Gentlmen, What made you choose youre handle?

Mine is total cheese, so here we go:

TOPGUN is my favorite movie. IMHO the best movie ever made.
I am actually a pilot and Aviation is my passion.
I live in North Dallas.
foX's Avatar
  • foX
  • 01-01-2010, 06:10 AM
Around 1997, the dominant boards in the USA were Escort America and The Big Dog, now bigdoggie. At the end of 1997, The Big Dog was hosted on a free-server called Dachboard, and was roughly the size of this site BEFORE the recent ASPD implosion. Believe it or not, when I first posted on Big Dog and Escort America, I used my real name........ duhhhhh. Anyway, the original Big Dog was a guy named Charles (his last name was made public, but I'll leave that out) who lived in Tampa FL and a rumor started on Escort America that TBD was actually not a guy, but Diana of Dallas---arguably the original Internet Escort.

Well, I knew Charles/TBD personally so I posted a joke post under the "rumor" thread stating that TBD was a human whose body had been taken over by aliens, and I signed the post "The Truth Is Out There, Fox Mulder." The owner of Escort America (known as Sweet Sarah) called me at my office after making that post and told me that I should adopt that as my handle on the boards, which I did.

Sarah and I went to Vegas together in the late winter of 1998, and when she was checking email on my laptop, she saw all my escort bookmarks and told me I should start my own web site. I told her she was nuts. The next week, after our trip, she wrote me and told me she had gone on Internic and registered thefoxfiles dot com to me. I ended up starting that site, and thebestbabes dot com which I maintained until about 2003 or so. As the Internet changed, my passion for being one of the most famous "johns" in America waned, and I gradually phased out my sites and made way for those more comfortable with being in the limelight.
My story's not nearly as interesting as FoX's. My original handle on ASPD was a little to close to my real life, so I was looking for another. I like jazz and one day saw the euphemism Rusty Trombone on urbandictionary. I thought it was a funny phrase and asked the mods to change it.
rakuguy's Avatar
The term Raku (literally, "enjoyment" or "ease") derives from Jurakudai, the name of a palace in Kyoto built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1537-1598), the leading warrior statesman of the time.

Raku, is a Japanese clay firing process that is traditionally and primarily used in the Japanese Zen tea ceremony in Japan, most often in the form of tea bowls. It is traditionally characterized by hand-molding of the clay as opposed to turning it on a potter's wheel, resulting in each piece being "one-of-a-kind"; low firing temperatures (resulting in a fairly porous body); lead glazes; and the removal of pieces from the kiln while still glowing hot. In the traditional Japanese firing process, the fired Raku piece is removed from the hot kiln and put directly into water or allowed to cool in the open air. Raku techniques have been adopted and modified by contemporary clay artists worldwide.

In the 90's I was doing a lot of raku sculpture (I have an Art degree) about the time I became involved in the newsgroup ASS-C (alt sex strip-clubs). My handle there was rakuman. Years later when I discovered ASPD the rakuman handle was taken so I went with rakuguy.
dsocorvette, I love corvettes I've owned about seven. The color of my old one was Daytona Sunset orange = dsocorvette
Clouddancer's Avatar
Seems appropriate to my profession but in reality,
Clouddancer was the name of a cheezy movie in the late 70's starring David Carradine. The movie had some great aerobatic scenes and I knew one of the pilots who did some of the stunts in the movie.
I am born and raised in Fort Worth. I also have two ranches nearby so I took that to make my handle.
Nothing spectacular like some of the others.
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
Spanish, lit. "stew", but slang in Costa Rica for not catching fish or going home alone. Pretty good description.
Rhymes with Home-on-Harry-Hines.
I chose my handle due to my love of poker! 22 is my lucky, favorite hand I have won giant pots with pocket deuces!
neversummer's Avatar
It's the best snowboard around.....
I'm sure I've heard it somewhere, but while hanging out with the guys back in college drinking and coming up with porn names... and a jab at myself...
mtabsw's Avatar
YAA - Yet Another Acronym

Money Talks And Bull Shit Walks - inspired by a remark of a wise and now retired ASPD mod.

Folks call me MT or $T for shorthand in chat - or simply "Ben"

The people who've known me in another life still call me Jack - feel free. It's all good.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Captain US Army (retired)

Johnstone is my middle name after my maternal grandfather
ccrideher's Avatar
"For two C notes you can ride her." First foray in the hobby in Austin in '82 this is what the Mamasan said. We laughed after our asses off. When we got back to school everyone started calling me CC.
  • fubar
  • 01-04-2010, 03:13 PM

Picked this handle over 8 years ago when I joined ASPD. An admission to myself that I had to be all fucked up to be in the hobby!