Trump walked in to the Obama/Biden economy

Grace Preston's Avatar
Do you need to get the papers get the papers?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Aaaahhhh. HOORRRRIIDID!!!!

The Trump vs. Obama economy — in 16 charts

Perhaps the best case Trump can make for improvement since he took office is higher wages and a boost in confidence. The average worker’s pay finally grew more than 3 percent a year under Trump, and there was a drop in the number of Americans on food stamps. Consumer and business confidence also jumped after Trump’s election and remained high after the GOP tax cuts took effect in 2018. As recently as February, many Americans rated this as the best economy since the late 1990s. Now those gains are wiped out.


eccieuser9500's Avatar
Do you need to get the papers get the papers? Originally Posted by Grace Preston

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Aaaahhhh. HOORRRRIIDID!!!!

The Trump vs. Obama economy — in 16 charts

Perhaps the best case Trump can make for improvement since he took office is higher wages and a boost in confidence. The average worker’s pay finally grew more than 3 percent a year under Trump, and there was a drop in the number of Americans on food stamps. Consumer and business confidence also jumped after Trump’s election and remained high after the GOP tax cuts took effect in 2018. As recently as February, many Americans rated this as the best economy since the late 1990s. Now those gains are wiped out.

The pandemic recession triggered more than 22 million job losses, modern-day bread lines and millions of pay cuts. Even before the pandemic hit, the picture was mixed. Manufacturing, business investment and growth were slowing noticeably heading into 2020.


Right. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
as usual you cherry picked your quote so i fixed that for ya. you left that part out intentionally to make it look like Trump was the reason for that when you know perfectly well he was not.

i also don't agree with this statement from the article

As the pandemic escalated, Trump and other officials opted to close down much of the economy to keep people home to slow the spread of the deadly coronavirus.

so i'll fix that too ..

As the pandemic escalated, Trump and the Governors opted to close down much of the economy to keep people home to slow the spread of the deadly coronavirus.

And fucked it up after Bush left Obama/Biden the greatest recession since the depression. The putin/trump huggers will give putin/trump credit for the Obama/Biden economy of 2014 through early 2020. Now we are in the recession of putin/trump. Putin won the stupid Americans votes Originally Posted by Tsmokies
First, there is no such thing as a "Biden" or any other "VP" economy. Presidents make all the plans. VPs are along for the ride.

Obama fucked up the country by having an agonizingly slow recovery. All he did was print money - OOPS, I'm sorry, I meant "quantitative easing" - for 8 years.

The thing that Trump did differently - and that actually helped - was CUT regulations. I don't even think that the tax cut helped much. In fact, I think he should have raised taxes to try to cut the national debt if possible.

But in any event, the economy picked up speed and unemployment dropped for 3 straight years. It was as low as I can ever remember. And it was particularly good for blacks and Hispanics.

The current situation is entirely due to COVID, which is NOT the fault of Trump or any other US politician.

This country puts TOO MUCH faith in politicians. They are neither omniscient nor omnipotent.
Grace Preston's Avatar

This country puts TOO MUCH faith in politicians. They are neither omniscient nor omnipotent. Originally Posted by Kinkster90210


One person is not going to save the world.

One person is not going to destroy democracy as we know it.

Autocracy is a horrible thing.

The Republicans need the Democrats-- because without them... society will lack a lot of things that make a society worth living in. The tendency to only worry about the $$ takes the life out of living.

Democrats need the Republicans-- because without them... your attempts to coddle the world will result in economic collapse on a cataclysmic level. The tendency to try too hard to take care of a people who should be able to care for themselves creates an entitled nation unable to ultimately defend itself from both outer and inner forces.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Obonga really didn’t do anything, which wasn’t a bad idea, and the economy recovered. Trumps pro energy, deregulation and low taxes set it on fire, at least in my industry.

Obama/Biden turned it around-- but I will absolutely give Trump credit for hitting the accelerator. We would not have continued to grow at the rapid clip had Clinton won in 2016. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

I would agree with that. I think a lot people saw that red flag, probably one of the reasons why she lost.
matchingmole's Avatar
pleasurem's Avatar
Matching Mole, yes, you are an idiot!!!

One person is not going to save the world.

One person is not going to destroy democracy as we know it.

Autocracy is a horrible thing.

The Republicans need the Democrats-- because without them... society will lack a lot of things that make a society worth living in. The tendency to only worry about the $$ takes the life out of living.

Democrats need the Republicans-- because without them... your attempts to coddle the world will result in economic collapse on a cataclysmic level. The tendency to try too hard to take care of a people who should be able to care for themselves creates an entitled nation unable to ultimately defend itself from both outer and inner forces. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
an analysis based on old stereotypes that were incorrect even when they were new
rexdutchman's Avatar
Jeoys sold out manufacturing jobs to china ?
HoeHummer's Avatar
Can you elaborates, Resxy? Start by telling us who Jeoys is.
It's so funny to watch putin/trump pouring the kool aid and watching the ignorant racist clueless rednecks drinking from the baby bottle

Putin/trump gave a massive tax cut to the top 5% and corporate greed. I could have supported a minimum tax cut btw

The amusing part is that biden/Harris is out raising the putin/trump party. They couldn't even buy support. They know putin/trump is a fkn idiot And is one n done
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I feel bad that you actually believe that idiotic tripe you post. How hard is it to google up the tax brackets pre/post 2017 tax act, and glean who got what?