Trump is back to where he started in the Stock Market

Well if you look at history instead of ignoring it, you will find that every financial disaster since and including the Great Depression was caused by .....
The Republicans. The most recent being 2008.

And the most corrupt of administrations starting with Nixon, then Reagan, Bush Jr and now Trump just can’t operate without screwing somebody.
Bill Clinton ? Nope, not even close, but look it up.

BTW Bill Maher is no more a Fascist than you’re intelligent. Well he is smarter than you...But maybe you should look up that word so you don’t have to embarrass yourself even more. “Fascist”. You never know, you might learn something. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
Yeah, look it up Mena Arkansas, The Clinton Chronicles, Barry Seal. Clinton may not have crashed the Economy but he was still a criminal.
Thanks. You proved my point.
Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of authoritarian One party Rule characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy.

The liberals - Fascist DPST's - want exactly that - see the Ruling parties in China, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela - all lauded by Bernie and supported by the "Progressives" - just a cover word for Communist authoritarian totalitarians.

The Democrat party has indeed gone to the Fascist totalitarians. Originally Posted by oeb11
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Dow's Dive Erases All Gains Under Trump Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Yep and guess what?
It’s going down some more and more...and the bear is roaring...
Trump ain’t boasting anymore..the smirk has been wiped off his Face.
I’ll be surprised if it doesn’t drop below 16000. Maybe more.. it’s going to be agony for folks who have lost a ton in their 401k plans..I know as it’s happened to me in the’s a bloodbath
Meanwhile Trump just whines and complains how unfairly he’s been treated. By the media who are asking him questions he’s clueless to answer.
And today the number of virus cases is over 18000 with 237 deaths. And he has no clue what to do..that’s because he’s NOT a anytime anyhow.
So let all of you Trump sheep be honest and just look at this pathetic excuse of a human being.
My pet Chihuahua would have a better idea than him right now.