Question for the ladies. Re:married men

Married men have always been more attractive to single women, especially younger women. Married women often characterize married men intontwi categories.

When datimg, women fear of dating the commitment phob, as see married men as someone who has made a commitment and probably look at them as willing to makebthst commitment again.

Married men are also thst forbidden fruit. Somethimg they cant have and if they can have them they are committed and just looking fir fun. They knkw a commited man who is happy will not show up and profuse their love. They are safe to have an unemotional romp with.
Next time I promise to read my posts more thoroughly. SMH!
stiffwood7's Avatar
Dont worry....
stiffwood7's Avatar
Its still better than...some ppl
loveitdou's Avatar
I wear my ring, always have, even though my SO is gone now, not trying to fool anyone, if anything I'm the fool.
I have had providers rub my finger to see if I used makeup to hide the shadow.

I told them that I am sort of like an electrician and cannot wear a ring because I work on high voltage.

But no more; what happened to the ring is a tale good enough for the Jerry Springer show, some other time.
Phil A.Cheaux's Avatar
I'll play any role you want as long as my donation is laying on the counter at the end of that "role"...heh...

I'll even wear a wedding ring too! Originally Posted by Cendell M
That's as true a statement as you can get about this world............Lol.......... about the foria babe?
Cendell M's Avatar
That's as true a statement as you can get about this world............Lol.......... about the foria babe? Originally Posted by Phil A.Cheaux
DoubleEagle's Avatar
I'll play any role you want as long as my donation is laying on the counter at the end of that "role"...heh...

I'll even wear a wedding ring too! Originally Posted by Cendell M
You can’t be to picky on your appointments.
pyramider's Avatar
I lol'd Originally Posted by bbkid
Some of the ladies are too lazy to do a simple Search. My taint has been posted several times.
Cendell M's Avatar
^^^yep thats what it is,being my you sure have turned a bit testy lately...that's my que goodnight all!
pyramider's Avatar
With all of the taint teasing you and others have been doing ... gee I wonder why I am taint testy.
Cendell M's Avatar
^^^ it's all the same taint is taint, now being tainted is a whole different ball game in which i think we're all pretty much tainted around this place.... ^^^^^^^HEY MR. MOODY

It taint your pussy and it taint your ass.
#nifkin#gooch#grundle#perineum #vagina

***hugs and kisses****
Cendell M's Avatar
You can’t be to picky on your appointments. Originally Posted by DoubleEagle
HMMM, I'm not quite sure what you mean by this statement. I don't think that's being picky it's being not picky and called role-playing? no? And since when can I NOT BE TO PICKY IN MY BUSINESS?

Last I heard, fought about, looked at my soft sexy thighs move up a bit and lookie their**** MY PUSSY=MY RULES**** yes?

I will not debate nor fight about this again just addressing this because of im not sure what you mean by it...

Cendell M
Guest123018-4's Avatar
True facts: I developed an allergy to my ring. It would irritate the fuck out of my finger. So I quit wearing it.
Before, when I would go out for drinks I would get hit on on a regular basis. When I stopped wearing it, hardly ever get hit on. I think there are some women that are attracted to what may appear to be unattainable and get off on the conquest just like men.