The thought police have arrived...

I'm sure Kansas will let your stretched out tranny-ass into the women's restroom, just don't flush you depends down the toilet... ekimomo

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Let them check them pants Dixie boy. Then put a lip lock on Trump's ass.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
...16 state Attorney Generals have met to discuss legal action against anyone who does not believe in "Global Warming". 15 democrats and 1 independent have decided that man made climate change is real despite the problems with the science and anyone who attempts to say otherwise is guilty of a conspiracy to destroy humanity.

They are led by the high priest of global warming; Al Gore Jr.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
nothing exposes a scam for what it is like suppression of free speech .. and the truth
Was Bill Clinton the first Black President or the first Lesbian President?
You need facts to hand anyone their ass jim. The only ass you have handed anyone is your own.. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
In order for you to accuse anyone of that you have to present facts. Something you have never done. Your photo shopped cartoon pictures and graphs are hardly facts. If you don't think you've ever had your ass handed to you then you are the one living in denial. Check your ego at the door and learn something about science on your own instead of posting stupid shit from liars. Remember you aren't a scientifically minded person so true facts will always elude you.

In order for you to accuse anyone of that you have to present facts. Something you have never done.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You need to take that to heart and STFU jim.
  • DSK
  • 04-11-2016, 09:44 PM
It doesn't matter. If the company intentionally hides risks from its investors, which climate change certainly would be, then it can be fraud. Whether or not any investors want to and are willing to bring a lawsuit doesn't change the fact that they broke the law.

Even if you disagree with the application the law, the AG running an investigation into potential fraud here is not something unusual. So the claim that this is some attempt to silence critics of AGW, based solely on the fact that a group of people funded largely by Exxon Mobile were subpoenaed for information on their dealings with Exxon Mobile, is nothing but an empty conspiracy theory.

Certainly, the claim that this resembles the "thought police" is absurd, based on what we know. Originally Posted by eatfibo
So, if in Exxon's prospectus, in the notes, they mentioned the political dangers of the Climate Change movement, would they have mitigated their investors risk, and destroyed the basis of the AG's actions?
You need to take that to heart and STFU jim. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Come up with something believable and you might not get so much flack from everyone. Cartoon Pictures, bogus graphs and your lack of scientific knowledge won't cut it.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Just answer the question, LittleLiberalEva. Do you think speech that disagrees with climate change should be criminalized? Sounds like you do. Is that right?
Just answer the question, LittleLiberalEva. Do you think speech that disagrees with climate change should be criminalized? Sounds like you do. Is that right? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You need to give me one good reason why I should answer a question from a prick like you Tonto. Time for your next Trump rally Tonto.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Then you do think that speech which denies climate change should be illegal. Thanks, LittleLiberalEva! At least you had a thought!
Then you do think that speech which denies climate change should be illegal. Thanks, LittleLiberalEva! At least you had a thought! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Senile old fart, you keep putting words in someones mouth. Thanks for taking over gay rey's job of stalking, and deflection. Hope sometime you can have a thought. Keep parroting Trump's words.
Senile old fart, you keep putting words in someones mouth. Thanks for taking over gay rey's job of stalking, and deflection. Hope sometime you can have a thought. Keep parroting Trump's words. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Then why don't you just answer his question and set the record straight.

At least thirty-two times, eatbibeau. And you'd be the disingenuous sheep with your head in the sheep dip, eatbibeau. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
According to the very first paragraph in your link, it says " President Barack Obama has described al Qaeda as having been “decimated,” “on the path to defeat” or some other variation at least 32 times since the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, according to White House transcripts."

Nothing about them actually having been defeated. As I said, you are being led around like a good little sheep.

fiboeater... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Read the response to IB, at no point in that video does he say they were defeated.

I know you two want to deflect from how you are being misled on this current issue, but you are wrong there and if you believe that this is some big conspiracy, you are doing so because you were told to by this group, not because you have anything to backup that claim.

So, if in Exxon's prospectus, in the notes, they mentioned the political dangers of the Climate Change movement, would they have mitigated their investors risk, and destroyed the basis of the AG's actions? Originally Posted by DSK
I can't say for sure because I'm not a lawyer, and I'm not sure exactly what they have been charged with. It probably also depends on when they said it and what else they are accused of hiding and also on how they were steered to talk about things by management.

But the reality is that Exxon is currently under criminal fraud investigation for hiding information from their investors about the risk of climate change, the fact that they have issued a subpoena to a climate change study group that has been largely funded by Exxon, for information on their dealings with Exxon, is nothing out of the ordinary and is almost certainly not an attack on free speech. The people who believe this are just doing so because they were told to do so.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If none of this exists, then why do you deem this worthy of conversation? EVery day?

Frankly, I find the entire climate change denial thing to be laughable. You don't believe it. You don't believe it. You don't believe it.

When you go to the doctor and are diagnosed with a disease, will it get better if you don't believe it?

You believe in the resurrection of Jesus Nazarine but you don't believe in climate change.

Who do you believe?

The oil industry?

Ben Carson?

I B Hankering's Avatar
According to the very first paragraph in your link, it says " President Barack Obama has described al Qaeda as having been “decimated,” “on the path to defeat” or some other variation at least 32 times since the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, according to White House transcripts."

Nothing about them actually having been defeated. As I said, you are being led around like a good little sheep.

Read the response to IB, at no point in that video does he say they were defeated.

I know you two want to deflect from how you are being misled on this current issue, but you are wrong there and if you believe that this is some big conspiracy, you are doing so because you were told to by this group, not because you have anything to backup that claim.

I can't say for sure because I'm not a lawyer, and I'm not sure exactly what they have been charged with.
Originally Posted by eatfibo
You're an equivocating SOB, eatbibeau. "Decimate" and "defeated" have the same synonyms, eatbibeau. And "on the run" means "in retreat", and "retreats" in military parlance follow "defeats", eatbibeau. And speaking of "misled", eatbibeau, it's been recently revealed that Odumbo, et al, cooked the intel to support their lies.

If none of this exists, then why do you deem this worthy of conversation? EVery day?

Frankly, I find the entire climate change denial thing to be laughable. You don't believe it. You don't believe it. You don't believe it.

When you go to the doctor and are diagnosed with a disease, will it get better if you don't believe it?

You believe in the resurrection of Jesus Nazarine but you don't believe in climate change.

Who do you believe?

The oil industry?

Ben Carson?

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
As usual, you're a lying lib-retard that wants to mischaracterize whats been posted, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM. You insist on defending your straw man argument that those who disagree with your lying-ass deny climate change, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM; when, in fact, almost everyone concedes that there is climate change. The point of contention you lyingly refuse to acknowledge, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM, is how much of that climate change is legitimately attributable to man and to what degree can man actions positively impact climate change.