BustyBridgette... beware


I wish there were a simple solution but if every provider who changes her name says it is for privacy reasons, the asterisk would never be used.

I have come to the conclusion that most WW providers over 25 are retreads (name changes), most who are under 25 are pimped...

This does not necessarily mean they are all bad: It is just a probability that we need to be aware of.
Duke of G's Avatar

However a provider or member that changed names due to bad reviews or for whatever reason that does not have to do with the above (or can give the MODS good or reasonable cause, not BS) should be marked, such as T-Angel and BB if she/they start multiple names to cover the past....Our money is hard earned; all we want is the straight shit and not to be misled or lied to.... Originally Posted by sinep1
Name changes don't unlink posts, reviews, etc. Let's be specific: this is a user closing an account and coming back later.

Since I've had to quote this to 4 users in 2 days, I'll add it here:

#28 - At any time, you may ask to cancel/disable your account here for any reason, or "guest" your account for security reasons. Please submit your request to the staff and include the reason for the request so we may better assist you. In cases where you are asking for your posts or threads to be removed, you will need to submit a list of URL links to the posts you have specified for removal. We will attempt to assist in these cases, but please understand that this process takes time, and due to the amount of work involved, no timeframe or deadline will be given for completion of this task. Additionally, should you wish to return to the board under a different username at a later date, this must be done only after first making contact with staff and receiving staff blessing. (in some cases, a 90-day grace period will be assessed before issuing a new account) At that point, we will be be happy to assist you with the transition.
So changes for the "bad review" and other reasons aren't common. Unless they have left and "re-invented" some months later, it's not like you are seeing tons of the re-treads.

We also respect the idea of value for $. We aren't trying to make the research any harder on users.
From her website: http://bustymissbridgette.escortfiles.com
I am currently located in North Austin. I have decided to return to the business after a 6 month hiatus
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 02-22-2013, 06:35 PM
She is showing face pictures in chat again, I don't think anonymity should be exercised anymore.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 02-22-2013, 08:56 PM
I also have a pending owed fun time, Hope she don't do me like mesquiteguy. We will see.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I'm dying to ask who she is but I'm not gonna but if someone happens to send me a pm and tells me, that would be awesome.

Tongue in cheek. LOL
I am very sorry that this happen too you mesquiteguy. Stick with us good woman and will treat you good.
This was so long ago. Why are we bumping this?

We all make mistakes.

I am not my mistakes. People change
Yes I am Busty Bridgette and I made my mistakes. But that is nit the reason forvthe new account. My account was hacked.

Also I realize the wrongs in my ways. Hence the 6 month hiatus. Since ive been back. Ive never had this situation again.

Thank you.

Mods can we close this 10 month old thread wrongly bumped.
mastermind238's Avatar
Yeah, why would a registered member, with no reviews and only 7 posts since joining in 2009, bump a thread that's almost a year old? Bridgette has got her shit together now, and has had for quite some time, so what's the point of bringing up this ancient history other than character assassination?
flanker1017's Avatar
Mastermind, i completely agree with you. why was this thread bumped. all that is history. let it be
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 02-22-2013, 10:16 PM
Bridgette Ann has contacted me and wants to get squared off on our deal tomorrow. She seems to have her sheez together....
It is only time before she goes back to her old habits, once a crook always a crook. With so many other great girls on here that have never had anything close to her track record why would anybody give her the time of day.
mastermind238's Avatar
Bridgette Ann has contacted me and wants to get squared off on our deal tomorrow. Originally Posted by biglatinmale
Good. I hope we get to hear all about it in a review! She really has worked hard to reclaim her good name.
It is only time before she goes back to her old habits, once a crook always a crook. With so many other great girls on here that have never had anything close to her track record why would anybody give her the time of day. Originally Posted by fortylove
+1 - I'm all about forgiveness and second chances, we are not our mistakes. I can understand going through a rough time, unable to think past how you are going to eat on any given day - I can't knock anyone for that HOWEVER, two or three of the same mistake is no longer considered a mistake. Mistakes happen to everyone, how they are handled is what counts. A decent person remedies them immediately, even if she was sick...keep them in the loop, let them know they really helped you out and show appreciation. The same MISTAKE 3 times (or more, which guys didn't come forward) is actually a CON. Con artist are notorious for repeating bad behavior, never taking responsibility, never actually putting effort forth to restitute, disappearing and then reappearing again. It's not a mistake and may not even be a true con (ill will intended) but it does show true character. The retirement before making things right further proves my point.

Since we are all professionals, this is her job. In a 9-5 pull some stuff like this and see if your reputation isn't ruined. Try retiring and coming back with a new name - not going to work. I once knew a lady that took home a laptop a client forgot in the lobby - it was late and her thoughts were to keep it safe - a mistake

However, she didn't walk it back behind the secured door and put it in her cube - she left the building with it. The next day when emails went out, she said nothing. The following day, nothing. That laptop contained important info and when surveillance videos surfaced, she was caught. There was no turning back, no 'get your shit together' - she was fired immediately, 15+ years of a great reputation ruined - why? She didn't fix it immediately, which showed her character and proved to everyone she could not be trusted. She never came back to any high up circle with a new name...this is not any different.

This person STOLE - thanks for bumping the thread. I'm new here, lots of men are new here and if there is a possible thief among us...we need to know. Isn't this board used for staying 'safe' - maybe some guy only has $ to hobby once a month, it would be a shame if this happens to him.

If she wants to make it right, has her stuff together and is worthy of saving her rep - pay them all back within 2 weeks or make time for 4 payback appointments a week until everyone is repaid. That's reasonable.*

Just two weeks ago a first time client visited-he asked about 'why' I got in to this industry. Then he asked again and again - somehow the session ended in my crying over the rescue of my dog, my family. I thought I'd never hear from him and felt bad for 'ruining' his time BUT he texted immediately. I'm a nice girl, etc and he offered to service my car. I said okay but never intended to take up the offer, I didn't earn it. He texted again and again and exactly a week later, I walked in his shop with my tail between my legs. He took care of all the maintenance work. He didn't have to do that. Not every man would even offer - I'm in awe of his kindness. ALL OF HIS TEXT ARE RETURNED and I'm truly grateful in a way he could never understand. It was nothing...but to me, it was everything.

For the men who 'help' - thanks, you make the world a better place. I now know what it's like to be in need - to actually be in a position where an extra $100 makes all the difference. In better times, I didn't appreciate what $100 could do. I now appreciate the little things - kind gestures, tips, extras, gifts from people who owe me nothing really mean something, like never before. Too bad she missed the provider course on humility

Those men are not fools, rather been fooled. Doesn't make them idiots, makes the person on the other end that much more an a$$hole. Please don't pay upfront, unless you trust the gal and are willing to give it without expectation. The good ones will go out of their way to show appreciation and the bad ones don't really count. Consider all of your actions a boomerang, they always come back. Some day some one in the world will show you the same kindness, promise.

I was just having this convo with one of my clients today!!*

I've been fooled many times on Craigslist - I find the 'please help' pleas irresistible. I hit rock bottom and now give back by trying to help others. You know what? I've gotten burned!!! Once a lady answered an ad to buy my barely used expensive work suits - she came with a sob story, going back to work, left an abuse situation, etc - asked to buy 2 suits and hold the rest until her next payday - I GAVE THEM and the next day, this shameless trash resold them. Another lady took in a stray dog I had fostered, left with the toys, flea meds and a brand new dog house - the following week...dog house on CL, no dog. I never found him at the shelter she swore she surrendered him to. I hope that lady loses all of her belongings in a fire and ends up alone in a nursing home, with a dirty depend and back full of bed sores!

On the flip side, I met a handyman that did everything for me when I moved into my home. He disclosed he was a convicted felon and being single and alone - I could've ran the other way but I didn't. He was not his mistakes and admitted his wrongs, that said something about him. He was the most reliable, honest man on earth. For 2 months I paid him, because I had it and he needed it. I don't know what happened to him but he restored my faith in humanity - I was running low.*

I still answer ads. I still meet cons but good people are out there, I know it. Today I offered some lady $40 to wash my dogs at the self serve dog wash - it's only $20 more to have a professional but she was begging. This shameless whore went on about her 2 kids, hard times, god blessing but when I told her what the job was, she said no. She's not gonna do that. FREE SH$T! SHAMELESS BEGGARS, NOW CHOOSERS! She treated me like I was shameless for even expecting her up work, she's a single mother...

I woke up inspired and wanted to do my part in making the world a better place, instead I sat pissed off! I spent 23 minutes crafting a witty, hurtful email full of advice to make her a better person...which included: WE ALL COULD BE SINGLE MOTHERS-YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL-JUST IRRESPONSIBLE, *I WOULD SHOVEL DOG SHIT IF MY DOGS COULDN'T EAT, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED and just when I got to the part where I was going to explain that when in true need, nothing is below you - in fact, I see strange naked m...e...n - then it dawned on me, she's probably f-in illiterate. In that, the universe already paid her back!

As a child, my parents would turn to me right before entering someone else's home and say YOU ARE NOT HUNGRY AND YOU ARE NOT THIRSTY. By the age of 5, I knew to 'never ask' for anything. I didn't fully understand the message - which was shameful givemegiveme with your hand out behavior - but I got the lesson. Even if I accidentally swallowed glass, I wasn't thirsty. Thank god for that. Equally shameful was to not offer guest whatever you had, even if you had little to offer. If hungry and broke - made no difference, a sandwich can be cut in half. Give but never ask.

I live my life by that. 23 minutes wasted on an idiot, 20 minutes more relaying the story and 20 more reading about BB and then replying. Not time wasted, time well spent - I'm now more aware of how awful it is to be a fool over being fooled. I'd much rather be on this end! I had forgotten that

ThreAD? I don't care - I'll be the first to say it LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME...I don't steal, I don't take money and run, I don't meet people hoping for FREE MONEY on Eccie or Craigslist, I'm a 'whore' posting ThreADs but I'm willing to work for it. So --LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME

I'm f-ing AMAZING!

If you don't believe it, I'm willing to give a free 45 minute session to anyone BB, newly unretired and 'shit together' having, doesn't repay in the next 15 days.*

The catch...nothing! Just have solid proof you were wronged and remember, this is FREE - I may not offer up the same services but it's the gesture that counts