Why Carry A Gun?

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Randy4Candy's Avatar
A cannon's too heavy?
I B Hankering's Avatar
A cannon's too heavy? Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Just like intelligent, common sense is too heavy for you, Randy4Andy.
It's fairly obvious - and I'll assume, based on your self-proclaimed higher-than-thou statement above, there's no need to S P E L L them out for you - that you are. . .how should I put this. . .an idiot.

If you're going to belittle someone, then back your statement(s) up with facts, statistics, and/or links to give weight to your words. Otherwise, you are the one looked upon as being irrelevant and moreover, nothing more than a, "...fucking lying piece of shit."

Also, can you please explain to us illiterate folk the relationship between gun control, murder rate, and a gun's point of origin? I, for one, would love to see the correlation you use to defend your, "...guns come in from out of state", comment.

Lastly and insofar as your comments to the moderator are concerned - I'd beg the question of how you yourself are able to maintain any aspect of accountability (job, home life, friendships, etc.) given the weakness you so readily displayed in the above post.

BTW - posts like yours only serve to strengthen gun ownership.

Gent Originally Posted by Gentleman10
Complete bollocks from start to end, you miss the point entirely. 2Dogs linked gun control and gun deaths in Chicago, whilst entirely missing the point that gun control needs to be nationwide to have an effect. 2Dogs was the one misusing statistics, just looking at the data and correlations without engagiging brain and doing some analysis. Anybody who reads around this subject will know that intelligent open minded people do not make these kinds of assinine cheap debating points.
Essense, you're the fucking idiot. "guns come in from out of state" just goes to prove that gun control DOES NOT WORK. The criminals will still get their guns any way they can. Based on what you just said, you seem to think that since crime statistics include crimes committed by those illegally obtaining guns, the statistics are meaningless. Would you rather just see crime statistics based on those who legally own guns? Would that better fit your liberal "everyone's a victim" mentality? Just goes to prove the fucking idiots just don't get it. Originally Posted by satexasguy
You entirely prove my point that 2dogs was talking complete shit. He was the one who said that strong gun control in Chicago is negatively correlated with gun deaths in Chicago. He was the one misusing statistics in order to justify his a priori assumptions that gun control is ineffective. Her was the one making bad use of data to pour scorn on gun control.

OK, simple question, how do you propose reducing the number of illegal guns in circulation? By increasing the number of legal guns?

It is very difficult when the cat is already out of the bag, which is why any comparisons with other countries are pretty meaningless, but it might be worth looking at how illegal arms in circulation have been reduced in other countries. I will look up the situation with the IRA and Northern Ireland.

Of course the situation is entirely different, Northern Ireland was in the context (or cloak) of a political struggle, but the question remains, how to reduce the number of illegal arms. $500 per weapon?

