Shit for brain hits a new unbeaten record...but he's not done yet!!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'll answer what I fucking want to answer ass hole. If you don't want a response then just shut your stupid ass up. You are so full of shit it is spilling over.

What did biden do to cause inflation? High gas prices? Keystone XL won't work, it is a stupid answer.

Borders have always been an issue, even under trump. Did trumps crumbling wall do anything but waste money? Defund the police is bullshit and never happened. It was a stupid name for sure and should have never been called that. It was only a shift in resources.

As for reputable sources, I did a quick check of all the poll numbers and you are full of shit as usual. Originally Posted by royamcr

well let's discuss this shall we? first the wall should have been completed a long time ago. it was to be extended under G Bushy II reign. Secure Fence Act of 2006

ring any bells?

guess what was for that? everyone.

including the usual suspects .....

let's roll the footage shall we?

Barry Obama and the Dems then dropped the ball. on purpose.

well!!! that settles that! moving on ..

oh and just so you know .. if Barry the bucktard Obama and the Dems hadn't intentionally dropped the ball on border security do you think it would have been a issue in 2016 for Trump?

face it sparky .. they handed it to Trump on a silver platter.

defund the police did happen. all by democrats.

These US cities defunded police: 'We're transferring money to the community'

call it a "shift in resources" all you want.


Defund the Police? These Cities Said Yes


New York City

Cook County, Illinois

Portland, OR



Los Angeles



and what happened???

What Happens When Cities Defund Police Departments

More than six months after Black Lives Matter protests broke out across the United States, several cities and towns have started the process of yielding to activist demands and defunding their police departments.
Let’s take a look at where these places are and what happens when cities defund police departments.

Defund the Police Explained

According to Rashawn Ray, a sociologist and fellow at the Brookings Institution, “Defund the police” means reallocating or redirecting funding away from the police department to other government agencies funded by the local municipality.”

Ray is quick to point out that defunding the police does not mean abolishing the police, but any resources, financial or otherwise, mean fewer police officers on the streets to help keep our communities safe. In fact, CNN reports that “Those seeking to disband police consider defunding an initial step toward creating an entirely different model of community-led public safety.”

So-called “community-led public safety” is not led by police and pushes police to the background or out of the picture entirely. Where does the money taken from the police go? The answer varies by city but generally falls into a few buckets.

“Those dollars can be used to fund schools, hospitals, housing and food in those communities, too — “all of the things we know increase safety,” Phillip McHarris, a doctoral candidate in sociology at Yale University and lead research and policy associate at the Community Resource Hub for Safety and Accountability, told CNN.

Schools, hospitals, and housing are great, but they do not keep violent criminals off the streets in the same way that police do. This simple fact has started to play out in cities across the United States.

What Cities Have Defunded Police?

According to a Forbes report from August 2020, at least 13 cities have defunded or are in the process of defunding their police departments:

  • New York City
  • Washington, D.C.
  • Baltimore
  • Philadelphia
  • Los Angeles
  • San Francisco
  • Atlanta
  • Minneapolis
  • Seattle
  • Salt Lake City
  • Portland, Oregon
  • Hartford, Connecticut
  • Norman Oklahoma,
  • Austin, Texas
According to Forbes, funding cuts ranged from $1 billion in New York City to $3.5 million in Seattle and $850,000 in smaller cities like Norman, Oklahoma. However, Forbes also reports that several cities have increased police spending, including Houston, San Diego, Nashville, and Durham, North Carolina.
What Happens When Cities Defund Police Departments?

While anti-police advocates like to say that defunding measures do not have an impact on violent crime, the statistics clearly tell a different story.

In Minneapolis, homicides increased by 60% in 2020, with many of the crimes left unsolved because there are fewer police detectives and other resources to work the cases. Things have gotten so bad that the city’s residents are filing a lawsuit against the city council to restore police funding.

“We are in an urgent state of emergency right now due to the crime,” said Cathy Spann, one of the plaintiffs in the case, told KSTP news. “As citizens, the City of Minneapolis owes us. We have a right to expect that we can be safe walking the street, that our children can play in their yards. Enough is enough.”

For its part, the city’s council seems to still be in disbelief that cutting the police force will lead to an increase in violent crime.

“This is one of the most painful years I’ve ever experienced and I’ve been in Minneapolis all of my life,” Cam Gordon, city council member for Ward 2, told KSTP. “I think the number of guns, the number of shootings, it’s very concerning. It’s sad.”

The situation is similar in Atlanta, where 2020 was the city’s most violent year on record. The city’s police department investigated 157 homicides in 2020, up from 99 in 2019 and the highest number in more than 20 years.

Residents are noticing the increased violence in their communities and reporting that no part of the city feels safe anymore.

“It’s really scary because you don’t know who’s going to be killed or who’s going to be shot or where those shots are coming from,” activist Columbus Ward told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “It’s just everywhere.”

Sadly, this scenario continues to play out in cities across the country that continue the push to defund the police. Expect even more homicides and violent crimes this year as budgetary changes passed in 2020 go into full effect in 2021.

As we enter a new year and a new political season, calls to “defund the police” from elected officials across the country will no doubt continue. There are many reasons why defunding the police is a bad idea, but we wanted to highlight a few of the most important reasons to keep in mind as these discussions continue.

okay. that covers that! now

what happened next? what do you think happened? crime spiked bigly. so now they are ... u guessed it ..

America's Biggest Cities to Invest $450M More in Police Following 2020 Defund Movement

guess all those "trauma counselors" didn't get the job done.

royboy ... you really need to stop being such an angry boy. unless your intention is to get banned again. if so .. carry on!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Above are the last 2 Republican presidents. But is hard to tell who the President really was from these photos. That look on Trump's face......priceless. Originally Posted by VitaMan

who's this president?

VitaMan's Avatar
Now you are trying "aboutism" ? Since your false premises fell flat on their face.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Now you are trying "aboutism" ? Since your false premises fell flat on their face. Originally Posted by VitaMan

and the hit parade continues

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
putin is popular with democrats

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
the best of the best .. brandon and vlad

You always burst their bubble....
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You always burst their bubble.... Originally Posted by bb1961

the bar is low ... but don't tell them that.

VitaMan's Avatar
Which of the above thinks and publicly says Putin is a genius ?

Which of the above had more than 15 secret meetings with Putin and can't find the meeting notes ?

Maybe better not to tell the 2 above.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Amazing how the duped prefer someone to talk tough and suck Putin’s dick, rather than speak quietly and carry a big stick.
tman1847's Avatar
You have to admit, the batty geezer circle jerk crew is kind of funny with their nonsense.

For all of you parents reading this, it's like when your kids are still talking about Santa and you look at them while thinking, "aren't you smart enough and old enough to figure out that Santa is complete bullshit by now or do I have to spell it for you?"

Trump is the equivalent of these right wing old goofball geezers' imaginary Santa. Haha Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Is there any hope that you will ever post anything worthwhile? Doubtful!