What If You Suspect a Client Has an STD?

  • kcguy
  • 07-24-2010, 06:49 PM
At legal brothels in Nevada, standard procedure is to start with a "dick check." In addition to looking for sores, this includes a gentle squeeze of the flaccid shaft to see if anything oozes out: a possible symptom of gonorrhea.

Sometimes clients will be asked prior to the DC if they've had sex earlier in the day...a possible alternative explanation for oozing.

But if the woman is uncomfortable for any reason, it doesn't go any further. Money refunded. 'Should be the same procedure outside a brothel, IMO.
I think everyone should get tested regularly as a normal thing.......in or out of the hobby.......HIV, RPR, and any other test that is available. Never can be too safe.

Hell, if things aren't smelling right, I ain't staying..........I'm just saying! Originally Posted by SOULMANIKE
DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
I'm supposed to shell out a refund because the dick is sick?
I think not. Better check, scratch & sniff before you hit my door, homie.
Know your genital regions. that's all I'm saying.
DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
Maybe a whole new hobby forum on eccie.... needs to open along with ads available for providers that have non curable STD's like herpes. Get it in the open where we all can see and stop stigmatizing it. Hell I see the other realm on Eccie...BSDM.
So why not a Forum... Incurable, Contagious No Problem....you deserve sex too....just safely
That way they can hobby with others that have incurable contagious STD's and keep us all safe.

Hey, you have blisters...great I do too...let's party!

Well at least we would all be safer and everyone would get what they want. Originally Posted by VictoriaWestin
jhende3's Avatar
seems like a moot point this whole thread, because if you wearing a condom in the first place your already assuming the other person has a STD and protecting yourself. But like I always said in the past if I think a person has something I wouldn't have sex with them anyway. I don't trust a condom that much. But i believe most people believe that the other person they have sex with doesn't have anything. Because if you did believe they did you would be DATY or BBBJ
DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
seems like a moot point this whole thread, because if you wearing a condom in the first place your already assuming the other person has a STD and protecting yourself. But like I always said in the past if I think a person has something I wouldn't have sex with them anyway. I don't trust a condom that much. But i believe most people believe that the other person they have sex with doesn't have anything. Because if you did believe they did you would be DATY or BBBJ Originally Posted by jhende3
What was that? I'm having a hard time understanding the point that you were trying to get across. But, from what I did gather --

1. I don't wear condoms, but I do provide them, to protect parties involved.
2. You don't trust condoms much? But you wear them, & trust them to keep you as STD free as possible, especially when hobbying.. correct?
3. No, there's no assumption, made by myself, that everyone is clean & clear.. that's not something that you can assume (although some people do) which is why I posted this thread.

I wanted to know what would/could/should be done if you VISIBLY SEE SOMETHING, lesions/scrapes/scratches/bumps/boils after the session has already began.

I'm not talking about meeting someone at the club, then having a one night stand. Because, THEN, of course, it's in my mind, after talking to them, drinking a bit, grinding on the dance floor, groping & grabbing.. "This person has an STD, even if they don't, they do, we're definitely using a condom."

However, this is the part time job I chose. I screen, talk over the phone, speak to references & find out little bits of info about clientele.. but there are no pictures, no body shots, no website, no ad with information about you, written by you, marketing yourself. You choose what you see. I see what I see when you come to my door, like majority of the rest of the providers in the hobby.

If you can look at a provider's pictures & think to yourself, "Oh yea, she has an STD.. on to the next one." More power to you, man. But, I CANT. I don't think any other ladies can say that they can either. (Please correct me if I'm wrong.) The only time I'm even aware of any kind of ANYTHING, is when you drop trou & it's in my face.. possibly in my hands.. maybe my mouth.. THEN at that point, what do I do? What has a provider done? What was the outcome? How should someone react? - That was the point of the thread.

It's not a moot (of little or no practical value or meaning) thread, but I'm sorry you felt that way.
I believe what Jhende was saying....
Is why are men wearing condoms for protections when they put their mouths in the same place without protection, and pros do BBBJ? Really does not make sense. Putting something in your mouth that you require a condom on for your kitty. And please don't try to tell me the mouth has antibiotics in it that protect. Gonorrhea of the throat is a great example.
We all take risk.
You must be high to think a woman should give a refund to a man that shows up with a drippy dick.
I agree with DianaDT...money refund! No way...you waste my time and incall showing up with rash, scabs, sores, oozing dick... You don't deserve a refund...only a referral to a clinic at best.
Have some respect for yourself and others. Take a shower, brush your teeth, clean your fingernails and keep them trimmed short men! Either shave or trim your hair back in your genital area...no one likes it in their nose...or mouth. You want a great blow job. Don't let me see a mop of dank damp hair surrounding your penis. It is a turn off. Give me a clean hair free...then I am all over it!
All I can say to the pros is pick your gentlemen carefully. The more you party the more chance you have in catching something... well that is my opinion and yours may vary.
BrittanyLove69's Avatar
totally agreed
all this talk about that makes me think twice on bbbj. i love it but not to come home with early christmas present. jeesh...this gives me the heebie geebies... mandatory, have the lady swish some jack daniels in mouth before oral. if it doesnt burn then on with bbbj.
The only time I'm even aware of any kind of ANYTHING, is when you drop trou & it's in my face.. possibly in my hands.. maybe my mouth.. THEN at that point, what do I do? What has a provider done? What was the outcome? How should someone react? - That was the point of the thread.
There's been a few times ive been in this situation, and my only result was
STOP as dreadful as it was for him to have me interupt his pleasure, i couldnt get into it
because in the back of my mind all i could think was, "something A I N T right" we
sat up and convo'd for a min && i mentioned his most recent sexapades
and thank the man, he'd been tested that day &&had paperwork with him to prove it.
and lesson learned! so from now on BB is
only with light screening, or evidence.

"You got a dick, two balls, a bump, and a boil!
Noooo I can't do it, lookin like a crunch bar!!"

-Martin Lawrence, RunTelDat
There is a question when it comes to your personal health and safety????

You stop, immediately. Leave or ask him to leave. You don't protect his feelings..you owe him nothing. How dare someone come to another in a sexual arrangement with an STD. If he does not know...then he's an idiot.
You report it to p411, provider buzz and other list. You name him to help others providers stay safe.

No one that is ill with a STD should be Hobbying.
Gonorrhea is symptomatic in men..they know if they have it ...trust me. It can be asymptomatic in women.
I am an RN and seen plenty. Herpes is the same. Anyone that has herpes knows it. Anyone that would hide that fact from another is a scum bag that needs to not only be outed but run off and not allowed to hobby.
Herpes is forever and is very contagious...it is viral and you can't get rid of it with antibiotics. There is a new strain of Gonorrhea that is also antibiotic resistance. There is also a syphilis that is antibiotic resistant.
There are many damaging pathogens that are passed sexually. NEVER GO BARE BACK. Originally Posted by VictoriaWestin
You are so rite about all this and is so bad to see that a lot of ladys and men here don't take this type of life seriously and sam time sam of them get mad for asking why her or he's private part look different.
People need to remember men or woman we all have families to go back to and it will be so a shame to get them sick just because sam of as think (( that I need to pay my rent or sam will said well I don't good if I use a condom)) sam body who use this caint of excuses is not sam body to smart at all.
Just to all the lady here 250 is not goint to take care you and your family for life and to the. Men in here you guy remember that 80% of you are merry and you are about to destroy your family ,your hall life and all just because you want it new pussy for a hour with out protection.

i go to doctor at list one a moth. Just because I know how risqui this job is.
Remember people we are not wonder woman and super men.

P.s sorry for my English write suck lol
makes you just want to look at pictures and masturbate
if you want to be nice about it offer to take half of the rate return the other half to him and tell him you would be happy to continue the session where you left off for the other half after he has his "dog tags" clean test results in hand... offer to give him a show mutual masterbation or some other non contact way for him to release and you not to fear becoming ill...

if he reacts badly to that he can go fuck himself literally and you should keep his money... i allways try to be polite and meet a gent half way on most things if i can within reason of course..
if you want to be nice about it offer to take half of the rate return the other half to him and tell him you would be happy to continue the session where you left off for the other half after he has his "dog tags" clean test results in hand... offer to give him a show mutual masterbation or some other non contact way for him to release and you not to fear becoming ill...

if he reacts badly to that he can go fuck himself literally and you should keep his money... i allways try to be polite and meet a gent half way on most things if i can within reason of course.. Originally Posted by Sarah Owens
All this talk from Providers seems alittle one sided reading how all ya'll talk. Do ya'll actually think that Providers are Immune from catching any STD ? What if the shoe was on the other foot, should we (Hobbyists) take the same Advice for Providers? After all, Providers play a hell of alot more than ANY hobbyists. which makes them alot more susceptible to catching anything. you just got to look alittle closer to see it. And we want to see YOUR results also and on every provider we see.

this dang one way street needs to stop right here and now.

All this talk from Providers seems alittle one sided reading how all ya'll talk. Do ya'll actually think that Providers are Immune from catching any STD ? What if the shoe was on the other foot, should we (Hobbyists) take the same Advice for Providers? After all, Providers play a hell of alot more than ANY hobbyists. which makes them alot more susceptible to catching anything. you just got to look alittle closer to see it. And we want to see YOUR results also and on every provider we see.

this dang one way street needs to stop right here and now.

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
Ya'll Providers even Play with each other, you DON'T see Hobbyists doing that kind of chit. And Ya'll even incorporate Toys and such. and don't tell me that ya'll throw away that toy after each use or use a condom on each and every one of them, like Beads & Eggs & such. Hell some of ya'll even share those toys with each other. Just cleaning them may not remove everything. Thus, transfering STD'S to all providers that ya'll play with.

EVERYONE should get tested regularly & be a responsible Adult.