obamacare...more to it..

cowboy8055's Avatar
No one really knows how Obamacare will work out. Dems say it will save money, reps say it will cost trillions. Who knows? The only sensible prediction is that it will likely cost more than originally projected. Government programs usually do. How much more is anybody's guess.
well here is a post about 12 shocking truths about obamacare...

ill post abit for ya first..then you can dive in and rip it apart..

There's more in Obamacare than you might think. I recently embarked upon an arduous task to find out what those things might be by reading the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act -- all 906 pages of it. I'll admit that my eyes did tend to glaze over quite a bit, but I slogged through it. And while there was plenty of language describing provisions we have all heard about, like the individual mandate, I discovered several items in the law that were a bit strange and surprising. Here are 12 shocking provisions hidden in Obamacare.

1. Music to the Fool's ears
The Motley Fool has long promoted the importance of teaching youth about financial matters. Section 2953 of Obamacare is like music to the Fool's ears. The section specifically calls for educating adolescents about financial literacy to prepare them for adulthood. That's the good news. What's the bad news? The government teaching anyone about financial matters is like Lindsay Lohan teaching personal responsibility.

2. Size matters
Next time you get your explanation of benefits from UnitedHealth (NYSE: UNH ) , check out the font size. It better be at least size 12 font, or the company is violating the law. Yes -- Obamacare mandates that insurance companies use that font size or greater. This specification is part of a section intended to ensure that customers can read and understand the documents sent by insurance companies. Maybe cartoon drawings could help, too.

read more here:
rke324's Avatar
When Nancy Pelosi said we wouldn’t know what was in Obamacare until after it passed, boy, was she right!...We’ve learned recently that Obamacare, which was supposed to make health care cheaper and easier to get, will raise some rates by up to 60 percent and make millions lose their employee health coverage. Now, CBS has discovered a new wrinkle. Low and middle-income Americans who need help to buy insurance can apply for a federal subsidy. But the size of it depends on your estimated income for next year. Since the IRS is now in charge of our health care, if your psychic powers are on the blink and you earn more than you predicted, your subsidy can be lowered retroactively, and the difference deducted from your tax payment. That means you could lose your tax refund, or even get a surprise tax bill. The good news: when your blood pressure spikes, at least you’ll have health insurance.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
HERE WE GO!!!!!! I Love You Anita!

Folks lets be honest shall we. Although he had some serious issues it was NIXON, that's right, Richard M. Nixon who was one of the first presidential leaders to support NATIONAL Health Care for OUR Country ... Back in 1969

DD Originally Posted by DDarkness
I like to point out this particular item to people who like to criticize Obama for the Affordable Care Act.
DDarkness's Avatar
He was a bit out there, a tad paranoid, but the guy was a visionary!

JohnnyCap's Avatar
He was a bit out there, a tad paranoid, but the guy was a visionary!

DD Originally Posted by DDarkness
I read the Nixon article. I didn't read anything about health care. I read about support for health insurance, but I didn't read anything about health care. I believe the article says that the best health care ideas were shot down by the health insurance lobby.

Why does everyone want health insurance? Don't we want health, and some care for when we lose it? Since when is the middleman the essential ingredient?

There aren't pages of threads on eccie demanding pimps to drive the price up, why do we value health insurance so?