Crimea votes to join Russia

lustylad's Avatar
Now tell everyone what the Ukraine was forced to give up for this "protection". Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
They weren't "forced" to give up anything. It seemed like a good idea for Ukraine to eliminate its nuclear weapons back in 1994. This rid them of the Russian military personnel needed to operate and maintain them. After Chernobyl the Ukrainians didn't trust nuclear technology anyway. They received economic aid from the US and Russia in return. Furthermore, they knew when they signed it that the memorandum didn't "guarantee" their security since it wasn't a treaty and contained no enforcement provisions. The only way for Ukraine to obtain a military guarantee of their borders/security would have been to join NATO but that wasn't an option.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, JD, how SHOULD the US respond to this situation?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
They weren't "forced" to give up anything. It seemed like a good idea for Ukraine to eliminate its nuclear weapons back in 1994. This rid them of the Russian military personnel needed to operate and maintain them. After Chernobyl the Ukrainians didn't trust nuclear technology anyway. They received economic aid from the US and Russia in return. Furthermore, they knew when they signed it that the memorandum didn't "guarantee" their security since it wasn't a treaty and contained no enforcement provisions. The only way for Ukraine to obtain a military guarantee of their borders/security would have been to join NATO but that wasn't an option. Originally Posted by lustylad
This is a hooker board. People come here to talk about hookers. Get it, LLIdiotJr?
lustylad's Avatar
This is a hooker board. People come here to talk about hookers. Get it, LLIdiotJr? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Move along, assup, this is the POLITICAL forum so you're clearly out of your league... Go start a thread about drugstores. Put it in the IRRELEVANT/WHO GIVES A FUCK forum.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Considering if I stepped into this mess now after Obama has screwed the pooch, you are right that there is no direct military possibility if I wanted to do that. On a side note I would propose that the house pass a bill creating a 450 ship navy as requested by the CNO. As for Russia, since all the money has been taken back to Russia after Obama telegraphed his intentions we can still apply sanctions. The US has to open the oil and gas wells to supply Europe (and we can make some money at the same time) if Russia cuts them off. We should push to remove Russia from any world body, save the UN, until they change. We are going to have to become more proactive in the Ukraine to reverse the damage that Obama has done. That means money (yep, we're broke, Obama spent it all on this backers), people, and commercial connections. NATO units can go in to act as a trip wire to Russian aggression. The US Navy will have to do freedom of the seas cruises in the Black Sea. Any Russian contract will have to be suspended in the world. Fast track getting Ukraine into NATO and bring back the missile defense shield.
In other words, undue everything Obama has done and act like we have some balls.
If the Europeans keep on trading and banking with Russia, and don't want your gas and oil you are a screwed pooch. NATO can't go in they are not a member.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-19-2014, 07:32 AM
Considering if I stepped into this mess now after Obama has screwed the pooch, you are right that there is no direct military possibility if I wanted to do that. On a side note I would propose that the house pass a bill creating a 450 ship navy as requested by the CNO. As for Russia, since all the money has been taken back to Russia after Obama telegraphed his intentions we can still apply sanctions. The US has to open the oil and gas wells to supply Europe (and we can make some money at the same time) if Russia cuts them off. That means money (yep, we're broke, Obama spent it all on this backers), people, and commercial connections. . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You want the US to start shipping our own oil and gas to Europe? You want a bigger Navy? You think we are broke?

Our country is not broke. do you think all that new oil and gas means. This country is full of natural resources. But unless you work for special interest oil...we do not need to be shipping our oil and gas over to Europe.

You sound like you read Charles Krauthammer. He is a neo-conic shill for intervention all over the world while our own folks here at home go without. If I was in charge people like him would be shot. If you put other countries interest above this country, Firing squad for you.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You want the US to start shipping our own oil and gas to Europe? You want a bigger Navy? You think we are broke?

Our country is not broke. do you think all that new oil and gas means. This country is full of natural resources. But unless you work for special interest oil...we do not need to be shipping our oil and gas over to Europe.

You sound like you read Charles Krauthammer. He is a neo-conic shill for intervention all over the world while our own folks here at home go without. If I was in charge people like him would be shot. If you put other countries interest above this country, Firing squad for you. Originally Posted by WTF
Excuse me, asshole, but I put Israel's interest above the USA. Should I be shot for that?
In addition, you just criticized Krauthammer for advocating shooting all the foreigners who disagree with the US, but now you are demanding total obedience to our own dictator, you confused exploiter of your illegal workforce. (BTW, I agree we shouldn't be intervening in other countries except for one obvious exception)
Also, why should you get to abuse foreigners who work for you but we can't sell them oil and gas?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-19-2014, 08:26 AM
Mexico has their own gas and oil dumbass.

Krauthammer does not want to shoot foreigners, he wants to exploit the situation in the interest of oil companies and Defense contractors.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Mexico has their own gas and oil dumbass.

Krauthammer does not want to shoot foreigners, he wants to exploit the situation in the interest of oil companies and Defense contractors.

Originally Posted by WTF
Everyone knows Mexico has their own oil and gas, dumbass. I guess you equate foreigners with Mexicans?
What about those Mexicans who put the interest of Mexico above the US, and only work here to send money to their home country? Should all Mexicans who put the interest of Mexico above the US be shot or forced to move back?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-19-2014, 08:41 AM
Everyone knows Mexico has their own oil and gas, dumbass. I guess you equate foreigners with Mexicans?
What about those Mexicans who put the interest of Mexico above the US, and only work here to send money to their home country? Should all Mexicans who put the interest of Mexico above the US be shot or forced to move back? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
The aren't citizens you dumbass. If you are a citizen of this country and you put another countries interest above this have a choice. Shot in the head(which in your case would be your ass) or shipped off to your favorite country.

I don't have a problem with Mexicans working in this country....I have a problem with lazy US citizen not working in this country and blaming it on Mexicans who work harder than our lazy citizens.

I don't have a problem with Mexicans working in this country....I have a problem with lazy US citizen not working in this country and blaming it on Mexicans who work harder than our lazy citizens. Originally Posted by WTF
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Excuse me, asshole, but I put Israel's interest above the USA. Should I be shot for that? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
No. Tarred and feathered, then deported would be sufficient.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The aren't citizens you dumbass. If you are a citizen of this country and you put another countries interest above this have a choice. Shot in the head(which in your case would be your ass) or shipped off to your favorite country.

I don't have a problem with Mexicans working in this country....I have a problem with lazy US citizen not working in this country and blaming it on Mexicans who work harder than our lazy citizens. Originally Posted by WTF
In other words, they won't work for the slave wages that you pay. It is because of exploitative assholes like yourself that I support an increase in the minimum wage to 15 bucks per hour..
OK - so if a person born in Mexico who becomes a US citizen, or if they were born in India or China and become US citizens, if they are more loyal to the country they were born in than the US, you want to shoot them?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
No. Tarred and feathered, then deported would be sufficient. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What about American Indian US citizens who are more loyal to their tribes - deport them, too?