Israel is his homeland.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This is what they did before the laws changed. The worker got screwed and people made pennies an hour. THAT offends me. Stronger, smarter, workforce? Bullshit. Only someone as stupid as you would complain that people earning minimum wage aren't deserving of it. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You're an idiot. It's a different time. I want a market system. We don't have that now. We have to break up these too big to fail companies. We need to eliminate artificial barriers to entry. We need corporate disclosure of their power centers. We need to eliminate artificial ceilings on wages, perpetrated by illegal immigrants. We need to let the market act like a market.

And before you start harping about how anti-libertarian this is, libertarians do not support fraud, which is what the crony capitalists (fascists) have been perpetrating on us for over 100 tears. The minimum wage accepts and promotes the crony capitalist/corporatist system. In a market system there would be few price makers when it comes to wages.

Minimum wage is a band aid on a brain injury. It does nothing to resolve the real issue.
  • DSK
  • 06-02-2015, 05:36 AM
GO live there then. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I couldn't take being called a wetback.
dirty dog's Avatar
No minimum wage means that people with no experience, no education just trying to start off their careers in retail or fast food could be earning less than $7.25/hr....that's practically a death sentence.
It also means that companies would much rather hire, for example, part-time students to do those jobs because they usually will accept a much lower wage. Like it or not, there are people who still support their families on minimum wage.

A capitalist market without boundaries is like condoning some of the worst crimes ever committed. There is no such thing as a "free-market" that works out in the best interest for everyone. Originally Posted by shanm
Your kidding me right, careers , that's the problem these jobs were never intended to be career jobs, they were intended to be employment for partime workers and school kids.
  • shanm
  • 06-02-2015, 10:28 AM
Your kidding me right, careers , that's the problem these jobs were never intended to be career jobs, they were intended to be employment for partime workers and school kids. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Here's what I actually said:

START OFF their careers

Most people who start off in those areas do begin with minimum wage.

they were intended to be employment for partime workers and school kids

Seriously? That is retrograde thinking. Think about how much the value of a GED or high school diploma has declined over the years. Nowadays they are as worthless as a piece of toilet paper.
Many who only graduate high school, and also many who are laid off in recessions, find jobs that only pay minimum wage to start out with. I would agree with you that that is the way it shouldn't be, but that's really the way it is. Saying that everyone should go out and find a better job is idealistic at best. Or do you think that these people want to struggle everyday just to make their rent?

These problems can be easily summed up. As our economy progresses the jobs at the lower end of the skill spectrum start to disappear. Automation, for example, replaces a lot of manufacturing jobs. Outsourcing can be another reason.
This is compounded by the fact that our population is increasing constantly. The number of people who are....errr....stupid....incre ases as well. So you basically end up with an ever increasing labor pool for an ever diminishing job market.

Thirdly, and this relates a little more to the wage increase argument, but the price of everything, from rent right down to a gallon of milk, has increased since the minimum wage was set into effect. How can we expect people to maintain the same standard of living if the value of their wages is constantly dropping? Think about how much of your income is going to rental payments, even a slight increase in that can make a huge dent in living standards for those making minimum wage.
You're an idiot. It's a different time. I want a market system. We don't have that now. We have to break up these too big to fail companies. We need to eliminate artificial barriers to entry. We need corporate disclosure of their power centers. We need to eliminate artificial ceilings on wages, perpetrated by illegal immigrants. We need to let the market act like a market.

And before you start harping about how anti-libertarian this is, libertarians do not support fraud, which is what the crony capitalists (fascists) have been perpetrating on us for over 100 tears. The minimum wage accepts and promotes the crony capitalist/corporatist system. In a market system there would be few price makers when it comes to wages.

Minimum wage is a band aid on a brain injury. It does nothing to resolve the real issue. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You sound positively socialist. If the minimum wage is raised, people will hire less, prices will go up, the people who used to have minimum wage jobs will buy less and the cycle continues. Artificial ceilings? Perpetrated by immigrants?
Here's what I actually said:

START OFF their careers

Most people who start off in those areas do begin with minimum wage.


Seriously? That is retrograde thinking. Think about how much the value of a GED or high school diploma has declined over the years. Nowadays they are as worthless as a piece of toilet paper.
Many who only graduate high school, and also many who are laid off in recessions, find jobs that only pay minimum wage to start out with. I would agree with you that that is the way it shouldn't be, but that's really the way it is. Saying that everyone should go out and find a better job is idealistic at best. Or do you think that these people want to struggle everyday just to make their rent?

These problems can be easily summed up. As our economy progresses the jobs at the lower end of the skill spectrum start to disappear. Automation, for example, replaces a lot of manufacturing jobs. Outsourcing can be another reason.
This is compounded by the fact that our population is increasing constantly. The number of people who are....errr....stupid....incre ases as well. So you basically end up with an ever increasing labor pool for an ever diminishing job market.

Thirdly, and this relates a little more to the wage increase argument, but the price of everything, from rent right down to a gallon of milk, has increased since the minimum wage was set into effect. How can we expect people to maintain the same standard of living if the value of their wages is constantly dropping? Think about how much of your income is going to rental payments, even a slight increase in that can make a huge dent in living standards for those making minimum wage. Originally Posted by shanm
Minimum wage should at least keep up with inflation, I agree. Prices have moved on but the wage has not. Buying power is down.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You sound positively socialist. If the minimum wage is raised, people will hire less, prices will go up, the people who used to have minimum wage jobs will buy less and the cycle continues. Artificial ceilings? Perpetrated by immigrants? Originally Posted by WombRaider

Socialist? You're a moron. You're the socialist who can't turn enough control over to government. No wonder you get your ass handed to you on here daily. And you're too stupid to get it, so you keep coming back.
You're an idiot. It's a different time. I want a market system. We don't have that now. We have to break up these too big to fail companies. We need to eliminate artificial barriers to entry. We need corporate disclosure of their power centers. We need to eliminate artificial ceilings on wages, perpetrated by illegal immigrants. We need to let the market act like a market.

And before you start harping about how anti-libertarian this is, libertarians do not support fraud, which is what the crony capitalists (fascists) have been perpetrating on us for over 100 tears. The minimum wage accepts and promotes the crony capitalist/corporatist system. In a market system there would be few price makers when it comes to wages.

Minimum wage is a band aid on a brain injury. It does nothing to resolve the real issue. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Socialist? You're a moron. You're the socialist who can't turn enough control over to government. No wonder you get your ass handed to you on here daily. And you're too stupid to get it, so you keep coming back. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Notice the highlighted portions above. Who, exactly, will be doing this eliminating that you seek? Government? Ya just got burnt, old timer.
I would never advocate what you just advocated. That's truly socialist behavior you're calling for.
  • shanm
  • 06-02-2015, 10:17 PM
Notice the highlighted portions above. Who, exactly, will be doing this eliminating that you seek? Government? Ya just got burnt, old timer.
I would never advocate what you just advocated. That's truly socialist behavior you're calling for. Originally Posted by WombRaider
That's because he is absolutely utterly clueless when it comes to talking economics. He doesn't know shit from shoe polish.
That's because he is absolutely utterly clueless when it comes to talking economics. He doesn't know shit from shoe polish. Originally Posted by shanm
The government is bad, until he needs them for something, then he comes calling. That's a socialist if I've ever seen one. And he calls me one.
  • shanm
  • 06-02-2015, 10:28 PM
The government is bad, until he needs them for something, then he comes calling. That's a socialist if I've ever seen one. And he calls me one. Originally Posted by WombRaider
When the government breaks up monopolies....that's okay because "crony capitalists"

When the government sets a minimum wage to mandate a more equitable distribution of company revenues.....that's bad because "crony capitalists"

The minimum wage accepts and promotes the crony capitalist/corporatist system. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Exactly which "crony capitalists" would want to pay their minimum wage employees a higher wage, someone ask him. How is raising the wage "crony capitalism"? at least come up with something that makes sense.

To sum it up, he's a fucking dunce who can parrot some useless, one-size-fits-all talking points. That's it.
Where's he at?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Notice the highlighted portions above. Who, exactly, will be doing this eliminating that you seek? Government? Ya just got burnt, old timer.
I would never advocate what you just advocated. That's truly socialist behavior you're calling for. Originally Posted by WombRaider
In a Libertarian government, it is legitimate for there to be government action when a person or entity is acting to take another's life liberty or property by force or fraud. These "too big to fail" and similar corporation are perpetrating fraud. There would need to be a judicial adjudication, then appropriate action.

Oh, you're still an ignorant moron.
bigspoonbill's Avatar
The only way raising minimum wage would help is if prices stay the same. When they raised it last time prices went up and did nothing. Where i was working at the time was a minimum wage job but my first. The owner would give every employee a rasie every 3 mouths so you wasnt making bare minimum the hole time you was there and moving up in pay fast. But when they decided to rasie the wage he had to cut down on getting out rasies and which he also started cutting out others things that he did for us. increasing the minimum wage will hurt more people then just the owner of the place. Company's needs to give raise to help people that stay there so they can make more money or work hard to move up in pistions.
The job I am at now you can move up and get raises every year if spiking the minimum wage company's will increase the prices and cut down on what they give there employees. It will hurt more people then help. If you work at a place for 5 years and making minimum wage find another job and don't say there is not jobs out. there is just got to find them I have heard a lot of people stay there is no jobs but most people don't want to work at job for along period of time or long enough to get unemployment then get fired so they can set at home and do nothing.