR vote for the next DOTY poll ! Maybe he can get YOUR help with his " grass roots" efforts !!!! He's already campaigning for the next election and might be able to make YOU part of his " cabinet " along with Ekim The Inbred Chimp. who WKs for him here ! So if YOU want to supplement YOUR food stamps, go to work for woombu's DOTY 2017 campaign ! Orale putas y mariconas ! He waves the same rainbow flag as YOU !
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Keep floundering whackoff, Did I mention felons? NO Did I mention criminals? NO Did I mention gangs? NO Did you understand anything I posted? NO Have you found the link yet ? NO Only link you post is where I say " Knew you couldn't get it right" You are dumb as a stump. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
no, actually i have trouble understanding anything you say. if you finally shock the world and say something intelligent, i'll let you know.
Well life happens doesn't it. You could have looked it up but didn't. Anyway, you have just given the perfect example of liberal gun control ideas. 'if you don't agree with the way I think then I don't believe you should own guns' Next stop, confiscation based on thought or beliefs. Don't look now EVA but your fascism is showing a bit.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Can I get a " Zieg Heil " for Ekim, YALL ? !!! Just don't get to close to his barn ! Or between him and his hero woomby !
Tell you what judy, the day your doorbell rings, and Obama is standing there asking for your guns. then that day i will apologize to you. till then you are full of shit like the retards in Topeka that made it legal for any idiot to CC. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
So YOU'RE concealed carry qualified for KansASS by virtue of YOUR idiocy ? So much for the reciprocal recognition laws for CC ! Keep YOUR dumb chimp woomby-WKing ass up in KansASS . We Texans are a bit swifter on the up take AND the draw than you friggen carpet baggers. Besides, YOU have " management training " and "rusty trombone lessons " to go through with YOUR hero and mentor , woomby !
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Same ones that are in Oklahoma right hillbilly? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
wrong again little Eva

SE Oklahoma

cptjohnstone's Avatar
Same ones that are in Oklahoma right hillbilly? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
wrong again little Eva

cptjohnstone's Avatar
Same ones that are in Oklahoma right hillbilly? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
wrong again little Eva, SE Oklahoma

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Three strikes, you're out, Muskogee!
no, actually i have trouble understanding anything you say. if you finally shock the world and say something intelligent, i'll let you know. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Then you need to change your handle to " huh" Stump dumb.
So YOU'RE concealed carry qualified for KansASS by virtue of YOUR idiocy ? So much for the reciprocal recognition laws for CC ! Keep YOUR dumb chimp woomby-WKing ass up in KansASS . We Texans are a bit swifter on the up take AND the draw than you friggen carpet baggers. Besides, YOU have " management training " and "rusty trombone lessons " to go through with YOUR hero and mentor , woomby ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Gay rey DAOTY 2016 winner, fag of the year 2015 congratulate him !!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Then you need to change your handle to " huh" Stump dumb. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
did you say something, chimp?

wrong again little Eva

SE Oklahoma

Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
wrong again little Eva

Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
wrong again little Eva, SE Oklahoma

Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
LMAO took three tries hillbilly? We were discussing the Nemaha Mts, right?
did you say something, chimp?

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yo mammy's pic again whackoff? Still can't find the link ? Fucking retard. You are as dumb as gay rey.