Great Topic. I use to think that all the fun would be over by the time I reached 45.
So, after taking a few years off to care for my Mom I wasn't sure if I would still love this hobby or ...if it would love me.
Personally, I still feel as young as I did 20 years ago! The main difference is that I'm so much more comfortable with my sexuality and self confident about my interaction with men.
I am in the process of having new pics made even though I have always hated them.
In fact, I've never really needed them based on referrals. However, I think it's only fair to provide current, accurate pics for gentlemen who are making a serious request during the screening process.
I am looking forward to making a few new friends, as well as revisiting long established relationships.
Let's all have a great day! It's a beautiful experience to be alive!
Peace & Love,
Bluesgirl aka SlowhandDeb