Romney is in.....

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Like the ones who were "lied too".

Btw...which is a lie?

"We believe they have WMDs"


"If you like your Doctor, you can keep your Doctor" ?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-11-2015, 09:11 AM
You mean like......." I was "against it" before I was "for it" "?

Or like ....... "before the invasion I just wanted more time for the inspectors to look for WMDs, but now that nothing was found IMMEDIATELY I am against it"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
You do understand that there were many millions that thought and voted that it was a bad idea before the invasion. That we were proven correct is just a matter of history you seem to not care for.

You act as if 100% of the country was for the invasion of Iraq. That is not the case and is the reason why Obama beat Hilleary for the nomination in 2008, she double clutched. Her vote did her in.

So funny how you say folks are trying to rewrite history while in fact you are trying to rewrite history. Typical hypocrite.
lustylad's Avatar
Dickhead, Romney made a joke about being better off than we were 4 weeks ago regarding movement with the DJIA in the video. I just added on to that. Bush43 was POTUS at the time so its relevant. Only a Bush worshiper would think that it was coherent foreign policy to spend 2 trillion dollars for 8 years and have 4,500 people die to look for corroded weapons from 1980's that no longer work.

Mitt would have been a repeat of Bush43 and Bush43 was a DISASTER. Originally Posted by flghtr65

Hey fucktard, Romney made no reference to the DJIA, he was talking about the monthly jobs report when he made that joke. So stop making stuff up when the video is right in front of us proving you wrong. All you want to do is change the subject so you don't have to talk about ODUMBO'S FAILED FOREIGN POLICY. In case you haven't noticed, Bush43 has been out of office now for 6 long years. The world has moved on. Here is your choice in 2015, flighty. Which of the following sounds like the more coherent foreign policy:

Odumbo: "Don't do stupid shit."

Romney: "Able leaders anticipate events, prepare for them, and act in time to shape them."

Do you even possess the knowledge or intelligence to defend Odumbo's disastrous (and still unfolding) foreign policy? Then re-read Romney's critique (#32) and respond with something more substantive than "it's all Bushie's fault". If you can, that is.

LexusLover's Avatar
You do understand that there were many millions that thought and voted ..... Originally Posted by WTF
Who voted "that it was a bad idea before the invasion"?

I don't recall a vote being taken of whether to invade or not.

Now Congress doesn't have "millions of people voting" ...

.......................... so who the fuck are you talking about?

You're not suggesting that Congress would vote on something millions don't want .. are you?

Like you, I have no way of proving what people actually "thought" before the invasion, but ..

... I can only speculate (like you) that had Bush43 NOT INVADED and Saddam shipped a nuclear war head to some asshole who didn't like us and the asshole drove into the Houston Ship Channel on a freighter and set it off ..... if we were able to complain afterwards ... WE WOULD ... that he should have known Saddam had a nuclear warhead and should have done something about it ..... (the same crowd that blamed Bush43 for 911 .. and still do BTW... along with anything else that goes wrong in the country ... even after he is gone!).

The French "guessed wrong" ... and released a guy from prison. He came back with this brother and slaughter a bunch of people. Obaminable "guessed wrong" about the ISIS being junior varsity ... the list is endless.

20-20 hindsight is wonderful isn't it. Did it help you much in Vegas, to win?

"Do I understand" .... does that make you feel like you are intellectually superior to me? More knowledgeable?

Do you think it puts me on the defensive, so I will question my analytical and intellectual capacities?

What is your purpose or motivation for verbally insulting people? Does it give you an "edge"? Or do you "think" it does?
lustylad's Avatar
"Do I understand" .... does that make you feel like you are intellectually superior to me? More knowledgeable?

Do you think it puts me on the defensive, so I will question my analytical and intellectual capacities?

What is your purpose or motivation for verbally insulting people? Does it give you an "edge"? Or do you "think" it does? Originally Posted by LexusLover

Hahaha.... you got fagboy's number down. Whenever he is cornered or his fallacious arguments are exposed, he comes back at you either with a distractingly obscene and clever insult or he starts his reply with "You do understand..." as if whatever follows is well understood by certified experts when in reality it is only accepted by certified idiots like him!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
OBSERVATION: This thread is about Mitt Romney announcing that he might run for President for the umpteenth time.

However, now it's about terrorists blowing up East Houston, and rerunning the 2012 election.

Kinda like the thread where someone is retrying George Zimmerman's murder case.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
He's a morning drinker....just like bt.
LexusLover's Avatar
OBSERVATION: This thread is about Mitt Romney announcing that he might run for President for the umpteenth time. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Are you repeating your post for the "umpteenth time"? Or ...

...... has Romney announced he's running "umpteenth" times?

Anguish is not your first language, and it shows.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
A more appropriate word is "laughable"...............

The guy couldn't close the deal in 2012 when all the stars were aligned for a GOP takeover of the White House.............

Romney has no guts; no backbone............a nice guy but an inbred blue blood who adores the trappings of high political office, but won't engage in the rough and tumble elbowing that it takes to achieve......

I admire Obama because he is good at both - a tough politician who will throw dirty punches and a guy who embraces the power that comes with the achieving the office. Reagan was the same. Romney is neither.

Watch the GOP tear itself apart with multiple candidates spending hundreds of millions of dollars fighting each other...........comical ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Whirlaway did you just give Obama some credit???? LOL- Whirlaway who would you like to see run on the GOP side for 2016?
Like the ones who were "lied too".

Btw...which is a lie?

"We believe they have WMDs"


"If you like your Doctor, you can keep your Doctor" ? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Godalmighty, you get more stupid by the hour.

Yes, let's try to draw a bizarre analogy between an effort to provide health care for all Americans.....and a direct and knowing lie that resulted in roughly 5,000 American combat deaths and tens of thousands of casualties.

You and your boy Cheney....fucking shitbags of the same color.
Godalmighty, you get more stupid by the hour.

Yes, let's try to draw a bizarre analogy between an effort to provide health care for all Americans.....and a direct and knowing lie that resulted in roughly 5,000 American combat deaths and tens of thousands of casualties.

You and your boy Cheney....fucking shitbags of the same color. Originally Posted by timpage
Timmy, you seem a bit uptight. Breath deep...
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Godalmighty, you get more stupid by the hour.

Yes, let's try to draw a bizarre analogy between an effort to provide health care for all Americans.....and a direct and knowing lie that resulted in roughly 5,000 American combat deaths and tens of thousands of casualties.

You and your boy Cheney....fucking shitbags of the same color. Originally Posted by timpage
You are a ignorant liar.

Eat my fuck
LexusLover's Avatar

... an effort to provide health care for all Americans......... Originally Posted by timpage
Obamacare was NOT "an effort to provide health care for all Americans" ....

... and it still isn't.

Please don't call people "stupid' in the same sentence as such ridiculousness.

You've been "Gruberized" and you are just the person Gruber was describing.

You are the Gruber Poster Child, if you actually believe what you posted.
LexusLover's Avatar
You are a ignorant liar. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Actually, DL, I think he believes ...

... Obamacare was "an effort to provide health care for all Americans."
I 'd like to see a primary with 3 candidates representing 3 spectrums of thinking within the GOP.....Bush, Walker and Paul. If someone else emerges with broad genuine grassroots support, so be it.

And I wont vote for Bush.

Whirlaway did you just give Obama some credit???? LOL- Whirlaway who would you like to see run on the GOP side for 2016? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911