No shame in her game!

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
So WU as they're very distinct which one of her linear statements below were you specifically responding to? I'm assuming #'s 1 or 3 ?

Why do you assume I don't? Originally Posted by Wakeup

1. ) There's a market for everything! Just gotta find your niche.

2.) I love to be filled with cum after a nice, sensual, wet encounter.

3.) I choose to celebrate my desires instead of being ashamed. You should try it sometime, it's truly liberating!

Originally Posted by milfy2002
milfy2002's Avatar

It's probably #2....

Wakeup's Avatar
You're free to speculate...and not answer...your call...
AlexisMoore's Avatar
I hope these Dallas girls realize the huge dangers in Houston right now and are screening heavily. You also want to be extremely low volume in hotels. They are busting ECCIE girls left and right. So this thread just put a huge spotlight on Milfy.
They are busting ECCIE girls left and right. So this thread just put a huge spotlight on Milfy. Originally Posted by AlexisMoore
Alyssa71 browses the provider ads (not sure why)
so you can thank Alyssa71 for this threAD
TryWeakly's Avatar
Nosey beeyotches ! (Totally kidding)
milfy2002's Avatar

It's a good thing I don't show my face in ads, use my hobby number to check into hotels, use their free Wi-Fi, or show up looking like a hooker!

Edit: in case you missed it...

Edit: omg seeking P, your BB sandpaper ad has me rolling on the floor!!! I absolutely love your sense of humor and style.

Eccie providers are getting busted left and right?
Sounds like gossip to me
Gimmeallten$'s Avatar

Oh, here we go again. A walking death wish. Gents, ya might want to hurry before she's all booked up!ahahhaha!

"Cum fill my kitty; I wanna ride you bareback."-- So much for being discreet about it.

"No thugs or illicit substances tolerated. Gentlemen over 35 "preferred", any race. Please be drug, disease, drama free & HYGIENIC, as am I."

This ^^^ part was pretty comical. It's nice to know she prides herself in being "hygienic"

If I were a man, I wouldn't touch her with a 10-foot pole. Originally Posted by Alyssa71
Why is this comical? You can't have a clean snatch and BB? She is in control of her own pussy. As an independent setting her on operating guidelines. Im from the dfw area and although never seen her. We've chatted back and forth. I respect her game. Not afraid of any repercussions or backlash from her preferences..This is a hooker board for hobbyists to choose whether they accept terms or move on. I find it strange that another provider would copy and paste her info on personal preferences..Her pussy and mouth, her choice.
spear89's Avatar
sorry but getting the cum of hundreds of strangers into your snatch is neither "disease free (not for long) nor "hygenic".
TryWeakly's Avatar
^^ exactly. That is how shit gets spread. Bunch of dumbasses, really.
milfy2002's Avatar

Are you speculating about my health?

I have current papers from January 4th, I'm more than happy to show them to you if you buy me breakfast, at 7am, because that's the only time I have in my schedule to entertain your speculating ass.

Talking about how shit gets spread, the only shit I see spreading is hypocrisy and gossip.

Acceptance is the key . So you go bury yourself balls **********staff edit....SMIwhile watching gay porn, and I'm OK with that, I totally accept your kink, just as long as

Edit: I just had an afterthought, maybe some guys aren't really clear on the anatomy of a vagina. It's not an infinite space where the ejaculate from hundreds of men can accumulate.

If you have sex with a woman who has showered paying special attention to cleanse her genitals thoroughly and who spaces her sexcapades out instead of assembly line fashion then there will be no noticeable trace that another man was there before you.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
80% of providers bare back clients is my view. Some bareback everyone and some bareback a few + and some bareback 1 maybe 2. The other 20% don't BB at all.
Wakeup's Avatar
Hey do those points taste? You might want to calm the fuck down...before you get yourself into more trouble...
jerky's Avatar
  • jerky
  • 02-16-2017, 07:19 PM
Hey do those points taste? You might want to calm the fuck down...before you get yourself into more trouble... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Y'all need to leave this woman alone. Wakeup, why do you act like such a prick sometimes? I know she deserved the points but you could be a little more civil in your delivery. Maybe take some pointers from Spice or SMI.