Remember when Secret Service agents claimed they'd testify under oath that Cassidy Hutchinson was wrong about Trump in the SUV on January 6, and then they admitted later that yeah she's actually right?

You care.
HedonistForever's Avatar
You care. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

If Meadows is charged? No, actually I don't.
someone came forward who heard a story?

you are laughable, claiming to be an attorney and the things you type

the op on this thread is no better

as far as texts being deleted, it seems its the stuff of urban myth cum dimocrat wet dream

here's the story

Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi ......: “The insinuation that the Secret Service maliciously deleted text messages following a request is false. In fact, the Secret Service has been fully cooperating with the OIG in every respect — whether it be interviews, documents, emails, or texts.”

He said the Secret Service had started to reset its mobile devices to factory settings in January 2021 “as part of a pre-planned, three-month system migration.” In that process, some data was lost.

The inspector general has first requested the electronic communications on Feb. 26, “after the migration was well under way,” Guglielmi said.

“The Secret Service notified DHS OIG of the loss of certain phones’ data, but confirmed to OIG that none of the texts it was seeking had been lost in the migration,” he said.

The allegation that officials at the inspector general’s office were not given timely access to the material because of a review by Homeland Security attorneys had been raised by the inspector general before and is also not true, he said.

“DHS has repeatedly and publicly debunked this allegation, including in response to OIG’s last two semi-annual reports to Congress,” Guglielmi added. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

Looks like the spokesman was misleading (as I stated prior) or lied (what I suspect) since the secret service has admitted that the Jan 5-6 texts are erased and they cannot retrieve them.
Until the SS testifies under oath, comments they have made, not under oath, mean nothing. Until they say what actually happened, posters on this thread can't claim anything as factual.
People who continue to claim Hutchinson lied have no sworn testimony to refute her. I don't understand why they can't wait until they have something to back them up.
Everyone knows they would be screaming if the Democrats deleted all those emails. The SS is trying to hide the fact they contributed to the whole mess.
.... Don be silly. They HAVE refuted her... THEY were inside
the car... She wasn't.... They have also agreed to testify,
but the sham committee doesn't want to hear from them.

Case closed, Boney.

### Salty
Salty. You’re wrong. Just keep watching Newsmax and stating falsehoods.
... Mate, how am I wrong?

### Salty
They have not refuted her. Saying it didn’t happen how it was stated is not the same as saying it didn’t happen. Further, she said Ornato told her that happened. Neither Ornato or anyone else has refuted he told her that. And they have not provided sworn testimony as yet. Still waiting on them to do so.

Let state it differently.

Did Ornato tell her that Trump had a tantrum?
Did Ornato tell her that Trump tried to or grabbed a secret service agent?
Did Ornato tell her that Trump tried to grab the steering wheel?
Did Ornato tell her that an agent had to tell Trump to let go of the wheel of whatever he might have grabbed?
Did Trump try to grab the wheel or some other part of the dash area of the vehicle?
Did Trump try to or grab an agent?
Did Trump have to be told by an agent to let go of whatever he grabbed?

If we get an answer under oath regarding those things it might be interesting. It’s clear the secret service is not above lying (when not under oath) which has been shown by the texts currently being sought.

Like I said Salty, you can keep getting your fact free opinions from Newsmax and Breitbart but I’ll keep correcting you.

So I’ll end again with You’re Wrong.
... It doesn't matter WHAT Ornato told her.
It's second-hand information... HE WAS NOT THERE!

Oranato can tell her that Trump is a axe murderer.
Unless he was there to see a killing - it doesn't matter.

And you fancy yer-self to the lads here as some-sort of barrister??
And yet you don't seem to understand the basic principles
o' hearsay testimony.

And DON'T try to dance-away and CHANGE her testimony!
IT IS - that she was told President Trump lunged for
the steering-wheel trying to grab it --- and also grabbed
a Secret Service officer by the neck.

Don't try to change THIS into "Did He grab something else?"
And "Was He told by the agent to let go?"

THAT was NOT her testimony...

#### Salty
Ornato was in the SUV. You are about as clueless as they come.
... Which one? ... The Beast - or the other one?

And when is Ornato going to testify?
IF - he was there as you say - WHERE is he??

I want to hear - and so does Present Trump - Ornato TELL US
that HE actually SAW - with his-own eyes - President Trump
grab the steering wheel and grab a SS agent by the neck.

Don't you?

### Salty
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-20-2022, 05:37 PM
So the SS deleted texts from January 5th and 6th and nobody from the SS has testified under oath.


Benghazi like almost, right Clinton haters?
Ornato was in the SUV. You are about as clueless as they come. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... One thing is for certain - Ornato was NOT
inside the car with President Trump.
There's a rather obvious reason why.

And because I'm a friendly fellow with courtly ways,
I'm gonna give you 'til tomorrow to apologize.
You know you're wrong about this - and I'm correct.

Takes all of half-a-mo to do a search.
No doubt some o' the lads are doing that now.

I'm surely trying NOT to embarrass you with this,
but you need to meet me 'alf-way.

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
So the SS deleted texts from January 5th and 6th and nobody from the SS has testified under oath.


Benghazi like almost, right Clinton haters? Originally Posted by WTF
Only thing that this has in common with Bengazi was that the event was teletyped before it happened. As NoBoi said, intelligence that was collected failed.
DHS OIG has stated they have changed their request and investigation into the missing texts as a criminal investigation. They probably shouldn’t have erased the texts.

Maybe the Secret Service spokesman was lying after all.