How much should Israel get each year in US aid?

More than we send to Muslim Terrorist Countries!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Happy October, Motherfucker! ADIOS!
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The money we send Israel is not enough?

By what measure? What are they lacking? And why are we responsible for providing it?

And how much is enough in your book? Originally Posted by ExNYer
No, the money we send is not enough. The measure we use is the amount of money needed to insure the existence of Israel in a hostile area. We need more money in Israel right now because of the "Arab Spring" and all of the revolutions occurring in the hostile Muslim countries. In light of the heightened security considerations, 20 billion is the correct amount for now.
Why, you ask, is the US responsible for security all over the world?

"To whom much is given, much is expected"

P.S. Sorry I don't meet your and Assup's stereotype of how Jewish people should act, Herr Hitler.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I have no stereotype for how you should act. Just expectations based on traditional Jewish values.

No need to apologize. Just honor your months of blather, keep your promise and leave.
No, the money we send is not enough. The measure we use is the amount of money needed to insure the existence of Israel in a hostile area. We need more money in Israel right now because of the "Arab Spring" and all of the revolutions occurring in the hostile Muslim countries. In light of the heightened security considerations, 20 billion is the correct amount for now. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
The amount of American money needed to ensure the existence of Israel is ZERO dollars.

Israel has about 60-100 atomic bombs. That is all they need to have their existence ensured.

And, in case you haven't noticed, the Arab Spring is causing the Muslims to kill each other, not Israel. If anything, Israel should encourage the Arab Spring and let the Arab factions bleed each other white.

Why, you ask, is the US responsible for security all over the world?

"To whom much is given, much is expected" Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
What horseshit.

First I didn't ask why the US is responsible for security all over the world. I asked only about Israel. And providing security all over the world is even more insane than providing security just for Israel.

And your insane standard - "To whom much is given, much is expected" - will get us involved in wars all over the world. And yet I don't remember you advocating for the US to put troops and money into wars in Africa and Asia that don't threaten Israel.

Why is it that you advocate socialism in the US-Israel relationship when you oppose it everywhere else.

You do realize that the saying: "To whom much is given, much is expected" is typically used by the left to demand that high-income earners be taxed at ever higher rates in order to redistribute income, don't you?

And here you are using it to advocated the transfer of American blood and treasure to the preferred country of your choice.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He's a confused puppy, ExNYer. Chasing his tail.

And in training to kick your ass with his bare fists.
And in training to kick your ass with his bare fists. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That sounds like something IBHankering pays his trannies for