What will it take to restore ECCIE to its former glory?

TexTushHog's Avatar
Newer generation take things to social media. Reading from what is posted, look like things are changing and left with older generations here.
There are plenty of younger Dallas girls who do well on social. If you want youngns, get on board on social media.

I am getting messages or connection from overseas (Mexico, Colombia, CC, Australia, Korea) after a year. Originally Posted by AsianP
Which social media? Where? How is it organized, indexed, etc.?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Because FOSTA-SESTA is a law of the united states, and not an international treaty that any other countries have signed on to. Thus anyone violating the law outside of US jurisdiction is welcome to continue doing so. Though there are laws regarding sexual activity with minors and murder of American Citizens that the USA has judged illicit in any country around the globe. What makes P411 different is that while Gina's real identity has always been known by only a small handful of people worldwide, what has been known for many years is that she has always lived in Canada. And this was before she transferred ownership of the site to a European entity. Not only were the servers that hosted the site never located in the USA, the people maintaining the site never were, either.

Combine that with the fact that the site is open to private membership only, they don't really bare any risk in regards to these new laws.

Now, for any website on the internet, if you are violating the laws of your own country, then you could be inviting trouble. P411 does not do this to my knowledge. Originally Posted by Pangolier
A full fledged discussion if extraterritorial application if criminal law is way too complicated to engage in. But a person can commit an act that exposes him toUS criminal law without ever setting foot in the US. Having everything outside the US may very well not change any criminal liability with these laws.

Then the on,y issue is finding the defendant in the US or bilateral extradition rights.
Pangolier's Avatar
Well I'm not a lawyer, but a prosecutor in the US would have to file charges, then serve papers to the country of residence of the accused. Given the fact many countries with treaties won't extradite without stipulations (see Julian Assange), even if a prosecutor were to go to such great lengths as to identity who owned the servers and was operating the site, I think it would take more resources than the government thinks it is worth to get the accused in a US courtroom. Now if you are someone like El Chapo Guzman, then yeah they will do it. But for the owner / operator of a site like Tryst or P411 they probably aren't going to go to that much trouble.

Also, depending on which country those off shore servers are located, they may never even be able to identify who is renting them or running the site. If it's in a country hostile to the US they are just going to flip them the bird and laugh at the request. Look how much effort it took them to crack the Silk Road case, and Ross Ulbricht wasn't even hosting that site from a country like North Korea or something.

I can't say for certain that the owners and operators of these types of sites cannot be legally exposed at least in theory, but I think the likelihood of any serious action being taken by the US gov is very low if both the owners and servers are located outside of the US.

A full fledged discussion if extraterritorial application if criminal law is way too complicated to engage in. But a person can commit an act that exposes him toUS criminal law without ever setting foot in the US. Having everything outside the US may very well not change any criminal liability with these laws.

Then the on,y issue is finding the defendant in the US or bilateral extradition rights. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-16-2022, 06:58 PM
I say purging the toxic whores, the Old bitter whores, the drama whores. Things can get a lot better for sure
nothing. FOSTA critically injured it and the texas law in September put the nail in the coffin.