Democrats lose control of the House - see ya Pelosi

Here's another nice chart for the alphabet challenged among us...

sixxbach's Avatar
It's not really the parties to fault when Clinton was in power not only did the nation have a good economy but we had a surplus. My family is well off and they have always said they got most of their wealth during the Clinton years and he helped make it possible. Yes they are all politicians but some actually know what they are doing Originally Posted by sexytxhunga

I know quite a few who made their cash during the Clinton years. I miss good ole Bill...

If you're in the defense or security industries than it's Bush and Obama that you would be thanking...and thanking....and thanking.
Here's another nice chart Originally Posted by F-Sharp
Since this is eccie, ever run across any nice charts that are hobby related?
derek303's Avatar
The Dow Jones way up since the D's defeated. What a coincedense.
Nice try, but it's no "coincedense"[SP].

"George W. Bush leaves office today with the Dow Jones industrial average off 2,306 points from when he took over: The worst performance for any U.S. president."

"That makes Bush the first president since Richard Nixon to preside over a declining Dow. In percentage terms, Bush's 21.8 percent Dow drop is the worst showing since an 83.2 percent decline under President Herbert Hoover, whose term included the 1929 stock-market crash."

The Dow Jones way up since the D's defeated. What a coincedense. Originally Posted by derek303
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
Dagny, you're not even close. This election was about misguided fear and anger instigated by a corrupt news source with a political agenda. Nothing more. You doubt this then tell me why my original challenges have gone unaddressed? Originally Posted by F-Sharp
SIGH, OK I’ll play one more time and after that needs to be by PM. I’m pretty sure that I’m close with the TEA party being: “CUT SPENDING, CUT TAXES, LESS GOVERNMENT”.

I D.E.W. not advocate that those entities stop doing business, though I can see their political agenda so why do you have a problem with ONE TV station giving another point of view? Or/and different research or even that they tell us about the bills being voted on in Congress? I thought the idea was to get as many places as possible so that the truth can come out. It is a lot easier to control people if the “Pravda” is the only news source, but really, this is America so if we have another one, get over it!

Let’s say a guy loses his job and the wife says” great we need to spend our way to prosperity!” Let’s hire a limo to the private jet & go out on the town (Paris) and I need a mink full length coat for this date. This guy doesn’t need a TV show to tell him this is crazy he can figure that out himself and he can be in fear all by himself.

Maybe the reason we don’t “address” your points is that we have been doing our homework too. We have our sources, history, books on economics, philosophy, more history, The Founding Fathers, The Constitutuion. Then there is the communist manifesto, Saul Alinsky and rules for radicals et al.

We know that spending more than people can make doesn’t work. And taking what they earned more than 10% makes them a slave to the government.

If I were to ask any one of you today what's wrong with our economy, what would you say? Most people I know don't have a clue, and I bet you don't either. Originally Posted by F-Sharp
I am pretty sure with all my homework done in the last 20 years, I have a really good clue about what is wrong, and yes I have a firm idea of what we can do to fix it, you just wouldn’t like the answers.

Now, where did these jobs go? Did they just get sucked up in to giant job pool in the sky? Hardly. Here's the facts. Since 2001, 3.5 million jobs have been sent overseas by large corporations looking to save a few bucks on labor costs Originally Posted by F-Sharp
OH those bad, evil humans who behave in human nature! Go figure!

EVERY Single HUMAN including the hobbyists on this board, want to find the best widget/service for the lowest price.

So cut taxes on those corps and they will bring those jobs home, Corps don’t pay taxes they just pass it on to the consumer.

Are these jobs ever coming back? No fucking way in hell. The only way they would ever come back is if we were willing to turn the United States in to a third world country. Well willing or not, it's already happening. We are now in a race to the bottom Originally Posted by F-Sharp
I disagree, pass the FairTax and not only will our US companies bring their jobs home, but companies around the world will surge into the USA too.

So I ask you. You still want to give corporations a 4.5% tax cut without some sort of legislation that ensures they create American jobs? Originally Posted by F-Sharp

Now, since this means we are out of the widget making business completely at this point, hence why we don't really make anything here anymore. It's just not cost effective. So how does one solve this problem? The only tried and true way to solve this problem is stimulus money. Originally Posted by F-Sharp
It has been tried, but never works (if you would check your history you would know that)

Still want to stop spending? Go for it. You're going to get a first hand look at what a 25% unemployment rate really looks like very soon. Originally Posted by F-Sharp
Yes, I want to stop government spending! It is not the gov. job to make jobs. ( nor hinder jobs but they are really good at that!)

Sorry Dagny. You can disagree all you want, but there simply isn't any facts or statistics out there that even remotely support your assumptions. If you do have something to back your statements, I would sure like to read it. Again, these tax cuts have already been in place for 10 years now, and during that time we've lost 3.5 million jobs. In fact, we've lost jobs each and every time a Republican Administration has implemented tax cuts in the last 50 years. Reagan is a prime example of this in 81 & 82. Also, don't forget that the tax rate was 4.5% higher during Clinton, while job creation soared! I am at a loss to understand why anyone would think that reinstating these tax cuts or making them permanent would change anything.

It is not the government's job to create jobs. It's the government's jobs to ensure we have the ability to persure life, liberty, and happiness. When big corporations are standing in the way of that as they are now by reducing our wages to peanuts and sending our jobs overseas, it is the government's job to do something about it.

Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
Dear Mr. Sharp, (I don't know you well enough to call you by your first name (F),

LOL, before I go further, I would love to know how old you are (in PM) and
the one thing I forgot to ask, do you believe the Constitution is the "law of the land" as written or that it is a "living, breathing document"?
So, I have sent a LONG PM that asked for his reading/To D.E.W. LIST and then I will know how much he knows. If anyone would like to have that list, please PM me but I will mostly carry this on....... but out of the public eye

Hugs to everyone who cares about this thread
and God Bless the USA and mostly God Bless Texas
I consider myself to be a small-government almost libertarian type person.
However I have found no one in either party, particularly the Republicans, who consistently shares this view. They may CLAIM to do so, just as they also claim to be a host of other things, such as evangelical Christian, etc., although they really are not.

But among those associated with Republicans who are the most phony are of course the media pundits styling themselves as "conservatives." And in this of course I include the Limbaughs, the Hannitys, the Becks, etc...

Having worked in media at one time, and in radio in particular, I can tell you flatly that none of these guys actually believes a single thing they say on air.

Sorry folks, but their messages are carefully crafted for audience response and ratings, NOT because the "commentator" actually believes what he's saying makes any sense, or is even based on facts of any kind.

When you see someone with so much energy and pathos and so forth making such an entertaining spectacle of himself it's hard to take such a person seriously. Serious people just don't conduct themselves that way, and the public has become so jaded with seeing slickly-produced content in all the media that they have lost touch with what reality even looks like. The phony "reality" shows on cable and elsewhere have also contributed to this problem.

It's entertainment folks...not facts...and it's not even intended to be. It's just one step away from professional wrestling.
If it's all the same to you, let's keep this public. My age is irrelevant and all you need to know is that I am a college-educated adult basing my personal opinions on facts, statistics, and citeable sources rather than conjecture or rhetoric.

As for the Constitution I am a bit torn. Jefferson, being one of my personal favourite Founders had this to say...

"I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors."

I personally think that changing times will always force changes to this document, but there are some things in that document I feel must never be touched. Parts of the second ammendment would be an example of a part of the Constitution that is no longer of any real use given the size and scope of weaponry our government now possesses, while I would argue the 1st is fundemental to what this country is, and should always remain.

Carry on.

Dear Mr. Sharp, (I don't know you well enough to call you by your first name (F),

LOL, before I go further, I would love to know how old you are (in PM) and
the one thing I forgot to ask, do you believe the Constitution is the "law of the land" as written or that it is a "living, breathing document"?
So, I have sent a LONG PM that asked for his reading/To D.E.W. LIST and then I will know how much he knows. If anyone would like to have that list, please PM me but I will mostly carry this on....... but out of the public eye

Hugs to everyone who cares about this thread
and God Bless the USA and mostly God Bless Texas Originally Posted by Dagny D.E.W.
Jefferson was a disaster as President, but he was the best philosopher, architect, writer, University-founder, etc. this land has ever produced. He was also a rather romantic fellow who liked to spread his DNA around among those available to receive it.

Upon the alter of nature's God I declare eternal hostility to every form of tyranny over the minds of men.

- Thomas Jefferson
Never has a truer statement been made. The funniest thing about it to me is that Rupert Murdoch himself has admitted publicly that Fox News is not to be taken seriously. Yet, we see an entire political movement based on this "entertainment". This makes a Tea Party rally essentially equivalent to a Star Trek convention. Explains a lot really when you consider the likes of Sharron Angle and Christine McDonnell.

It's entertainment folks...not facts...and it's not even intended to be. It's just one step away from professional wrestling. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts