Pelosi Denounces GOP Lack of Recognition of Kwanzaa

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Okay, you want to claim that ALL religions are made up. Bullshit but lets go with that. How many people celebrate Kwanza? Would you believe 3%? Doesn't matter whether you do or don't it is fact. So where is the concern for Judaism or Santeria? I accuse Pelosi and the left of not caring about those people.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-13-2012, 12:58 PM
the gop is in the process of rebranding because idiots like the majority of the above are counter productive in helping them get the black vote ... obviously the republicans NEED the black voters as much as they do the women, hispanics, and younger people to show them some support at the polls ..

but dont tell them ... let them stay confused and defeated, it sutis their stupidity like cream on peaches
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hell, I'm part of the grass roots campaign to get rid of Boehner, Preibus, and McConnell. I can understand when the deck is stacked against you that you can't win but when everything seems to be going your way I expect a win. Those three need to go.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-13-2012, 01:14 PM
Hell, I'm part of the grass roots campaign to get rid of Boehner, Preibus, and McConnell. I can understand when the deck is stacked against you that you can't win but when everything seems to be going your way I expect a win. Those three need to go. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

look on the bright side, people suited to your political leanings dont have a snowballs chance in hell either
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You really are stupid you know? I thought it was an act but it's not.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-13-2012, 01:18 PM
You really are stupid you know? I thought it was an act but it's not. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

your tiara is on crooked
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Me too. It was the funniest sitcom ever. It would be interesting to do a big budget movie with all the Seinfeld characters back together. Larry David and Seinfeld are so rich from the residuals, they have no motivation to cash in on a guaranteed money maker.

It's kind of like the Beatles reunion that never happened. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Actually, they devoted an entire season of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" to that very premise. Good stuff.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm using them as a "yard stick" in order to show that there are times when it is clearly appropriate for people to hate their leader. I'm not saying Obama is as bad as Hitler. I'm asking a hypothetical question. Is there anything Obama could do that would make hatred an appropriate response?

How many times does he have to violate the Constitution? How many times does he have to betray our allies and play footsy with our enemies? How many times does he have to take actions that get innocent Americans killed and then cover it up (Fast and Furious and Benghazi). Originally Posted by joe bloe
Way to turn a Kwanzaa hating post into an Obama hating post, asshole!

But to somehow put this back on track, what do YOU think CONSTITUTES a holiday?

What about the observance of Flag Day? Arbor Day? Valentine's Day for Christ's sake? President's Day?

How about Talk Like a Pirate Day?

At least you haven't pointed out any mulatto holidays!

And why do you hate this one? Could it be because it's a holiday observed by a single ethnicity? One you obviously have a problem with?
Obama on the 3rd day of Kawanzaa:

Good Avatar for you MarxNoSmarts; much better than the avatar showing obama dressed as the leader of a failed African colony.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
What dribble are you talking now? Isn't it time for you or COF to start another Obama/liberal hater thread? Originally Posted by markroxny

It's Drivel not Dribble...

But in your case it works.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I have a semi-serious question. You've stated repeatedly that you don't hate Obama. At what point, if ever, do you think it would be appropriate to hate him?

Do you think it's a mistake for any people to ever hate their leader? Was it a mistake for the Germans to hate Hitler, for the Russians to hate Stalin, for the Cubans to hate Castro, for the Cambodians to hate Pol Pot? Originally Posted by joe bloe
Good question, Joe. And I really have no answer. I truly don't hate anyone. Hate is an acid that destroys its container. I don't think we've reached the point of having a Stalin or Hitler as our leader, although the personality cult arising around Obama is disturbing. But if I were in a Hitler's Germany, a Stalin's Russia, a Castro's Cuba or a Pol Pot's Cambodia, I don't know how I'd react.

While I'm sure I could be very susceptible to hate in those circumstances, I would hope that I would be able to channel that hate into love for something else. Even now, rather than hating Obama, I focus on my love for America, and for freedom. That is why I post many threads showing the attacks on freedom perpetrated by our government. When I find an article or news of freedom winning, I post that, too.

If I were ever involved in a fight against something, I would hope my motivation would be to be fighting FOR something else. We all have the potential in us to be a Hitler, a Stalin, a Pol Pot, or a Gandhi, a Mandela, a MLK Jr., or even a Jesus. When you allow hate to be your motivator, you will likely not make the best decisions. It was the love of freedom that helped us prevail against the British in the Revolution. If they simply hated the Crown, we would have likely lost. I'm sure they hated the Crown, but their love of freedom was the primary motivator.

It's obvious that Hitler, et. al. were bad men. I don't think Obama is a bad man, he is just a bad President. And he is making horrible mistakes. He has the potential to be a Stalin, or a Jefferson, or simply one more in a long line of corrupt, dishonest and incompetent Presidents.

One thing to remember. Hitler, Stalin, and the rest, while hated, also had a large number of adorers who ignored the facts of what their leader was doing, or gave tacit or overt approval, knowing how wrong it was. We have the same today with Obama, and previously with Bush.

The personality cults surrounding our recent Presidents is also disturbing. Michelle Obama is being touted for Senate in Illinois. Why? Hillary Clinton is being touted for President in 2016. Jeb Bush is also being touted in 2016, and younger members, like Chelsea Clinton and George P. Bush are being groomed for politics. We are treating our government as a monarchy, to be handed down from parent to child. Lincoln could never be elected today, because he was homely and had a high squeaky voice.

I guess that was off topic. But nonetheless, I don't know when it is appropriate to hate a leader. But it was a good question. Not many posts on here make me think anymore.
joe bloe's Avatar
You're probably right that hate always damages the one doing the hating. Human nature being what it is, it's almost impossible not to react with hatred at some point towards some people.

I don't agree that Obama is essentially a good person, but a bad president. At some point, you have to judge a person based on their behavior and the people they choose to associate with. By that standard, Obama has to be judged as a bad person. Since he consistantly does evil things, I have to conclude he is evil. Evil is as evil does.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Ahhhh, the true wonderfulness of a bunch of old, fat white guys trying to "help" non-whites figure out their own cultures. "Priceless" doesn't even BEGIN to cover it.....
Ahhhh, the true wonderfulness of a bunch of old, fat white guys trying to "help" non-whites figure out their own cultures. "Priceless" doesn't even BEGIN to cover it..... Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Amusing, isn't it? And they think they've elevated it to some serious intellectual discussion. Clueless.
If COG started Libertaria, and millions of people around the world celebrated it and it had meaning for them....yes i would take that seriously. Why wouldn't I? Why should it bother me?

In all honesty, Id far rather hear COG talk about the principles of being a libertarian than creating anti-Obama threads all day. It would be far more useful. Originally Posted by markroxny
I am all for starting Libertaria, I would even help if COG wanted to give it a go!

I agree, I would rather see the same.