ThePlayer is a a liar and on many girl's DO NOT SEE LIST.

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Which ever girls want to co-sign on this, can. But from continue harassment from ThePlayer of many girls and now myself (yes u have seen first hand his harassment of others), I decided to not see this guy anymore. He has many warnings on him as well.
The reason I am posting this in the open for men to see, is because y'all need to know that his rude comments should not deter you from seeing any girls.
Any rude comments he makes are lies and he is just mad we won't see him.
The mods won't do anything about his harassment and stalking all my reviews and commenting on all of them. (As he does other girls as well, feel free to go look)
I'm sure you can look on his "latest posts" to see him saying rude things, but saying a random nice comment so the mods won't ban him on MANY girl's reviews. He learned his lesson from being restricted of commenting on other provider's reviews before, so now he tries to act nice.

I hope this shows the nice guys of Eccie to not believe all the bullshit some guys post, because a lot of times it is just because they are mad we won't see him.
I'm sure it will upset him to know that he doesn't affect our business, but still, none the less, I needed to post this since the moderators don't help to stop him.

So for all the world to know.... I WONT SEE THEPLAYER, so now he is mad- and posts rude comments. Originally Posted by Ember Simmers


The Player first contacted me via text on 5-11-2014 and initially his texts were polite and respectful. Since, May 11th was Mother's Day I was unable to talk or text with him because I was with my munchkins...

Since, he does not live in SA he was not wanting an appointment immediately so, it was a few weeks before I began researching him. Normally, when I get a reference from a provider that I am close with like Ember scheduling is pretty easy...

However, since I spend quite a bit of time in Houston I remembered reading SEVERAL ALERTS on this gentleman... During this COURTSHIP phase he started to drop the NICE FACE and started to show his TRUE colors...

Comments like: (and these are paraphrased)

"JJ is a Bitch and if I meet him in public then he planned on getting in his face like he did BITCH ASS MOJOJO... He claimed to have scared Mojojo into not going to a particular massage parlor..."

"He called the White Queen a Buff coward... He accused her of downing girls in her club and then doing greek and cob and all the sodomy but no dfk..."

Now, REGARDLESS of what happened between JJ and I, I do not like violence of any kind...Mojojo has always been WONDERFUL to me and The White Queen has always been professional and courteous on all of her correspondence when we have exchanged references...

AT THIS POINT there was NO WAY IN HELL I was going to be alone in a room with this gentleman... On June 8th, 2014 he contacted me again and I declined to see him and he did a COMPLETE 180...

He started accusing me of being MANAGED, told me I had a horrible attitude, started to say I had wasted his time...and then began the vulgarity...

I was called a BITCH ASS WHORE who deserved to be ASS RAPED...SIGH... anyway, I had already stopped speaking to him and yet he persisted in sending me OVER 200 THREATENING & VULGAR texts over the next 48 hours...

Now, obviously I am not the FIRST MALE OR FEMALE to have to deal with a stalker so, I say no need to create any more drama for myself on the board so, I contacted a few of the girls in Houston privately to thank them for their posts in regards to this gentleman, I added a short statement in info share in Houston and then I added his number to a BLOCKING APP that I have on my phone and I went on my merry way...

Over the last THREE MONTHS I have received over 800 text messages & photos from this gentleman...Sometimes, he is threatening to come beat me up if I come to Houston... other times he is asking if we can have MAKE UP SEX!! I am like REALLY?? LOL...

Anyway, I don't know if this will help or not but if even one girl decides NOT TO SEE this gentleman then it was worth all of the grief that I am sure I am going to get for speaking out against him...

If any of you have any questions or if you would like to see copies of the texts then I will gladly send them to you via email... I do not hate this gentleman... I just think that he has some violent tendencies and that he is not safe to play with...

Have a great day and play safe...

Your harassed slave,

Whispers's Avatar
So...... to quote Netx9...... You have never met or seen this man BCD and it's all based on texts and what others say?

Kinda like what I and others have to say at times?

OK.... I can appreciate that......

For him I guess it's good that the vast majority of providers don't read these forums and he has money.... just as the vast majority of clients do not either,,,,,,,
and you keep getting plugged,,,,

So y'all are kinds 2 peas in a similar pod.....

Except the danger you present comes from your self stated health risks and he is not known to have actually hurt anyone is he?
I am sure that Whispers and the SA gang will handle my light work but Slave you know exactly why you couldn't be my exclusive, why Ember went off and why I don' mess with your wives! JJ bought some off board stuff onto the Board and everyone at four clubs knows so no need to elaborate on that.

Do your homework when a chick lies about being an escort and GFE activities but condemns all the girls at work..nobody likes a hypocrite! Remember no one mentioned was solicited you all were referred or approached me so get it right!

The providers there outted you and your white knights couldn't defend certain things. As an older provider I would expect at your age you would have practiced is well documented by PR Sandra and others you give fake references. Let's not forget Las Vegas had to defend himself against Ember's lies.

But again, you can never say you said 'NO' cause I never wanted you! You are way too foul and disrespectful and dramatic for me to engage with.
You can tell this is a clique thing they decided to do over the weekend. Think about it for a second. She said she blocked me with her ap but then quotes 200 and then 800 texts? Doesn't add up.

She contacted Houston girls about me? Ember recommended her. As many girls in SA as I have seen and others who travel, I have not contacted her until Ember made the reference.

I hope folks see the clear link and that folks infoshare for sure like JJ relating to off board did suicidal failure.
Whispers's Avatar
The only thing around here that comes out of the blue is Bonn jizz. Originally Posted by PDid
That was good!
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Originally Posted by PDid
The only thing around here that comes out of the blue is Bonn jizz.
That was good! Originally Posted by Whispers
I don't believe that I would admit that in public, whispers.
....just sayin'



Whispers's Avatar
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 09-01-2014, 04:32 PM
I don't believe that I would admit that in public, whispers.
....just sayin'



Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
Tff! Btw, blocker apps are like spam filters. You can see what was blocked, just like you can chk your spam folder.
lucky21a's Avatar
Why hasn't amy of these girls taken a screen shot of these text and posted the images as proof?

You can blur out the numbers for public and send the numbers to mods.


better yet just record the dude saying shit on the phone. In texas as long as one party knows the phone call is being recorded(you) then it's legal to record and put it on soundcloud and post it in an Email, Pm. or post in the forum.
Chincho's Avatar
Because the whores are probably lying, check out the drama some of the hookers have been starting by threatening and outing people. This was probably just another B.S. hooker meltdown.
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 09-23-2014, 12:13 PM
Why hasn't amy of these girls taken a screen shot of these text and posted the images as proof?

You can blur out the numbers for public and send the numbers to mods.


better yet just record the dude saying shit on the phone. In texas as long as one party knows the phone call is being recorded(you) then it's legal to record and put it on soundcloud and post it in an Email, Pm. or post in the forum. Originally Posted by lucky21a

#9 - No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed.
Posting anything on here is a violation but you can certainly contact those who have posted and ask to see and I'd bet others already have seen it privately. You'll never see proof posted publicly, or at least for very long.
Chincho's Avatar
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 09-23-2014, 04:08 PM
^^^ Originally Posted by Chincho
Ignorance is bliss. Enjoy your bliss.
Precious_b's Avatar
Glad to see I still have love in SA!