How has hobbying affected your RW social skills?

DarthMaul's Avatar
I have seen a thread like this before but like someone said before "It has made me lazy!"

I spend most of my texts/phone calls/social events calls are with people within the hobby.

I feel like they are more honest about who they are...WEIRD!??

As a man, you are going to pay. It's either up front or on the end but you will pay. It's now easier for me to talk to women about sex and ask about what they like and tell them what I like.

I haven't really found too many women in the RW that I would like to date. Maybe I have become too picky. I am not sure.

And like WU said, don't try to figure out other people here online. It's difficult if not impossible.
JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
don't try to figure out other people here online. It's difficult if not impossible. Originally Posted by DarthMaul
at least some types are less difficult to figure out.

I think it's good and bad. That way your not out on a date trying to be the "perfect guy" in order to get some pussy. You can relax more knowing pussy is only a couple text messages or phone call away if needed. The bad part is when your so use to getting sex without the emotional side of it you can become non-emotional towards the person you do enter a relationship with. When things aren't going right sometimes (which they will) you may feel, hey I don't need this shit I can call TastyPussy and not have to put up with this! Just my 10 cents.
I expect now every woman I meet to drop their clothes after I place a white envelope on the table.... now what about becoming lazy?
dearhunter's Avatar
I interact with women in the real world all day every day. Some of them know I hobby. Some of them don't.

One who does know I hobby asked me about my hobby activities once. I asked her when she sucked her husbands dick did she swallow. She told me that was none of my business........I told her "exactly"........she never asked about the hobby again.
Hmm? Somebody has a Superiority Complex! Originally Posted by drax1
What do you expect from a WK
Is it because most men in the RW dont spoil you like the fellas in the hobby? Or want to mooch off you or dont bring enough to the table? Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

It makes it hard for me because I can figure out guys quicker than if I wasn't a hooker...
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Originally Posted by oilfieldscum

Not bad I actually like the color coordination. I may hit up the mall this weekend. Good looking out OFS.
They dont bring home a salary but I guess a penny saved is a penny earned. There are women out there that work and take care of kids. So the ones that choose to stay home are basic house wives. Nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade. Personally given all the women on here who work and still take care of their kids I think women that opt to be housewives are doing themselves a disservice. Once the divorce happens they'll have no useful skills except for being a maid or working in a kitchen. I imagine those women get higher divorce settlements as well so it benefits you to encourage her to work. Personally I wouldnt want a stay at home wife. Its the 21st century Russ not 1950. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
A lot of stay at home moms work as volunteers. Just because they don't bring in a salary with their work doesn't mean they aren't contributing to their community. I have a friend that could fetch a high salary as a pharmacist but chose to be a stay at home mom and volunteer at a pharmacy to help out and keep her skills up. I have another friend who volunteers at the pet shelter. She was a veterinarian before she had kids. Now she chooses to stay home and give her time to others as she pleases. Not to mention the countless school, sport and church volunteerism that keeps the wheels turning.

Stop positing like you know anything about being a wife or stay at home mom.

Or better yet keep fapping your fingers and confirm your ignorance. Spades being Spades and all...
^ ok ;-)
Obviously, the hobby has put you completely out of touch with normal people if you aren't aware that many stay at home moms have extensive educations and choose to stay home.

You should see the group that runs our PTO: Logistic specialist, professor, former realtor and insurance agent who retired early, dentist and so on. All "stay at home moms" who left their "jobs" and donate countless hours of their time to their families and others.

You think you know things you have no frigging clue about.

LOTO, is that you?
^ OK ;-)
drax1's Avatar
  • drax1
  • 02-27-2015, 05:04 PM
A lot of stay at home moms work as volunteers. Just because they don't bring in a salary with their work doesn't mean they aren't contributing to their community. I have a friend that could fetch a high salary as a pharmacist but chose to be a stay at home mom and volunteer at a pharmacy to help out and keep her skills up. I have another friend who volunteers at the pet shelter. She was a veterinarian before she had kids. Now she chooses to stay home and give her time to others as she pleases. Not to mention the countless school, sport and church volunteerism that keeps the wheels turning.

Stop positing like you know anything about being a wife or stay at home mom.

Or better yet keep fapping your fingers and confirm your ignorance. Spades being Spades and all... Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Yup! A lot of stay home moms are professional women who choose to stay home and raise their kids. Case in point: Most professional women marry professional men who can afford to support the family while the wife stays home with the children. Most non professional women marry non professional men and have to work because the man doesn't make enough to support the family by himself.

Zanzibar, you don't know what you're talking about. My office is filled with former stay at home moms. Some make six figures - go figure.
Zanztard, your position definitely spotlights what economic level you are more familiar with. Most stay at home moms in my area have at least a bachelor's degree if not more so they definitely have options if and when they choose to enter the workforce again.

The fact that you see them as unable or incapable because they stay home to raise kids is....not only the pinnacle of hypocrisy given your outrage on certain discussions about being AA....but a testament to the social circles you run the RW.

Keep fapping about how much of a disservice being a stay at home mom is to women. We're snowed in up here and this is entertaining me in between Just Dance numbers on the Xbox.