Hammerin' Hank Tells It Like It Is

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
jewish liability....
if white guys could jump there would be a lot more in the league...
the nba has been adding players from very diverse countries....a lot of the old eastern bloc countries....derk nowitzski from the mavs among others....and they're white.... Originally Posted by stevepar
Basically, you are saying white guys don't deserve to be in the league, because of skill considerations and the blacks have earned their place, even if it is almost every place on all the teams. Why don't you think that way when a white guy is in charge or comes out ahead in business?
Your post does nothing to prove your side of the argument. It provides absolutely no argument at all, but is rather just a cynical rant about nothing.

I'm surprised to hear it from someone who seems to have made a very good living from presenting facts and figures in the attempt to win a case. Originally Posted by sfb

The segment as originally aired on Good Morning America on April 4, 2014, and included on this page, has been updated to correct an error. Video of a demonstration by the Westboro Baptist Church, which is not connected to this story, was inadvertently used in the original segment. We apologize for the error and have removed that video.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/scott-w...#ixzz2ydGJoW00

sfb... you are bitches bitch
Obama doesn't have a foot in the mudd, he has it in his mouth. That's the issue not that he's black. Hank Aaron was a great ball player but Iam afraid he has no idea what he's talking about here.

The more this story unfolds, the more I see a great athlete who was not only blessed with a great talent, but fortunate enough to be born in a Country that would allow him to reach the pinnacle of success, only to turn into a angry old fool in the twilight of his years.

It's a shame. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Well put. Haven't heard anything that logical around here in a long time.

  • sfb
  • 04-12-2014, 02:01 AM
Wow... the witty comebacks/insults to my logic are astounding. Name calling does nothing, there is a reason it mainly happens around young kids.

As for racism being nothing, I never said it was nothing, I said your response had nothing but hateful cynicism. I am certain that everyone on this board has the ability to form coherent arguments without name calling, put downs, or cynical tirades.

I guess there is a reason I have been avoiding this forum for awhile.
I'm surprised to hear it from someone who seems to have made a very good living from presenting facts and figures in the attempt to win a case. Originally Posted by sfb
Uhhhh, don't tell me that you actually fell for his bullcaca?

He is much closer to being a Jewish Defector than he is a Jewish Lawyer.
maybe you'll remember the movie white men can't jump....it's a joke and if you weren't such a miserable person you might have found it funny or at least gotten the reference....
it must be tough to try to be a good jew when you're spending 2500.00 on a weekend with nafkas....
Basically, you are saying white guys don't deserve to be in the league, because of skill considerations and the blacks have earned their place, even if it is almost every place on all the teams. Why don't you think that way when a white guy is in charge or comes out ahead in business? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I have an idea. Let's start looking at people as people. Not black people. Not white people. Not (insert favorite group here) people. Just people. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Well Liberals don't want you to do that, cause then they won't have anything to accuse you of.

LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
I have an idea. Let's start looking at people as people. Not black people. Not white people. Not (insert favorite group here) people. Just people. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
+1 - does that include women COG (and hoogars too???)?

JL - the main reason black (and brown of all shades) people want to come here is that they aren't black people from here (who obviously are already here and have a different history and experienced a different culture) so often it is much better here despite the obstacles than where they are from. Other times they just don't know or really understand what it is really like here.

I've thought and wondered from where the implacable opposition and hatred to Obama on the right stems myself. Obviously some of it is racism, though I would disagree with Hank that it is simply the KKK without hoods and with "neckties and starched shirts". Certainly there is a racial component to it and in some instances it is raw old time racism, but I don't think that is the case most of the time. I honestly do think that most conservatives genuinely think they are not racist and not just smart enough not to use racist words. In my view it is far more nuanced than that and Jonathon Chait has an excellent article for any of you who actually care to examine and think about these sorts of things.
The Color of His Presidency
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Well Liberals don't want you to do that, cause then they won't have anything to accuse you of. Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Why don't you confine yourself to telling us what you want and not characterizing the motives and thoughts of people you don't come close to understanding (and then because they are different you characterize them as dishonest, conniving and evil)?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
+1 - does that include women COG (and hoogars too???)?

JL - the main reason black (and brown of all shades) people want to come here is that they aren't black people from here (who obviously are already here and have a different history and experienced a different culture) so often it is much better here despite the obstacles than where they are from. Other times they just don't know or really understand what it is really like here.

I've thought and wondered from where the implacable opposition and hatred to Obama on the right stems myself. Obviously some of it is racism, though I would disagree with Hank that it is simply the KKK without hoods and with "neckties and starched shirts". Certainly there is a racial component to it and in some instances it is raw old time racism, but I don't think that is the case most of the time. I honestly do think that most conservatives genuinely think they are not racist and not just smart enough not to use racist words. In my view it is far more nuanced than that and Jonathon Chait has an excellent article for any of you who actually care to examine and think about these sorts of things.
The Color of His Presidency Originally Posted by LordBeaverbrook
OK - that was a pretty good reply. I never looked at it that way and you're a clearly bringing something to the table here. I would add that since they tend to stay after coming here, it is still better than their homeland, though in fact they may just be stuck and determined to make the best of it.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
maybe you'll remember the movie white men can't jump....it's a joke and if you weren't such a miserable person you might have found it funny or at least gotten the reference....I found the title to be highly offensive, though the movie had some entertainment value, especially the scene where the guy robbed the convenience store. Otherwise, it played upon tired, worn out and predictable setups that made me think of the word "lame".
it must be tough to try to be a good Jew when you're spending 2500.00 on a weekend with nafkas.... Originally Posted by stevepar
It isn't so tough when you have it to spend, and time to spend it. I will be in the grave in another 20 years or so (sooner if the wrong guy smarts off to me and I hit him too softly) so I might as well enjoy it as long as I leave a little for the kids.
Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
OK - that was a pretty good reply. I never looked at it that way and you're a clearly bringing something to the table here. I would add that since they tend to stay after coming here, it is still better than their homeland, though in fact they may just be stuck and determined to make the best of it. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Thanks, I may be a bleeding heart liberal progressive (and damn proud of it), but I do try and bring a pragmatic bent to looking at these issues.

In most cases, yes, America is better than their homeland(s) in most (or at least enough) ways.

Also, immigrants tend to settle together in areas and support each other (they are often the best educated and most entrepreneurial people from their countries so they fit well with American ideals and values) which American blacks do too, but American blacks have some additional inbuilt barriers and prejudices against them (perceived as lazy and criminal and policed and incarcerated heavily out of all proportion).

I have a niece struggling with addiction and heard Dr. Carl Hart (the first black Ph.D. neuro-scientist tenured at Columbia U.) speak with Chris Hayes so I'm reading his autobiography mainly for the scientific approach to addiction. It really does challenge what we know about drugs and society, but it is an important view into what it is like to grow up poor and black in America. He tells what "hood" society is like from a person who has transitioned from the "hood" to an Ivy League professorship. It is eye opening and he writes clearly and in a very matter-of-fact manner with no blame at all.

Hart grew up in a lower middle class neighborhood, but when his parents divorced when he was 11 he moved with his mother to the Miami "hood" so his formative teenage years were lived in some of the toughest parts of Miami. He tells what it was like to survive with parents who struggled to put a roof over their heads and food on the table and calls out his luck at having sisters who took care of him, strong grandmothers, athletic and musical talent that kept him out of trouble and some math ability. If not for luck (first that he decided to join the Air Force when he didn't get an athletic scholarship to college, later more luck) he could easily have wound up slinging rock and/or in jail. It was never clear until he got his Columbia professorship that he would succeed in the end and at any time it was possible, even likely that he could easily have taken another course and sunk into obscurity. At no point was it clearly obvious that he would make the "good" decision and it would work out for him. I think it is an important book because it gives some insight into what American black communities are really like and perhaps some hints about how we might really help them solve their own problems and become more mainstream (unlocking the talent and entrepreneurial ability that are there and being wasted). Obviously formulating drug and incarceration policy and laws based on science rather than anecdote and hysteria would be a good first step.

High Price by Dr. Carl Hart
Why don't you confine yourself to telling us what you want and not characterizing the motives and thoughts of people you don't come close to understanding (and then because they are different you characterize them as dishonest, conniving and evil)? Originally Posted by LordBeaverbrook
You want me to tell you what I want. Ok, for starters why don't you take a long walk off a short peer.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Thanks, I may be a bleeding heart liberal progressive (and damn proud of it), but I do try and bring a pragmatic bent to looking at these issues.

In most cases, yes, America is better than their homeland(s) in most (or at least enough) ways.

Also, immigrants tend to settle together in areas and support each other (they are often the best educated and most entrepreneurial people from their countries so they fit well with American ideals and values) which American blacks do too, but American blacks have some additional inbuilt barriers and prejudices against them (perceived as lazy and criminal and policed and incarcerated heavily out of all proportion).

I have a niece struggling with addiction and heard Dr. Carl Hart (the first black Ph.D. neuro-scientist tenured at Columbia U.) speak with Chris Hayes so I'm reading his autobiography mainly for the scientific approach to addiction. It really does challenge what we know about drugs and society, but it is an important view into what it is like to grow up poor and black in America. He tells what "hood" society is like from a person who has transitioned from the "hood" to an Ivy League professorship. It is eye opening and he writes clearly and in a very matter-of-fact manner with no blame at all.

Hart grew up in a lower middle class neighborhood, but when his parents divorced when he was 11 he moved with his mother to the Miami "hood" so his formative teenage years were lived in some of the toughest parts of Miami. He tells what it was like to survive with parents who struggled to put a roof over their heads and food on the table and calls out his luck at having sisters who took care of him, strong grandmothers, athletic and musical talent that kept him out of trouble and some math ability. If not for luck (first that he decided to join the Air Force when he didn't get an athletic scholarship to college, later more luck) he could easily have wound up slinging rock and/or in jail. It was never clear until he got his Columbia professorship that he would succeed in the end and at any time it was possible, even likely that he could easily have taken another course and sunk into obscurity. At no point was it clearly obvious that he would make the "good" decision and it would work out for him. I think it is an important book because it gives some insight into what American black communities are really like and perhaps some hints about how we might really help them solve their own problems and become more mainstream (unlocking the talent and entrepreneurial ability that are there and being wasted). Obviously formulating drug and incarceration policy and laws based on science rather than anecdote and hysteria would be a good first step.

High Price by Dr. Carl Hart Originally Posted by LordBeaverbrook
I hope things go better for your niece.
As a conservative, I could take the Dr. Carl Hart story as confirmation of my own belief in pulling yourself up by the bootstraps!! He can make it out of the ghetto, so can anyone else. I guess we all see things that emotionally resonate with us.