Your fantasy!

Whispers's Avatar
Rek, If Whispers is referring to the gal a few of us met at the luncheon from late last spring, then Yes! She is quite a looker and has a really outgoing personality!!

Also, *Note to self,,, attend next luncheon*
Originally Posted by CupOfJava
Yes Sir..... and "outgoing personality" is a bit of an understatement with this little angel.... I seem to recall her leading guy after guy after guy to the VIP area for a little convo and getting to know ya time....

EZMan actually escorted her to AND From that little get together as a favor.......
missi hart's Avatar
I have a similar fantasy with the small exception that I want the paradise to be a resort where I get paid by both the men who serve and the women who come to be served. We'll call this a ten year plan rather than a fantasy!!! Originally Posted by TaylorMaiden29
can i get a job on your staff at that resort?
All this talk about paradise and resorts has me thinking about lawn chairs on the beach, brown skin warming in the sun, the smell of coconut oil, the sound of reggae music muted by the waves hitting the beach, the bottomless drinks with little umbrellas in them and cabana boys!
Ahhh where's my passport?
BP dontz haf much imagination, and is probably the most vanilla MF'er on here. But here is my favorite story. Back in college, when BP REALLY WAS BP, I wuz ats a club wit my homies. Da hottest girl in da club start givin me dat look. I smiles back, and she starts doin like stripper dancin, bending over, grinding, touching herself, all that jazz. My homies start elbowing me, go on man, get out there. So I walks up to her ans starts to say hi, an befo I can even get a word out she puts her finger over my lips and says, "Shhhh". So we dance a little bit, lots of good grinding and feeling, den she takes my hand and starts walking. I start to say something again and she puts her finger on my lips again and says "Shhhh". We keeps walking, gets in her car, and gets it on! Now lemme tell u, Big Pimpin at 21-22 was still abouts 6-2, 270, and dats dont fit too well in da back seat of a Toyota, but we managed! After its done I start to say sumptin again, and gets "shhh'ed" again. She gets dressed, gets out and gets in da front seat, starts the car, and waves bye. Now, I think dats got to be every man's fantasy! Still donts no her name, never said a word to her, ans got absolutely FREE pussy! Didn't even buy a drink or nuttin!